Isaiah13:1-22 “The destruction of Babylon”

Today let’s look at the whole 13th chapter of Isaiah. Verse 1 says, “a prophecy against Babylon that Isaiah son of Amoz saw”. Up until now Isaiah has spoken words against the Southern kingdom of Judah or Northern Israel. However, from here on until chapter 23 are words of prophecy against the surrounding neighboring countries of Israel. The first to appear is Babylon. In the world at that time the first country to threaten Israel was Assyria. Babylon hadn’t come to the front yet. Even so the prophecy against Babylon is spoken first. That is because the prophecies that Isaiah spoke weren’t just a coverage of the situation at that time, but is by looking at the whole Bible or all of human history what will occur. This means that Babylon is very important.
We can see this also by how much Babylon is mentioned throughout the whole Bible. In the whole Bible it is mentioned 294 times. Next to Jerusalem it is the second largely mentioned, 294 times. From that frequency we also can see how important Babylon was. Babylon is mentioned from the beginning of the Bible to the end of the Bible. The first time that Babylon is mentioned is in Genesis 11 in the story of Babel. After the Ark of Noah in the new beginning of human history, the first town to rebel against God was Babel. This is Babylon. “As man moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there.” (Genesis 11:2) In Shinar which in Babylonia they tried to build a tall “tower that reaches to the heavens.” (Genesis 11:4) God saw this, “confused the language of the whole word” (Genesis 11:9) and scattered the people “from there over all the earth.” (Genesis 11:8) The town was called Babel. This was way before the city of Jerusalem appears in the Bible. The last time it appears is in Revelations chapter 17 and 18. In Rev. 17:5 it is the name “BABYLON THE GREAT THE MOTHER OF PROSTITUTES AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.” In 18:2 it says, “With a mighty voice she shouted: ‘Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great! She has become a home for demons and a haunt for every evil spirit, a haunt for every unclean and detestable bird.” This is greater than one country and is symbolic of the world that is opposed to God. Isaiah begins the message of judgment not only upon the Babylon of his age, but upon the nations. This is because according to the view point of the end times Babylon which is representative of God’s enemy, Satan, will definitely be destroyed. This Babylon is greater than the Babylon of Isaiah’s age and includes all the nations and peoples that oppose God. Today I would like to talk about three things concerning this “prophecy against Babylon.” (1)

I. God uses all peoples as his tools of judgment (Vs. 1-5)
The first point is that God uses the kings of the Gentile nations in order to destroy Babylon. Please look at verses 2 and 3.
“Raise a banner on a bare hilltop, shout to them” (2) is a banner on a pole that is placed on a hill as a signal for gathering troops as a sign of war starting so this means to put the Lord’s banner “on a bare hilltop” (2) so that it can be seen well. “Them” is all of God’s army. In these verses a summons is given to those powerful and warlike nations who God would make use of as instruments of his wrath for the Destruction of Babylon. The Medes (17) in conjunction with the Persians under the command of Cyrus destroyed the Babylonian monarchy. “Nations massing together” in verse 4 refers to the collation of the Medes and the Persians. They are beckoned “to enter the gates of the nobles,” (4) in other words, Babylon is here called “the gates of the nobles” (2) because of the abundance of noblemen’s houses that were in it. They were richly furnished so they would invite the enemy to come in hopes of a rich booty. “The gates of the nobles” were strong and well guarded so it was thought that no one could enter them. However, they would not be able to prevent those who come with the commission to execute God’s judgments. The Persian King Cyrus destroyed Babylon which was considered to be impossible to be destroyed in 539 B.C. Not only “the gates of the nobles” (2), but “the whole land” (5) is doomed to destruction. Not only that but Babylon was taken without bloodshed. They entered Babylon through the water ways and took the city.
That’s amazing! Babylon who was considered unconquerable was destroyed! In reality Babylon flourished the most of all the world empires. It is recorded as one of the most prosperous countries in history, but Babylon was destroyed! Nothing is absolute. The freeway structure that was said to be strong enough to withstand anything in the Osaka earthquake lost all credibility. The nuclear plant that was said to be absolutely safe was destroyed by the earthquake and tsunami. Even now we are living with its immeasurable effects. Nothing is absolute. Only God is absolute. Japan will never be destroyed. We all think that the second financially strong country in the world could never be destroyed. However, we don’t know. There are no absolutes. The great country of America could never be destroyed. However, we don’t know. If we look at history, any great country can be destroyed. Rising and falling are repeated over and over again in history. Babylon was no exception. Babylon who was considered unconquerable was destroyed.

To do this God used King Cyrus. In verse 3 it says, “I have commanded my holy ones; I have summoned my warriors to carry out my wrath-those who rejoice in my triumph.” “My holy ones” are those set apart to carry out God’s will. Here the reference is probably to the Persians under Cyrus the Great. In 45:1 the Lord calls Cyrus, “his anointed”. Just like before when the Lord used Assyria to punish Northern Israel, God uses the Persian King Cyrus to judge the prideful Babylon. Even though he is a heathen King, God uses him as his servant and tool. Cyrus was originally a heathen. He worshipped idols. Even so he was the Lord’s tool and was used to judge Babylon. He not only destroyed Babylon, but he set God’s people free. He set Israel free after 70 years in captivity by Babylon. He sent them back to their native country in Jerusalem. He was their liberator.
To think that God only uses Christians is a big mistake. He uses non Christians too. Because a person is a heathen, because he does idol worship does not mean he cannot be used by God. It is wrong to think that what a non Christian says has no meaning, that he is of no use, that there is no reason to have a relationship with him. We must not say things like that or look down on such people. God at times uses non Christians. God in order to fulfill his will at times uses such people as his tools. This means that you and I too can be used by God. If heathens and non Christians can be used, it is only natural that Christians who are God’s servant will be used much more by Him. For example, if you are as stubborn as a donkey or have a brain full of rocks, you will still be definitely used by the Lord.
However, in verse 5 it says, “They come from faraway lands, and from the ends of the heavens-the LORD and the weapons of his wrath-to destroy the whole country.” Here it says, “They come from faraway lands, and from the ends of the heavens” (5), but both Persia and Medes were not faraway lands. They were neighbors. They were the countries in front of Babylon’s eyes and nose. They were not coming “from faraway lands, and from the ends of the heavens” (5) Verse 5 is not just referring to the destruction of Babylon, but as I said earlier the destruction of all powers who are opposed to God which are symbolized by Babylon. Revelations 17 and 18 is such a prophecy. This is a prophecy about the end of the world in the far future about the final judgment of God. At that time God’s tool will be the antichrist, the beast. Rev. 17:16, 17 says, “The beast (the antichrist) and the ten horns you saw will hate the prostitute. (Babylon) They will bring her to ruin and leaver her naked; they will eat her flesh and burn her with fire. For God has put it into their hearts to accomplish his purpose by agreeing to give the beast their power to rule, until God’s words are fulfilled.” God give the antichrist, the beast power to rule. By doing this they believe in the antichrist, and in the end “God’s words are fulfilled.” (Rev. 17:17) To do that God uses the antichrist, the beast. Let’s remember that God like this uses many different things as his too. Also as being nothing more than a tool of God, we need to follow God and be humble so that we will become a vessel that God uses.

II. God destroys sinful man (vs. 6-16)
God destroys sinful man. Let’s look at verses 6 to 16. First let’s read verses 6 to 8.
As I said before, “the day of the LORD” (6) is the age of tribulation at the end of the world. This refers to God’s judgment and the time when God’s wrath is poured out on the world that rejects Christ. On that day destruction will come “from the Almighty.” (6) Everyone “will go limp, everyman’s heart will melt. Terror will seize them, pain and anguish will grip them; they will writhe like a woman in labor.” (7)
This is described in verse 9.
Verses 9-12
These are all things that will occur during the tribulation at the end of the world. This will especially occur during the last 3 years of the Great Tribulation. At that time God’s “wrath and fierce anger” (9) will come upon this world. It is “a cruel day” (9) By God’s “wrath and fierce anger” (9) He will “make the land desolate and destroy the winners within it.” (10) God “will punish the world for its evil, the wicked for their sins.” (11). If God is love, we wonder why he would do such a thing, but God’s love is God’s righteousness. God’s love comes from his characteristics as being perfectly holy. God is perfectly righteous and He is perfectly holy so he can’t just leave unrighteousness and filth sitting around. He judges righteously. However, so that we are not judged, God sent his only son to this world. Through that he showed his love so the Bible says, “Here is love”. Therefore, God does not leave unrighteousness there forever more. Without fail a time of judgment will come. Jesus himself says this.
Luke 21:23-27
“The heavenly bodies will be shaken.” (Luke 21:26) Changes on the earth and in the heavens will take place. The stars in the heavens will give no light and the sun and the moon will lose their light and it will be dark. At that time the Son will come in shinning glory. In other words these are the things that will occur just before Jesus’ return. Isaiah is prophesying about what will happen at this time. At this time this prophecy will occur just as it says. This is to “destroy the sinners.” (9) It is to “put an end to the arrogance of the haughty” (11) who are enemies of Christ, and “humble the pride of the ruthless.” (11)
Therefore, look at verse 12. “I will make man scarcer than pure gold, more rare than the gold of Ophir.” (12) This means the population of the whole world will decrease. At the beginning of tribulation, one fourth of people on the earth will die from the “sword, famine and plagues.” (Rev. 6:8) A third of the rivers will turn bitter and many people will die from the water “that had become bitter.” (Rev. 8:11) A fearful army comes and “a third of mankind was killed by the three plagues of fire, smoke and sulfur that came out of their mouths.” (Rev. 9:18) “The sun was given power to scorch people with fire” (Rev. 16:8) and many people die. In this way the population of the whole world decreases. Man becomes “scarcer than pure gold, more rare than the gold of Ophir.” (12) The Jews will also go through these times. Jeremiah calls this “a time of trouble for Jacob.” (Jeremiah 30:7) In the midst of these troubles the Jews will see who they pierced. In the midst of their troubles they will repent and turn to the Lord. They will receive Jesus of Nazareth as their Messiah. Then the Word of God that all of Israel will be saved is fulfilled.
God doesn’t leave evil sitting there forever. A day of righteous judgment will come. The only way to be saved from his wrath is to believe in Jesus Christ whom God sent to this world.
John 5:24
Here it promises that if we believe we “will not be condemned.” (John 5:24) Those who hear the Words of Christ, and believe in God who sent Christ will have “eternal life and will not be condemned.” (John 5:24) They have “crossed over from death to life.” (John 5:24) From the moment we believe we receive God’s righteousness and God’s forgiveness, and we taken care of so we “will not be condemned.” (John 5:24) What a wonderful promise!
In verse 13 it says, “Therefore I will make the heavens tremble; and the earth will shake from its place at the wrath of the LORD Almighty, in the day of his burning anger.” (13) However, those who believe in the Lord Jesus will be given a kingdom that will not be shaken. Please receive this kingdom. Please your security in this kingdom.

III. There is no other God than the Lord (Vs. 17-22)
Therefore, the third point is to look to Christ and be saved. Please look at verses 17 to 19. These verses tell us what became of Babylon who had God’s judgment come upon them.
This is a prophecy that Babylon will be destroyed by the coalition of the Medes and Persia. This became a reality in 539 B.C. Isaiah prophesized this “in the year King Ahaz died” (14:28) which was 715 B.C. This means that Isaiah prophesized something correctly that happened 176 years later. In Japan that would be like someone in the Age of Edo prophesying something about something in the present Heisei age. It is amazing that Isaiah prophesized this completely correctly! Not only that, but please look at Isaiah 45:1. Here it tells us what the name of the Persian King will be in that age. “This is what the LORD says to his anointed, to Cyrus.” (45:1)
Of course, Cyrus hadn’t been yet. It is 176 years before the event. Even though he wasn’t even born yet, Isaiah is proclaiming the name of Cyrus! The fact that Isaiah could clearly proclaim the future is evidence that God is the real God and that God can do anything. God is all knowing and all mighty. He knows everything and can do anything. That is why the Bible is the Word of God. It is proof. Please open your Bibles to Isaiah 41:23.
Only God can proclaim what is to occur in the future. By this God shows us that He is God.
Also please open your Bibles to 45:21 and 22.
Other religious books have good things written in them too. They even have things written in them that sounds like the truth. However, the Bible is unique in that the future is written clearly. Only God can know the future accurately. If this prophecy didn’t occur, then it wouldn’t be truth. It wouldn’t be something we could put our faith in. It is not a prophecy that could taken anyway we would like to take it. It is clear; “Cyrus” (45:1) There is no one that can tell us the future before it happens except the God of the Bible, the God of Israel.
Let’s look at Isaiah 46:9, 10
This is the God that we believe in. Let’s leave everything in the hands of this God. Everything that happens is in the hands of God. Your past, your present, your future are all in the hands of God. Therefore, let’s leave everything in His hands. That’s because he knows everything and can do everything. God knows what is going to happen in the future. He has eyes to see the future. Let’s give our lives to the God. When we don’t know our future or we can’t see ahead, we feel uncertain. We worry. However, God knows what’s ahead. He knows everything so it is only natural that we leave everything in his hand. By leaving everything in his hands we can have real contentment and peace.
Please look at verse 19 to the end of the chapter.
This is describing the complete destruction of Babylon. This says Babylon “will never be inhabited.” (20) This is prophesying that Babylon will be deserted. “No Arab will pitch is tent there, no shepherd will rest his flocks there. But desert creatures will lie there.” (20,21) That’s how ruined it will be. As this prophesy says Babylon was gradually destroyed and almost totally destroyed for the last time by Persia in 478 B.C. Then in 330 B.C. the city was completely destroyed, deserted and fell into complete disrepair and ruin, and has remained that way ever since. The enemies of Christ will be completely over thrown, and ruined to the point that they are deserted by man.
Rev. 18:2
Therefore, we need to fear and believe in the one and only God. We need to live in humility before God. Even flourishing Babylon was destroyed. What we need to believe in, be sheltered in, keep our eyes on constantly is God who no matter what will never be destroyed. He has promised us the kingdom of heaven. Let’s receive this kingdom that will never be shaken no matter what happens. Let’s live putting all our assurance in this. This is what God desires of us.