Romans 2:1-6 “Preparing for the day of judgment”

              Today I’d like to talk about preparing for the day of judgment.  In the second half of Romans 1 Paul told us that God is revealing his wrath from heaven upon those who don’t worship God as God and who aren’t thankful.  This was especially towards the Gentiles, but the judgment is not only on the Gentiles, but also upon God’s chosen people, the Jews.  In this passage it states about God’s judgment on the Jews for their  sins.  Today let’s look at three aspects of this.

I.             God judges righteously (vs. 1-5 )

First let’s look at the point that God judges righteously.  Here it states that God’s judgment is on the Jew’s sin.  This was the sin of judging others.  Let’s look at verses 1 to 5.  In the cases of the Gentiles, they sympathized not only towards their own sins, but also the sins that they saw in others.  However, the chosen Jews judged others because they were committing sins, but they themselves were committing the same sins.  In other words, they thought they were good people.  They thought they were right, and judged others.  Another way of saying it was they didn’t apply the Word of God to themselves, but applied it to others.

If you talk about sin to people who think they are right, their hearts never seem to be moved. They think they have nothing to do with what you are saying.  When they hear about God’s wrath and judgment, they don’t even wince once.  That is because they think the words have nothing to do with themselves. They think that what is being said is for sinners and has nothing to do with themselves.  The problem is they think they are good people.  They think that talks about sin is all for other people.  Therefore, they can’t kneel before God who announces sin.  Therefore, this type of person’s Christian life has no repentance.  As a result, the fruit of faith is always the same, there is no growth, and they have no feelings that they are forgiven of their sins.  God’s spirit comes when there is a consciousness of sin, and repentance and we are able to take a step up spiritually and also in character.  However, when there is no repentance, there is no growth.  That is because the words that were spoken we apply to others instead of ourselves.   

When I preach well, there are some people who show a response to the words that I spoke.   As a Pastor to hear a response to the message makes me really happy.  However, there are times when someone applies the message to someone else and tells me how much the message must have been a help to another person.  The person is not applying the message to himself, but to another person.  This type of thing is quite common.

The Word of God is not for applying to other people, it is for applying to ourselves and it must change us.  Being blessed is listening to the Word of God, and as a result a repenting heart is born.  It feels like your heart is being pierced. At Pentecost when Peter gave his message, the people who gathered in Jerusalem had their hearts pierced and they asked what they needed to do to be saved. This was not applying the Word of God to other people. Their hearts were pierced and before the Word of God they confessed their sins.  Peter clearly said that they needed to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.  Therefore, they repented and believed in Jesus Christ and were saved.

However, those who think that they are good, apply this to other people and judge them.  That type of person can’t admit their own wrongs.  They can see other people’s mistakes and make a big deal over it, but they can’t see their own sins.  They are always looking at other people’s sin and making a deal about it. Jesus said towards such people Matt. 7:3-5.

In Luke 18 there is the story of the Pharisee and the tax collector who went to the temple to pray.  The Pharisee stood and prayed in his heart thanking God that he was not a sinner like other people.  On the other hand, the tax collector stood far away, looked to heaven, and beating his breasts, prayed for the Lord to forgive him. It was the tax collector, not the Pharisee who received God’s righteousness.  The Pharisee did not see his sin, but looked at other people’s sin.  Therefore, he was not able to receive God’s grace.  On the other hand, the tax collector brought his sins before God, was sorry for his sins, and was able to receive the grace of God.  Therefore, his sin was forgiven and he received grace.  The greatest grace is the blessing of hearing the word of God as being for yourself and then believing it.

The Jews thought that they were specially chosen by God and thought they had special rights so Paul said, “do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness leads you toward repentance?” (4)  They thought that they were the specially chosen people of God. So by God’s kindness, tolerance and patience they would not be judged like the Gentiles.   However, this was an outrageous mistake.  God is righteous, and God’s judgment will come on upon people who have such thinking.  The Jews had misconstrued God’s patience to be a lack of intent to judge.  However, if God is abstaining from judging it is because of “his kindness, tolerance and patience” of God and the purpose of God’s kindness is to give opportunity for repentance.   It doesn’t mean that they will be free from judgment.  God judges correctly.

However, it is not just the Jews who think this way.  We Christians who believe in Jesus are the same.   Through Jesus Christ we are the same.  We through our Lord Jesus Christ have become the children of God and have received a special grace.  It is “kindness, tolerance and patience.” (4)  If we are like the Jews and judge others, but we ourselves are doing the same thing, it is no different and we will be under the wrath of God.  Since we are saved by faith, the thinking that it doesn’t matter what kind of life we live is not to be found in the Bible.  The Bible clearly shows that there is a judgment upon what we do. This is not only upon what we do, but upon what we say and think, upon us totally.  Therefore, we need to throw away the thinking that we are pretty good people, and realize that that we are so unclean that we should be judged, and like the tax collector, beat our breasts and ask God to forgive us.  We need to humble ourselves.

II.           God does not show favoritism (vs. 6-11)

“God does not show favoritism” (11) so no matter whether you are a Jew or a Greek there is no difference.  No matter if you are a Jew, or a Greek, no matter who you are, “God will give to each person according to what he has done.” (6) Paul is not contradicting his continual emphasis in all his writings, including Romans that people are saved not by what they do but by faith in what Christ has done for them. He is saying that there is a principle that each person will be rewarded for what he does.

“To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor, and immortality, he will give eternal life.  But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger.  There will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil; first for the Jew, then the Gentile; but glory, honor and peace for everyone who does good; first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.” (7-10)

This principle can be found throughout the Bible.

Matt. 16:27

II Cor. 5:10

Gal. 6:7-9

Therefore, Paul is not teaching that we are saved by our works.   He is teaching that we sow what we reap.    In the end we will be rewarded for according to whether we have done good or evil. 

III.         Preparing for the day of judgment (vs. 12-16)

Therefore, the third point is to prepare for the judgment of God. The Jews have the law so by the law they knew what was good and what was evil, but for Gentiles “who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law, since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.” (14,15)

The Gentiles do not have the law, but they have moral natures enlightened by their consciences which functioned for them as the Mosaic law did for the Jews.  It shows them what is good and what is evil. However, sinful men’s consciences are warped so they sometimes fail at making proper judgments. A good conscience is like an echo of God’s voice. However, because of sin sometimes the echo can’t be heard.  Even so it is clear that our conscience is for the Gentiles the wisdom of the law and all people will be judged for their good works.  Therefore, the conclusion is verse 16.

This verse states clearly about the judgment. “This will take place on the day when God will judge men’s secrets through Jesus Christ,” (16) This will be in the last day. Therefore, we need to prepare for the day of judgment so that through Jesus Christ the secrets of our hearts will be o.k. even if we are judged. “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness” (1:18) whether they are Jews or Gentiles.  Therefore, we need to repent, believe in Jesus Christ and seek to live as God would want us to. 

              Matt. 11:28

              Are you prepared for God’s judgment?  Do you believe in Jesus Christ and are you saved?  Are you wearing Christ’s yoke and learning from Him?  If so then you will have peace.  No matter what kind of judgment, we have nothing to fear. There will be “glory, honor and peace for everyone who does good: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.” (10)   

Romans1:18-32 “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven”

In verses 16 and 17 Paul states the theme of Romans.  That is that the Gospel “is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.” (16) That is because “in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed.” (17) Salvation is by a faith of believing in Christ, not by human strength or works.

              In todays passage the reason why we humans need God’s righteousness is given.  That is because all men have committed sin and God’s wrath is coming.  Please look at verse 18.

              God gives us salvation because we are all under the judgment of God.  In other words we are in need of salvation.  God desires only righteousness. “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people,” (18) who are not righteous.

                         A while back there was a trend towards “positive thinking” and “possibility thinking “without meditating on the Word of God.  According to this thinking to believe in Jesus Christ brings an abundant life, and you will be blessed by things going the way you want to.  To some extent this is true, but blessings in the Bible aren’t such superficial things.  They come up from much deeper places.  What is necessary for humans deep in sin is not positive thinking which stimulates your heart, but realizing that you are a sinful being and repenting; to have your sins pointed out, to realize how fearful you are to be so covered with sin, and to call out for salvation. Without speaking frankly about sin, we won’t know how necessary salvation is.

                         We have deep thankfulness when we are victorious over adversity. We have real thankfulness when we meet difficulties, and it is born from the experience of passing through the difficulty.  We unconsciously think that when everything goes the way we want it, we have no troubles, a common life is the most happy life, but in reality that is not so.  To fall to the most dangerous place in our life, and then the experience of rising out of it is when we are really the most thankful and joyful.  In the same way to really feel the joy and be moved by salvation it is necessary to realize what we were like before we believe in Jesus Christ.  Today let’s look at 3 characteristics of man before he believes in Jesus Christ.


I.                Don’t worship God as God (vs. 18-23)

First let’s look at the source of God’s wrath, sin.  In verses 18-23 Paul is stating on what type of persons God’s wrath will be revealed.  That is “people who suppress the truth by their wickedness.” (18) If we look at verse 19 we can see that this “truth” is truth about God. Here it says, “What may be known about God is plain to them.” (19)  According to Genesis 1:27 God made man in the image of God.  The image of God refers to a heart that reverends God, which worships God, in other words, our spirit. We were made to be a spiritual being. Even so, because of our sins, we “suppress the truth”. (18) An outstanding example is “godlessness and wickedness” (18) “Godlessness” is the sin of not worshipping God as God. “Wickedness” is the result of this: bad thoughts, the corruption of morality, and acts of sin.  These are the 2 big sides of sin.  You can’t separate these two.  In other words, man was made in the image of God, to seek God. Even though he was made to worship God, as the result of not worshipping God as God, he began doing all sorts of bad things in this world.

There is the big hit song of Kyu Sakamoto, “Let’s walk with our eyes up”. Man in Greek is “anatropous”.  It means “the thing that looks up”.  Man was originally a being that lived looking up.  However, our daily concerns of life steal the eyes of our hearts, and we lose our hearts of looking up.  Then we begin to say that there is no God.

However, there is a God. “For since the creation of the world His invisible nature and attributes, that is, His eternal power and divinity, have been made intelligible and clearly discernible in and through the things that have been made (His handiworks). (20, Amplified Bible)  Man can’t see God, but “His eternal power and divinity” can be seen through His creation, nature.  Therefore, if men seek God, then they can find Him. God is not far from each of us.  Man lives in, moves in and exists in God, but men don’t worship God as God, aren’t thankful, and “their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.” (22) Not only that but they “exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images,” idols and worshipped them.

Man was made in the image of God so when they are separated from the living true God, they have to have some kind of god.  Therefore, instead of the real God, they make other objects of worship, created gods.   Also the worship of idols is not only a religious object of worship that is worshipped. In Phil. 3:19 Paul said about those who opposed him, “their god is their stomach (their appetites, their sensuality)” (Amplified Bible) Such desires are also idolatry.

However, that is really foolish.  A lot of people that oppose God think that they are wise, but in reality that is foolish.  Such idols can not save people.  The only way that we can be saved is through God who created the heavens, the earth, the seas, and everything that lives there.   Even so they don’t believe in the real living God.  “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of” such people.” (18)

“Being revealed” is in the present progressive tense.  In other words, now and from now on where there is sin, God’s wrath will stay upon it. God by His nature can not endure sin as it is.

Habakkuk 1:13

God can never stand sin.

If we were to say in one word what we were like before we became Christians it would be “a sinner that should be destroyed”.  “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against” (18) this sin. We were a miserable being with not one glimpse of hope. “The wages of sin is death.” Romans 6:23 We couldn’t escape God’s wrath because of our sins and our fate was determined as hell.

II.              God gave them over to impurity (vs. 24-27)

The second point is the result of not worshipping God as God, and making and worshipping idols instead.  Please look at verse 24.

Towards those who do not recognize God as God, God’s wrath is not just at the end of the world, but has already started. God’s wrath is by God giving “them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.” (24)  The words “gave them over” are repeated in verse 26 and 28. These words mean “give up on“or “forsake”. The peak of God’s wrath is to give men who sin over to “the sinful desires of their hearts”. God allows the sin to run its course as an act of judgment.

When we don’t do the will of God, always trials and difficulties come our way.  When we lag in our prayer life, our hearts are tightened by a heated trial. However, in reality that is God’s blessing and grace.

Proverbs 3:12

Hebrews 12:7, 8

This is proof that God loves us. That God gives “them over in the sinful desires of their hearts” shows God’s wrath.

God gives men “over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.” (24)  In our relationship with God spiritual aberration causes sexual confusion in our human relationships.  In the age that Paul wrote this letter in, for example in Corinth there was a temple dedicated to Aphrodite, the goddess of love, whose worshipers practiced religious prostitution because by doing it it was said they would become one with Aphrodite.

Also if we look at verses 26 and 27 we can see that homosexuality was prevalent.  This was because “they exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator” (25) Paul criticized them saying, they “received in themselves the due penalty for their error.” (27)  That is they neglected God’s well-ordered creation, abused it, ill used it, and as the result of self-indulgence, degeneration occurred. 

III.            Given over to a depraved mind (vs. 28-32)

Not only that but the third point is that because they didn’t try to know God, “God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.” (28)

Next there is a long list of sins.  This list does not include all the sins of society, but by looking at this list we can see how great the power of sin is.  First is “every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity.” (29) These words are an average description of sin. Next is “envy, murder, strife, deceit, and malice.” (29)  These are internal malices.  Next are many concrete examples of gossip.  However, what I would like you to notice is that people that do not try to know God fall into these bad thoughts.  Since they did not try to know God, “God gave them over to a depraved mind.” (28)  The insides of those who don’t try to know God are full of sin and evil. That is how all of mankind appears.  It is how our insides are too.

From there comes all kind sins.  “slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy”  These are many of the things we do.  If you look at the newspapers or watch the news it is clear. There is never a day without an incident. Everyday there are many different incidents taking place.  We live in sin and do evil.

This is all because they didn’t try to know God. They didn’t worship God as God.  Therefore, “God gave them over to shameful lusts.” (26) “God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.” (28)  Not only that but, “they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.” (32)  It is easy to imagine how great God’s wrath is.  “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness.” (28)

No reeducation program or moral education program will be able to save us from such human sin and evil. The only way that we can be purified of our sin, and avoid God’s wrath, is by the blood God’s righteousness, Jesus Christ.

Romans 5:9

The only way we can avoid the wrath of God towards our sins is by the blood of Jesus Christ.  Only the righteousness of God that is revealed the in Gospel has the power to bring us back from the road of sin and destruction.  Therefore, we must believe in Jesus Christ. 

It hurts and it is painful to look at the reality of our sins.  However, by facing such a reality, the joy of our salvation increases.  “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness.” (18), but through the blood of Jesus Christ, there is a road to deliver us from that wrath.  That is the Gospel.  Therefore, we need to believe in this Gospel.  We need to repent, turn to God, and believe in the blood of Jesus on the cross. Then we need to be like the original man and look up as we live, worshipping God as God, and live a life with God as its center.  Then we will be saved from the wrath of God that “is being revealed from heaven” (18) and can walk the rest of our life filled with thankfulness and praises.    

Romans 1:16-17 “The power of God that brings salvation”

Today’s passage is the theme of Romans. The theme is the Gospel is “the power of God that brings salvation” (16)  Today I’d like to share three things about the Gospel being the power of God that brings salvation” (16)

I.                The power of God that brings salvation (vs. 16)

Paul says in verse 16, “I am not ashamed of the gospel”.  This is a strong way of saying that he is proud.  It is like in Mark 12:34 when Jesus said, “You are not far from the kingdom of God.” He is stressing how close the kingdom of God is.  Therefore, when Paul says, “I am not ashamed of the gospel” (16), he is stressing the high value of the Gospel, how proud he is of the Gospel. Up until now Paul has experienced so many cruel things as a result of preaching the gospel so Paul must have realized what he would have to go through for preaching here in the capital of the Roman Empire. There would be nothing more than contempt. The worship of the Emperor was widely practiced and Rome proudly showed off the power of the Roman emperor in many ways.  It seemed that there was no opposition to the worship of the emperor.  To preach the Gospel in Rome under these circumstances would cause the person to lose his heart, cause him to tremble, and cause him to be held by feeling of embarrassment. However, even under these circumstances, Paul said, “I am not ashamed of the gospel” (16).  He was proud of the Gospel.  He was able to say this because Paul understood well that no matter how great this world’s government, economy or culture is, no matter how bright it shines, the Gospel is even of more value. That is “because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.” (16)  This shows the value of the Gospel.  That is the Gospel is “the power of God”. (16)  It is not just moral precepts, philosophy, or logic, but it is power. “It is the power of God that brings salvation.” (16)

              Paul wrote about the power of the Gospel because salvation is salvation from sin.  When the average person hears the word “salvation”, they think about being set free from their sickness or financial concerns or the problems that they are facing in life.  However, the salvation that this passage is talking about is not being saved from such problems, but being saved from the root of all these problems, sin. We have no power to overcome such sin by ourselves.  Man who is under the power of Satan, no matter how hard he tries using all of his strength, no matter how much he reads and studies, there is no way that he can save himself.  For man to be saved he must be set free by someone more powerful than Satan.  That is God.  There is no way that sinful man can be set free from sin except by the all powerful God. 

              People are always telling me that they want to change, but changing is very difficult.  Even though we want to, we never seem to have the power to do so.  We need power.  Here is great news.  This is the Gospel. The Gospel is the power of God that brings salvation In the New Testament the word, “power” appears 57 times.  This word is used for the most powerful event in history, the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  In our lives the most important thing is to know Jesus, and experience the power of Jesus’ resurrection. In Ephesians 1:19-21 Paul writes about the power of the resurrection.

              The word that is translated as “power” is “dunamis” in Greek and is the root for the English word “dynamite”.  The power of God is the power that over 2,000 years ago resurrected Jesus Christ from the dead.  It is so powerful that it can completely destroy Satan’s stronghold. God’s power can set us free from Satan’s and sin’s control and can give us victorious power over all problems, and has the power to change our personalities completely. “The power of God that brings salvation” (16) has been presented to us.  This is the Gospel.

II.              To everyone who believes (vs. 16)

Secondly let’s look at how we can receive this wonderful power of God.  We receive this power by faith.   Verse 16 says, that the Gospel “is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes.”

In this passage what is extremely important is that it presents God’s power as being for “everyone who believes.” (16)  No matter how powerful the Gospel is, if you don’t believe, you will not be saved.   There is no other way by which we may be saved except by Jesus Christ who died on the cross and three days later rose again.  We must not abandon this message.  If it is abandoned, then it isn’t Christianity.  To say that it doesn’t matter what you believe in sounds like you have an open heart, but it is not the truth.

Acts 4:1

John 14:6

Some people believe that because they haven’t done anything really bad that they will go to heaven.  They compare themselves with other people.  However, our salvation is determined not how we rate in comparison with other people, but how the Absolute God sees us. All those who believe will be saved and go to heaven.  All those who don’t repent and don’t believe in Jesus Christ will go to hell.

There are some people who think that if they do good things then they will go to heaven.  However, God does not decide who is going to heaven by what good things we have done, but whether our sins have been cleansed or not.  If we have even a little sin, a Perfectly Holy God can not accept us.  That is unreasonable. We were born sinful, and are not perfect and we can’t become perfectly holy.  However, God who is abundant in mercy sent his only son Jesus Christ into this world to forgive us and make us completely without sin.  Those who believe in him “will not perish, but have eternal life.” John 3:16   Jesus Christ bore our sins on the cross and died and through him those who believe in him have all their sins washed away.

Isaiah 1:18

Isaiah 4:22

From the moment that we believe in Christ, all of the sins that we had committed up until then were completely removed.  God through the atonement of Jesus Christ of our sins, our sins are forgiven and we can go to heaven.  This is only possible by believing in our Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior.  There is no other way that we can go to heaven.   Any one, no matter who they are, who believers in Jesus Christ will be saved. The Gospel “is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes; first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.” (16) It is only through faith that we can receive salvation.

III.            The righteousness of God is in the gospel (vs.17)

The reason that we are saved by just believing is the Gospel is because “in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed.” (17)  “The righteousness of God” is one of the main themes of the whole Bible. If this is ambiguous then you can’t grasp what the Bible is actually saying. It is that important.  It could be said that it is at the bottom of the root for everything.   For example, if you were asked what God was like, how would you answer?  Probably you would answer that God is love.  However, this love in reality has righteousness at its base.  It is not a sentimental love.  Therefore, if we are asked who God is like, the number characteristic is “righteous”.  God is “righteous” He is completely right.   Everything starts from here. Therefore, when you think of salvation, it is not just a physical healing, or mainly for our personal profit an answer to our problems, but is mainly a salvation from our sins.

“The righteousness of God is revealed” means that Gospel shows that what the law that God established claims is a right relationship with God. No one can in his own strength perform all of the law.  There is no one that is perfect.  However, God desires perfection.  It is not like a test that 70% is passing and 35% means that you have no chance.  Therefore, God sent Jesus to this world.  That is so that not by our righteousness, but by God’s son, Christ’s perfect obedience we can become righteous.  The only person that could follow God’s law perfectly died in our place on the cross so that by believing in him, in us God’s righteousness will become perfect.  Through Christ we can have a right relationship with Christ.  This is the Gospel.

A righteousness that is by faith from first to last” means” that a right relationship with God begins with faith and is perfected by faith. This is not a new teaching that just started.  In fact, this was a truth that was running consistently throughout the Bible starting in the Old Testament.  One example is “The righteous will live be faith.” (17) These words were taken for Hab. 2:4.  Habakkuk said these words when Israel was raided by the Chaldeans and the nation was in danger. He is saying that those who depend on the Lord are victorious.  He is not saying to work making weapons and how to win and if you plan the strategies of war you will be victorious.  The only way you can be victorious is by depending on the Lord.  It means that the righteous live by faith.  It is only by being in a right relationship with Christ and by faith that victory can be obtained.

We think that we can do things on our own.  Thus we think we can save ourselves.  This is somewhat necessary, but by effort and will alone our lives will fall apart and we can’t be saved from the sin that caused the destruction.  We can’t do anything about the sin. We have no power.  There is only one thing that we can do.  That is to accept the power that died on the cross, 3 days rose again, the resurrection power that was victorious over death.

It is Jesus Christ who has the power to make it possible for us to overcome sin.  God did what we couldn’t do.  God sent Christ into this world, was put on the cross and promised that those who believed in him would be saved. Without the blood of Christ no one can cut the power of sin.  We need only to believe that Jesus who died on the cross is our savior and call out to him, and faithfully live.  The Gospel is indeed “the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.” (16)

“The righteous will live by faith” (17)  May we live in this word by believing in Jesus Christ.

Romans1:8-15 “An obligation”

              In last week’s passage Paul introduced himself to the Romans whom he had never met before as “a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God.” (1)  Paul had a strong assurance and feeling that he had been called to be “set apart for the gospel of God”. (1) He had such a strong assurance of his calling that he was able to dedicate himself to the preaching of the Gospel.

              Today’s passage is the continuation of last week’s and the introduction to the main contents of the letter, but here Paul is sharing why he wanted to go to Rome.  He gives the reasons. Paul really wanted to Rome. “I long to see you.” (11)  “I planned many times to come to you.” (13) “I am so eager to preach the gospel also to you who are in Rome.” (15) Today let’s look at why Paul “longed” “planned many times” was so “eager” to go to Rome.

I.                Faith that is being reported all over the world (vs. 8)

First let’s look at the first reason which was that Paul wanted to go to Rome because the faith of the Roman Christians was being reported all over the world. First Paul thanks God for the Roman Christians because their faith was being reported all over the world.  What kind of faith is a faith that “is being reported all over the world”? (8) 

I Thess. 1:8

Here a faith that “is being reported all over the world” (8) is not having the manner of living a pure life nor that their lives were full of love, but because of their “faith in God”. (I Thess. 1:8)  This was a faith in Christ.  This was a faith that by Christ they were saved of their sins, they were given a new life, and by given a new life, they were living in faith with Christ.  Paul talks about this faith in Galatians.

Galatians 2:20

It was this type of faith.  The Roman Christians lived this type of faith.  To be in Rome the capital of Roman empire which made the emperor god, to live in this type of faith must have been difficult.  However, they lived in this faith, and witnessed greatly   about Christ.  If you looked at the whole of Rome, it may have been a very small group of people, but their unyielding faith was a great encouragement to and example for the Christians in other places. Paul was thankful to God that the Roman Christians were able to have such a faith.

This was faith that they had in common with the men of faith in the Old Testament.  In the book of Daniel three young men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego appear. The king, Nebuchadnezzar had ordered that whenever the music sounded for everyone to worship a gold image he had set up.  However, the three young men did not do so.  Therefore, they were thrown into a furnace. At that time they said to the king,

“If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king. But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.” (Daniel 3:17,18)

The words, “But even if he does not” (18) are fantastic. They said that God who they believe in can save them from the burning furnace, “but even if he does not” (18) they would not worship the image of god.  They valued their faith over their lives. They had the kind of faith that no matter what conditions they were in, they were not shaken and depended on God.

How about you?  Do you have a faith of “but even if he does not”?  Even if things do not go the way you want, even if your desires are not granted and as a result you have many hardship, will you have the faith that depends only on God.

I read about the Swedish missionary, David Flood.  He went to the Congo in Africa to spread the Gospel in 1921 with his wife and 2 year old son.  He continued to struggle working among a tribe that was starving, sick, and saw him as an enemy.  His only fruit of ministry was one young man.  He taught this young man the Bible every Sunday.   His wife had a baby girl and 7 days later died.  Flood who was already exhausted from such heavy struggles, was now devastated from being pushed to the limits by loosing his wife.  He lost hope in God, gave up his fervent faith, left his daughter at the mission center there, and returned to his home country with only his son.

Later, at age 73 he met his daughter for the first time in 40 years and heard an unbelievable thing.  While she was on her way to meet her father, she met a black preacher in London.  The preacher was the young man from Congo.  The young man had grown up splendidly and became a preacher, and became a vessel for sharing about God in the Congo which is known as an area that is very closed to the Gospel.  And now the Congo has sent out missionaries to 32 countries, and can be proud of having 110,000 Christians. Because her father’s dedication and her mother’s giving of her life, new life is being born in the Congo. His daughter’s words that what he had done was definitely not worthless, made Flood cry and repent.

When we have put out effort for the Lord and the results aren’t what we anticipated, we lose hope.  However, even if it is not what we expected, it is necessary that we have a faith to just follow God.  If we believe in the real God, we can be thankful for all kinds of results.

The Roman Christians had this kind of faith.  They weren’t like the people of this world who seek after the things of this world, but sought after God and eternal things.  Their faith was alive.  The Romans Christians weren’t led to the faith by Paul, but he heard about their faith and was thankful to God for leading them.  Therefore, he wanted desperately to meet them.

II.              Being mutually encouraged by each other’s faith  (vs. 9-12)

Although Paul had never met the Roman Christians through prayer he was always thinking of them. Through prayer Paul always thought of them and by the will God he wanted the door to be opened for him to go to Rome. He wanted to visit them very strongly because he wanted to impart to them some spiritual gift so that their faith would be stronger.  Paul wanted their faith to become stronger, but not only that, if we look at chapter 15 of this letter we can see that Paul wanted to go further west to Spain.  He wanted to preach the Gospel that far.  He wanted the Roman church to become the center for that work.  Therefore, it was necessary that their faith be established strong.  This is because there is strength in the Gospel.  The Gospel is God’s power for all.   Paul wanted them to stand firmly on the Gospel so he is writing this letter to them.   It would have been good if Paul could have gone to Rome and met them face to face and taught them.  However, now he can’t do that so he is writing this letter so that they would be stronger. 

However, Paul did not just want to go to Rome to impart to them some spiritual gift so that their faith would be strengthened, but he also wanted them to “be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.” (12) 

All Christians are given gifts of the Spirit.

Romans 12:3-8

In one body there are many members, but the members don’t all do the same job. In the same way even though there are many of us, we are all though Christ, one body.  Each of us is a member.  Therefore, the gifts we have received are so that we can please the Lord should be used for other people’s benefit.  Paul probably had a gift prophecy. He may have had gifts of teaching, and leadership.  Even so that did not mean that he was almighty. I think he was weak in his ability to encourage.  We can see this in his strong quarrel with Barnabas.  When they got ready to leave on the second missionary trip, they had a heated discussion over whether to take Mark. Paul thought that because on the earlier trip Mark had gone home part way through that he wasn’t the right person to go with them.  Barnabas thought that no one is perfect and everyone is weak, so that it was necessary to accept such people.   In the end Mark went with Barnabas.  Paul had a hard time accepting Mark.  Later Paul forgave Mark from his heart.  It is not important who was right.  More important is that people have different personalities, gifts and thinking and so such differences arise. However, Paul’s actions came from his narrow heart, limitations caused by his weaknesses.  Barnabas was much better at encouraging.  However, if everyone was like Barnabas then that would not be good either.  It is important that there be people like Barnabas and people like Paul, and by each using the gifts they are given, they will be mutually encouraged.  To do this God puts the necessary people in each church.  Therefore, we need to use the gifts we are given and together serve God.  To do that we need to realize fully that it is necessary in order to be blessed, we must be taught, and have love to share the gifts you have received joyfully with other brothers and sisters, and cover each other’s weak points. When mutually the gifts are shared, there is Christian fellowship and it brings overflowing grace.

In 19th century America there was a large group of people that supported the great evangelist, Moody. Wherever he went he had Ira D. Sankey, a Gospel singer, do the special music.  Sankey gave his whole life to working with Moody. Wherever Moody went, Sankey sang and the people’s hearts were opened and burning.  The relationship between Sankey and Moody was a relationship of co-workers. Moody not only took Sankey, but he also took Dr. R.A. Torrey with him. Dr. Torrey was a seminary professor.  He wasn’t an exceedingly great preacher, but he had a solid theological background.  Moody while working in a shoe store dedicated his life to the Lord and thus never had a great education so for Moody to have someone to make Bible study texts, drafts for sermons and sum up theological papers coherently was a great help.

One of the great preachers of the twentieth century was John Stott.  There were many people who supported him.  Among them was Frances Whitehead.  She worked for about 40 years as his secretary.  She even filed his manuscripts and filled in the areas that were deficient. Stott dedicated his book, The cross of Christ to her. They had gifts of serving. They used the gifts they were given faithfully and only served     so together they were able to be abundantly blessed

Paul said, “that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.” (12) We all need this encouragement and grace.  Let’s open our hearts to each other, and encourage one another to have this kind of fellowship.

III.         An obligation  (vs.13-15)

              The third reason that Paul wanted to go to Rome was that he was obligated to do so.  Paul tried many times to go to Rome, but he never seemed to be able to go. He is yet to get there. Paul is writing this letter after staying in Ephesus for 3 months on the third missionary trip when he visited Macedonia and Achaia when he was staying in Corinth for three months. Rome was only a rock throw away from Corinth. He was almost at the point where it would be possible for him to go, but he had to take the offering from the Macedonians to Jerusalem.  He was still prevented from going.  Therefore.  since he couldn’t go he is writing this letter and is asking Phoebe from Cenchrea to deliver the letter.  The reason why Paul wanted to go to Rome is written in verse 14. “I am obligated to Greeks and non-Greeks, both to the wise and the foolish.”

              Paul thought he had an obligation. He felt that his calling was an obligation.  The reason that Paul wanted to go to Rome was because of the abundant grace of God Paul was obligated to preach the Gospel.

              This is what we should be like.  We all have things we want to do, and places we want to go to.  We shouldn’t make decisions by what we want, but by what God wants. It is important that we find out what God want, and do it. We should live by this.

         In this age no one wants to be told what they have to do.  Rather everyone stands up for their rights.  They can’t be happy unless everything is the way they want it to be.  They have hearts like selfish babies.  If our hearts aren’t changed then we will never grow up and we will never get off the road to destruction. That is because not all things will go the way we want them too.  We can become splendid adult Christians when we have a heart that thinks that this job is for God so I will do it so that God will be pleased.  Paul was like this. He always sought and chose what was best for God.  For example in I Cor. 9 Paul talks about the right to eat and drink, the right to bring your wife with you, in other words, marriage, and the right to receive pay for his ministry of sharing the Gospel, but even though he had those rights he didn’t use even one those rights so that he could “win as many as possible.” (19)

              He did everything for the Gospel.  He always made decisions by faith thinking about what is best for the Gospel.  This is a spiritual adult’s thinking.  When we think this way, this obligation is really a blessing.  The fact that God has given us such a duty means on the other side of the coin that God sees us as a person who can do it and has expectation for us.  That is something to be really thankful for.  If we consider the obligations and responsibilities that we have received from God as wonderful, then we will surely mature as a person and as a Christian.

              Paul said, “I am obligated both to Greeks and non-Greeks, both to the wise and the foolish.” (14)  This means Paul is obligated to all people in the world.  Where ever Paul went he was concerned about sharing the Gospel.  That was his calling and his obligation.  We are the same.  We have the same obligation.  If we consider this not as just an obligation, but from our hearts want to do so, then not only will God’s kingdom be spread out further and further, but we will be blessed too.  More than anything it is the most natural response to God’s sacrificial love of giving up his life so that he could save us from our sins.  Paul wanted to go to Rome so badly because he wanted to share he Gospel.  We too need to have the burning enthusiasm to share the Gospel.

Romans1:1-7 “By Christ”

Starting today let’s study the book of Romans.  An American alcoholic had been in the hospital for over 2 months, but he couldn’t get over his need for alcohol.  His therapy finished and he was released from the hospital.  On his way home he went past a drinking bar. The strong temptation to drink came over him and it began to control him. However, right next to the bar was a “Milk Viking Bar”, all the milk you can drink for $2.30.  He went into the milk bar and drank milk until he could hold no more.  When he went in front of the drinking bar he had no problem going past it because he no longer had any temptation to drink.  That was because his stomach was already full of milk.

              This is the theme of Romans.  By being full of not milk, but the Gospel of God, we are victorious. 

Galatians 5:16

The key to being victorious over the flesh is to be filled with the Holy Spirit.  Today let’s look at when Christians are overcome by temptation, by the flesh sometimes we fall powerlessly.  However, the Gospel of God is the key to us being victorious.

Romans 1:16

We can walk in the will of God by understanding this Gospel, being changed by this Gospel, and living by this Gospel.  Today let’s look at 3 aspects of this Gospel.


I.                Called and set apart for the gospel of God  (vs. 1)

First let’s look at Paul’s feelings about his calling. Paul wrote 13 letters that are contained in the New Testament.  This letter to the Romans is unique from the other letters.  All the other letters were sent to churches that either Paul or one of Paul’s disciples had evangelized at and established. Only this letter to the Romans is different.  The Roman church had already been established.  Probably some people that had been saved at Pentecost returned to Rome, evangelized and established the church there.  The reason that Paul sent a letter to this Roman church that he was not close to was because he wanted to make Rome a base location from which he could evangelize to the west. He wanted to evangelize as far as Spain.  However, now when Paul was writing this letter he couldn’t do that. This letter was written when Paul was on his third mission trip while he was staying 3 months in Corinth.  After that he had to return to Jerusalem with the offerings from Macedonia. He sent a female disciple named Phoebe, who was a servant of the church in Cenchrea, to Rome (16:1), possibly bearing the Roman letter.  Cenchrea is the seaport of Corinth. He sent the letter because that’s how much he wanted the Roman church to understand the Gospel correctly, and he wanted them to stand strongly in the Gospel.  At the beginning of the letter Paul introduces himself as “Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God.” (1) 

This is an unusual way of introducing yourself.  If you were writing a letter to someone that you had never met, would you introduce yourself this way?  Here Paul is giving his strong thinking and assurance. That is that he had assurance that he was chosen, called and his purpose for living was to preach the Gospel. That’s why he was able to say in Acts 20:24  “However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me-the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace. ”This was the source of his dedication.

Why are you here in this world?  Were you born out of chance with no purpose, and no meaning?  No, God does nothing by chance. God knows even when one sparrow falls to the ground.  It is said that we have over 200,000 hairs on our head, but God knows the exact number of hairs each of us have.  God has a purpose and a plan for each of our lives.  The purpose God has for us is to share the Gospel. It is the Lord’s will that we testify to the Gospel. All those who believe in Christ are saved but the reason that we are on this earth is for the purpose of sharing the Gospel. Those who are strongly holding on to that purpose, no matter what temptation confronts them, they are never shaken. Also they have assurance and can dedicate their lives to Christ.  Being conscious of that purpose gives the person a purpose for living.

Last year more than 30,000 people committed suicide in Japan. For the last 10 years over 30,000 people have committed suicide every year.   If you included those who are considering suicide, the number would be very, very huge.  The reason so many people commit suicide is because they don’t know their purpose for living.  The clearer a person’s purpose for living the more joy and feeling of calling he has.  A person who commits suicide feels that life has no meaning and it is in vain. A feeling of uselessness even though it doesn’t soon kill the person, day by day it eats              the person up.  On the other end, a person that is conscious of his purpose is given life, and is a strong person.

Paul had assurance that he was “called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God.” (1) He had a clear conscious of his purpose.  That was the source of his power of living.  He had such a feeling about his calling so he was dedicated to God and willing to give up all for the Gospel. We are the same. We have been called and set apart for the Gospel. When we realize that that is why we are here, we will be dedicated to give up all for the Gospel.

II.          The Gospel is Jesus Christ (vs. 2-4)

Next let’s look at what the Gospel is, the contents of the Gospel.  After Paul introduced himself he should have written who the letter was to, to all the believers in Rome. In other words, he should have progressed to verse 7.  However, he sort of got off the road and jumped into the central theme of this letter, God’s Gospel.  He probably wanted to talk about this so much that he couldn’t wait.   People say what is in their mind.  People who always talk about food are always thinking about food.  People think in their head and talk about what is in their heart.  I am always thinking about the church 24 hours a day so I am always talking about the church.  What Paul thought about, and was thinking about was God’s kingdom.   He was always thinking only about the Gospel so between his self introduction and writing to whom he was addressing, he strayed off the road.  That is how much his heart was caught up in the Gospel.  However, here he didn’t write everything he had to say.  It was like hors d’oeuvres before a meal.  It was to get you ready and expectant for the full course.

Let’s look at these hors d’oeuvres. The Gospel was “promised beforehand through his prophets in the Holy Scriptures” (2), the Old Testament.  It was about “his Son.” (3)  His Son on earth, or with regard to his human nature, “was a descendant of David, and who the Spirit of holiness was appointed the Son of God in power by his resurrection from the dead.” (4)  Jesus was born as the Old Testament prophets prophesized he would as “a descendant of David”. (3) He was born as was “promised beforehand through his prophets in the Holy Scriptures” (2), the Old Testament. In other words, He is the real Savior.  Not only that, but by “the Spirit of holiness” (4) He was resurrected from the dead. He was “appointed the Son of God in power” (4, NIV 2010 edition)  He “was declared with power to be the Son of God” (4,NIV 1984 edition) The word “appointed” or “declared” is “horizon” in Greek meaning “to define; to mark out the boundaries or limits; to determine, appoint”  In other words, it was the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead that marked off the boundaries showing that He was indeed the Son of God.

Acts 2:24

In other words, Jesus was born just the way the Messiah was prophesized to be born.  Jesus’ resurrection from the dead shows us clearly that He is the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ.  Through Jesus Christ our sins are forgiven and we can live with joy and thankfulness. This is the Gospel.  Jesus Christ is the Gospel.

              The Gospel is definitely not an idea or an ideology.  It is a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. It is only by being strongly tied to Jesus Christ that we can have an abundant life. Without such a relationship, we can not call it the Gospel.  The Gospel that Paul believed in was such Gospel that he had experienced, a certain power, it had life.   That is why he said in verse 16 The Gospel “is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes; first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.”  The Gospel is power.

              When Jesus was in Caesarea Philippi He asked his disciples, “Who do the people say the Son of Man is?” (Matt. 16:13) The disciples answered that there were many ideas like John the Baptist, or Elijah, or Jeremiah or one of the other prophets.  Then Jesus asked them about themselves, “Who do you say I am?” (Matt. 16:15)  He wanted them to make a confession of faith for themselves.  Then one of Jesus’ disciples, Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” (Matt. 16:16) Then Jesus praised Peter, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah” (Matt. 16:17) Jesus isn’t asking what other people say.  He wants to know what you say.  He wants to hear your confession.    

              However, we tend to not make our own confessions.  We talk about what others say about Christ. We talk about the answers to prayer that other people have experienced.  This is not preaching the Gospel.  Preaching the Gospel is testifying to what you yourself have seen, heard, and experienced. We have to be able to clearly state that “Jesus is power.” “The cross is the power of salvation.” “Prayers will definitely be answered.” “Jesus is our only hope.” And etc. You have to have the testimony and your own faith to say so.  You have to be able to testify to Jesus whom you believe in, the Gospel that you believe in, and the Gospel that you have experienced. This is the source of strength.  The Gospel has power so if you only read the Bible to someone, there is  great power. However, more powerful is to testify about the Word of God that you are actually experiencing.  The Gospel is Jesus Christ, not an idea, but power. 

III.         By Christ (vs. 5-7)

Lastly, let’s look at the purpose and how Paul shared the Gospel with the Roman church.  Paul while giving his introduction, got off the road and mentioned a little about the Gospel, but skillfully returned back to writing the letter and moves from who the letter is from to whom he is sending the letter to.  He ties together the essence of the Gospel, Jesus Christ, that he has just introduced and talked about with his calling to be an apostle by Jesus Christ.  Here is says “we received grace and apostleship” (5) This means the grace or favor of the apostolic office.   Paul often speaks of the office of the apostleship as a matter of special favor. Paul is saying that he received this honorable office of the apostleship from the Gospel itself, Jesus Christ.  He received the office of apostleship so that he could call all peoples “to the obedience that comes from faith for his name’s sake.” (5)  “the obedience that comes from faith” (5) in Greek is written “Faith, in other words, obedience towards God”   Therefore, “the obedience that comes from faith” (5) means the contents of faith is following God whom you have faith in. Paul was given the grace of the office of apostleship so that all peoples could believe in this Gospel, and by receiving that salvation that God had prepared, they could live a life of following God.  That is not only Paul, but “you also” (6). In other words, the Roman Christians were the same.  We are the same too.  That’s because we too have been called by Jesus Christ.  We too are loved and called by God and like Paul we must call all peoples “to the obedience that comes from faith for his name’s sake.” (5) We can do this “through him”. (5)  “Him” is Jesus Christ, the Gospel itself. Through the Gospel we can call all peoples “to the obedience that comes from faith for his name’s sake.” (5)  It is definitely not by human strength or policy.

In Nehemiah 8 when the Jews that had been taken captive to Babylon returned to Jerusalem, Nehemiah ordered the scholar Ezra to bring the law of Moses with them.  Ezra read it at the square in front of the Water Gate where all the people came together “from daybreak till noon”. (Nehemiah 8:3)  As a result a revolution in the Israelite faith occurred: the feast of Tabernacles which had disappeared was reinstated, marriages with Gentiles were abandoned, there was a movement to follow the Sabbath, and everyone began “to give a third of a shekel every year for the service of the house of our God.” (Nehemiah 10:32)   This was the “Watergate” revival. (Joke)  This was brought about by Israel returning to God’s Word and decisively standing upon the Word of God.

This can be seen in Acts in the first church too.  For example, in Acts 19 when Paul evangelized in Ephesus, as soon a Paul shared the Word of God, the people who practiced sorcery brought their sorcery books and burned them.  Their value was worth 50,000 silver coins, about 3,000,000 yen.  They did this because they heard the Word of God, and understood it.  When we really understand the Word of God, then naturally our behavior is going to change.

The revival in 1903 in Whales was the same.  When there was a        awakening towards God’s word, the theaters and bars began closing their doors.  Also the factory workers that had stolen things came and returned them.  Soon there was a mountain of returned stolen goods.   This happened because the owners who abused the workers by whips after receiving the grace of God had deep mercy.  There were even some owners who embraced their donkey and shed tears.   When a person’s insides are changed by the Word of God, society also is revolutionized.

The revival that occurred in Pyongyang in present North Korea in 1907 was the same.  The believers that had be awakened by the Word of God all rested from their work on Sunday. The believers who were 10% of the population closed their shops so all of Pyongyang started taking the day off every Sunday.  When 10% of the population becomes Christian, it makes a huge influence on all of society.

Up until now we have had to persevere.  Now less than 1% of the population is Christian in Japan.   However, when it gets to be 10% it will become a huge wave of revolution in society.  The key is the essentials of faith, God’s Gospel.  We need to return to the Gospel and continue to stand decisively on the Gospel.  There is no other way.  It certainly can’t be done by human methods or programs.

A wild pig’s favorite food is acorns. Wild pigs love acorns and get stuck on them.  However, wild pigs aren’t smart so when the acorns are gone, they think that the acorns come from the ground and start turning up the ground.  However, acorns don’t come from the ground.  They fall out of trees and fall from above.

Col. 3:1,2

The best way is not kicking the dirt around, but set our hearts on things above. “set your hearts on things above.” (Col. 3:1)    That is what God wants us to do.

May this year be such a year for us.  “By Christ”  “By the Gospel of God” may your hearts be sifted.  May you always return to the Word of God, and receive grace and strength from it, and fulfill the wonderful commission. May this church stand decisively on the Gospel and be a church that by the grace and strength of Christ moves forward. 

ローマ人への手紙16章17~27節 「勝利の神」









と言っています。パウロはここでそのような教えを「ほかの福音」と呼んでいます。ほかの福音とはいっても、もう一つ別の福音があるわけではありません。福音のような装いはしているけれども本当の福音とは違う教えのことです。よく話を聞いていると、聖書が言っていることとは微妙に違ったことを教えていたり、あからさまに福音を否定するようなことを言ったりする人がいるのです。最近、 ある人が、日本に3大神社の出雲神社がありますが、その3大大社のうち出雲大社が父なる神、日吉大社が子なる神イエス、春日大社が聖霊を象徴しているという人の話を聞いて、頭が混乱してきたと言いました。そんなことを唱える人もねいるんです。聖書のことがよく知らない人がそういう話を聞くと、「えっ、そ~なんだ。かっこいい」なんて思う人もいるのですが、それは明らかに聖書が言っていることとは違います。日本の神道がユダヤ教の影響を受けているという一つの学説を拡大解釈してそのように言う人たちがいるのですが、これは全く福音ではないのです。まあ、そこまではあからさまに福音を否定しなくても、福音のような内容でも、実はそうでない場合があるのです。そのような違いは小さなもののようですが、やがて大きな違いに発展することがありますから注意が必要です。パウロはそのように誤った福音を宣べ伝える人たちがいるとしたら、そういう人はのろわれるべきだと言っているのです。なぜパウロはそこまで厳しく言っているのでしょうか。それは福音を間違って伝えることで、その誤った教えが一人や二人のクリスチャンを倒すだけでなく、神の教会全体を根底から揺さぶることになるからです。それゆえに本当に教会にとって恐ろしいことは何かというと、外側からの迫害ではなく、教会の中に広がる異端的な教えなのです。迫害があると、不思議なことに教会は燃えます。しかし異端の教えが内部に広がると、教会は病んで倒れてしまうのです。それは収穫の時に現れるいなごの群れのようです。一年間しっかりと農作業をやってきたのに、突然いなごの群れがやってきて、すべての穀物を食い尽くしてしまうように、汗と涙を流して伝えた神のみことばを全部揺さぶってきて、神の民を悪魔のしもべに変えてしまうのです。これがみことばをねじ曲げて伝える異端のやっていることです。














第三のことは、福音に生きることです。25-27節をご覧ください。パウロはこの手紙の最後のところで、「私の福音とイエス・キリストの宣教によって、すなわち、世々にわたって長い間隠されていたが、今や現されて、永遠の神の命令に従い、預言者たちの書によって、信仰の従順に導くためにあらゆる国の人々に知らされた奥義の啓示によって、あなたがたを堅く立たせることができる方、知恵に富む唯一の神に、イエス・キリストによって、御栄えがとこしえまでありますように。アーメン。」と言って、この手紙を結んでいます。                   これは頌栄です。頌栄というのは、神の栄光をほめたたえることですが、このローマ人への手紙のしめくくりとしての頌栄は、内容が盛りだくさんで、あまりにも長たらしいので、その意味があまりハッキリしません。いったいパウロはここで何を言いたいのかというと、27節にあるように、「知恵に富む唯一の神に、イエス・キリストによって、御栄えがとこしえにありますように。」ということです。ではこの知恵に富む唯一の神とはどのようなお方なのかというと、その前の26節に書かれてあるように、「あなたがたを堅く立たせることができる方」です。ではどのように堅く立たせることができるのかというと、またまたその前に書かれてあるように、「信仰の従順に導くためにあらゆる国の人々に知らされた奥義の啓示によって、です。すなわち、私の福音とイエス・キリストの宣教によってであります。パウロは、自分に示され、自分が宣べ伝えた福音こそまことの福音であるという確信を持っていました。この福音によってです。ですからここでパウロが言いたかったことはどういうことかというと、パウロが宣べ伝えていた福音によってあなたがたを堅く立たせることのできる知恵に富む唯一の神に、栄光がとこしえにありますように、ということになるわけです。




皆さんは「バウンティ号」という船をご存知じですか。この船は1787年にイギリス政府が南洋諸島の一つであるタヒチという島にパンの木の栽培のために100人ほどの人たちを送り込んだのですが、その際に乗り込んだ船の名前です。  その島に着いてみると、そこはまるでパラダイスのようで、彼らの心は高鳴りました。特に住民の女性たちはみな魅力的でした。しかし、彼らは次第に堕落してしまい、本国からの命令を無視するようになり、口やかましい船長に反抗して、反乱を起こしました。彼らは船長を縛り小舟に乗せ、海の中で死ぬように追い出したのです。  その後彼らは本国から逮捕させるのを恐れ、ピトケアン(Pitcairn)という島に移り、住民の女性たちをもて遊ぶ生活を始めました。そうなると彼らの間でけんかが絶えなくなりました。特に熱帯植物のズースでお酒を作って飲むようになってからは、そのけんかがひどくなり、殺し合いまでするようになりました。そして最後にたった一人ジョン・アダムズという人だけが残されたのです。すべての西洋人がいなくなり、多くの混血の子どもだけが生まれ育つようになりました。 しかし、それから30年後、そこを通りかかったアメリカの船がその島に上陸してみると、驚くべき光景を目にしたのです。そこには礼拝堂が建てられ、ジョン・アダムズという老人が牧師をしていたのです。いったい何があったのでしょうか。  仲間たちが、むなしい戦いや殺し合いで死んでしまったある日、力が強かったがゆえに多くの人を殺して生き残ったジョンは、難破した「バウンティ号」に戻ってみると、そこに一冊の聖書を見つけたのです。それを読み始めた彼は、しだいに聖書に引きつけられていきました。聖書を読んでいると、彼の目にいつの間にか涙があふれ、止まらなくなってしまいました。そして悔い改めが起こったのです。彼は神の人に変えられました。その後聖霊の導きによって、その島の子どもたちに字を教え、神のみことばである聖書を教えたのです。住民たちも彼を尊敬し、彼を王様にし、彼に従いました。そしてその島はパラダイスになったのです。これは福音の力、一冊の聖書の力によるものでした。





ローマ人への手紙16章1~16節 「偉大な同労者たち」
































ローマ人への手紙15章22~33節 「神の使命に生きる」


















「ですが、今は、聖徒たちに奉仕するためにエルサレムへ行こうとしています。 それは、マケドニヤとアカヤでは、喜んでエルサレムの聖徒たちの中の貧しい人たちのために醵金することにしたからです。彼らは確かに喜んでそれをしたのですが、同時にまた、その人々に対してはその義務があるのです。異邦人は霊的なことでは、その人々からもらいものをしたのですが、物質的な物をもって彼らに奉仕すべきです。それで、私はこのことを済ませ、彼らにこの実を確かに渡してから、あなたがたのところを通ってイスパニヤに行くことにします。あなたがたのところに行くときは、キリストの満ちあふれる祝福をもって行くことと信じています。」













ローマ人への手紙15章14~21節 「最大の恵み」














私は牧師になって28年になりますが、なかなかそのように思えないことの方が多くて悩みました。福音を語ってもあまり反応がなく、救われる人はまれです。自分が理想としていることと現実とには大きなギャップがあったりします。いったい何のために召されたのかと悶々とする時がある。  そんなことを考えていたあるとき、ずっと長い間忠実に主にお仕えしたきたある方の前でボロッと愚痴ってしまったのです。「ほんとうにこれで良かったのかなぁと悩む時もあるんですよ。あの道、この道と、いろいろな方法で神様に仕えることができたんじゃないかなあっと思うことがあるんですよ。・・・」みたいに。  するとその方がこう言われたのです。「あらまあ、いろいろな道もありますけれども、牧師さんとして仕えられることが一番神様に喜ばれることですよ」と。 私はそのことばを聞いたとき、もやもやしていた目の前の霧がパッと晴れ渡るかのように、はっとさせられました。ものすごく励まされたのです。そうだ、神様に仕えられる。神様に用いられることが最大の祝福なんだ・・・と。











「 しかし、聖霊があなたがたの上に臨まれるとき、あなたがたは力を受けます。そして、エルサレム、ユダヤとサマリヤの全土、および地の果てにまで、わたしの証人となります。」(使徒1:8)














戦後、この日本にどうやって福音が伝えられてきたかご存知ですか?そこには多くの宣教師たちの汗と涙と犠牲によってです。日本が戦いに破れ、精神的に虚脱状態に陥っているとき、多くの宣教師たちが来日して、意欲的に福音を伝えてくれたことによってです。  その先駆者となったのがF・B・ソーリーという宣教師です。ソーリー宣教師は、1948年に来日し、焼け跡の東京の街角に立ってエネルギッシュに福音を伝えたと言います。アコーデオンをかなでながら歌を歌い、通訳を用いて説教しました。  東京での宣教の働きを終えると、今度は和歌山に移って意欲的に天幕伝道を始めました。「どうして和歌山なんですか?温泉があるからですか」と泉田昭先生が冗談に尋ねると、ソーリー宣教師は、にっこりと笑いながらこう言ったと言います。「調べてみると、日本でクリスチャンが最も少ない地方は富山県と和歌山県であることがわかりました。富山県ではカナダから来た宣教師たちが伝道することになったので、私たちは和歌山県で伝道することにしたのです。」  何というスピリットでしょうか。戦後日本の宣教は、こうした開拓者精神に溢れた宣教師たちによって、福音が伝えられて行ったのです。  イギリスからやってきていたP・ウィルスという宣教師は、「キリストを信ずれば、馬があんどんをくわえたような、長い不景気な顔をした人でも、かぼちゃのように、きびしょのように、にこにこした笑顔に変わります」と巧みな日本語で、熱心に語ったそうです。馬があんどんをくわえたような不景気な顔をしている人でも、イエス様を信じると、かぼちゃのような顔になるなんて、すごい表現だと思うんです。イエス様を信じると、私たちの不幸の原因であるところの罪が赦され、永遠のいのちがあたえられる。そのいのちの福音を携えて、熱心に語ったのでした。


ローマ人への手紙15章7~13節 「望みの神」



教会における一致は、人間の努力や方策によってもたらされるものではありません。神が与えてくださるものです。ですから、お互いの違いに目を留めるのではなく、神に目を向け、神に信頼しなければならないのです。    きょうは、この望みの神について三つのことをお話したいと思います。まず第一に、キリストが受け入れてくださったように、私たちも互いに受け入れなければならないということです。第二のことは、キリストが私たちを受け入れてくださったのは神の栄光があがめられるためでした。大切なのは神の栄光があがめられることです。第三のことは、ですから望みの神に信頼しましょうということです。




長いスペースを割いてクリスチャンの一致について語ってきたパウロは、これまで語ってきたことを受けて、「こういうわけですから、キリストが神の栄光のために、私たちを受け入れてくださったように、あなたがたも互いに受け入れなさい。」と勧めます。キリストがどのようにされたかが、すべてのクリスチャンにとっての模範であり、解決の鍵です。そしてここでは、キリストが私たちを受け入れてくださったように、あなたがたも互いに受け入れなさいというのです。 いったいキリストはどのように受け入れてくださったのでしょうか?私たちは既に14章を学んできましたが、15節には「キリストが代わり死んでくださったほどの人」という表現がありました。キリストはまさに信仰が弱いと思われる人たちのためにも死んでくださったのです。キリストはその人たちのために、いや、信仰が強いと思っている人たちのためにも、すべての人の罪のために身代わりとなって十字架にかかり死んでくださいました。ご自分のいのちを捨てるほど愛してくださったのです。これほどまでに愛してくださった人をさばくようなことがあるとしたら、それはほんとうに神に申し訳がないというのです。









しかし、キリストが受け入れられたのはユダヤ人たちに対してだけではなく、異邦人に対してもそうでした。9節には、「また異邦人も、あわれみのゆえに、神をあがめるようになるためです。」とあります。キリストが十字架にかかって死なれたのはユダヤ人だけでなく、すべての人が救われて真理を知るようになるためだったのです。ユダヤ人も異邦人も一つになって、心を一つにし、声を合わせて、イエス・キリストの父なる神をほめたたえるためだったのです。そのことを証明するためにパウロは、9~12節までの中で旧約聖書の四つの箇所を引用してこれを説明しています。まず9節後半のことばですが、これは詩篇18篇49節からの引用です。かつてダビデは異邦人の中で主の御名があがめられるようになると預言していました。主の御名は、異邦人の中でもほめたたえられるのです。それが主のみこころでした。また10節のことばもそうです。これは申命記32章43節からの引用ですが、異邦人も神の民とともに喜ぶようになるとあります。また11節と12節のみことばもそうです。11節のみことばは詩篇117篇1節からの引用で、12節のみことばはイザヤ書11章10節からのみことばですが、これも異邦人も神を賛美する者となることの預言でした。特に 12節にある「エッサイの根」とは、やがて来られるメシヤのことですが、このメシヤは異邦人のために、異邦人の希望のために、異邦人の救いのために来られるということが、ずっと昔から預言されていたのです。今まで生けるまことの神様を知らなかった異邦人までもが神を知り、神をほめたたえるようになるということです。つまり、キリストはユダヤ人も異邦人も受け入れてくださり、心を一つにして、声を合わせて、神の栄光がほめたたえるようにしてくださったということです。












「この希望は失望に終わることがありません。なぜなら、私たちに与えられた聖霊によって、神の愛が私たちの心に注がれているからです。私たちがまだ弱かったとき、キリストは定められた時に、不敬虔な者のために死んでくださいました。 正しい人のためにでも死ぬ人はほとんどありません。情け深い人のためには、進んで死ぬ人があるいはいるでしょう。しかし私たちがまだ罪人であったとき、キリストが私たちのために死んでくださったことにより、神は私たちに対するご自身の愛を明らかにしておられます。ですから、今すでにキリストの血によって義と認められた私たちが、彼によって神の怒りから救われるのは、なおさらです。 もし敵であった私たちが、御子の死によって神と和解させられたのなら、和解させられた私たちが、彼のいのちによって救いにあずかるのは、なおさらのことです。」






「私のたましいは黙って、ただ神を待ち望む。私の救いは神から来る。神こそ、わが岩。わが救い。わがやぐら。私は決して、ゆるがされない。おまえたちは、いつまでひとりの人を襲うのか。おまえたちはこぞって打ち殺そうとしている。あたかも、傾いた城壁か、ぐらつく石垣のように。まことに、彼らは彼を高い地位から突き落とそうとたくらんでいる。彼らは偽りを好み、口では祝福し、心の中ではのろう。 セラ .私のたましいは黙って、ただ神を待ち望む。私の望みは神から来るからだ。.神こそ、わが岩。わが救い。わがやぐら。私はゆるがされることはない。私の救いと、私の栄光は、神にかかっている。私の力の岩と避け所は、神のうちにある。民よ。どんなときにも、神に信頼せよ。あなたがたの心を神の御前に注ぎ出せ。神は、われらの避け所である。 セラ」

