At Pentecost the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different languages. There were some people that thought that they were drunk. However, Peter stood up and explained that it was still morning and that they were not drunk. He said that it was a fulfillment of the prophecy of Joel and that the last days had come. Today’s passage is a continuation of Peter’s explanation of the fulfillment of the Holy Spirit. Especially Peter is talking about the relationship of the fulfillment of the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ. In other words, this is the main part of Peter’s sermon. He tells us who Jesus is and what he did.
Who Jesus is is very important. It is the center of our faith. Jesus is our Lord. Peter is giving us 3 reasons as to why Jesus is our Lord. Today let’s look at these 3 reasons.
I. Jesus who died on the cross (verses 22,23)
If we look at how Jesus lived His life, then we can tell that he is Lord. We can tell that He is the Messiah by the many miracles and power he showed during his life. Jesus healed many including the deaf, and the woman who had been bleeding for 12 years. He also raised people that had died from sickness like the daughter of Jarius and Lazarus, the brother of Mary and Martha. He also fed the crowd of over 5,000 men with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. Jesus’ words had authority. He cast out demons. By looking at Jesus’ life we can see that He is God.
Not only that but Jesus was hung on a cross and died. This was part of the plan of God. However, no one ever dreamed that through the cross, God’s plan of salvation would be carried out. However, this was the plan God had from the beginning of time.
By looking at the Bible we can see who Jesus is. When we receive Christ, we can see who He really is.
II. Jesus who rose from the dead.
God resurrected Jesus from the dead because death could not control him. Jesus is God who has overcome death. There is no human that has been able to stop death. No matter how much medicine has improved, still all people (100%) die. In verse 24 Peter says, “It was impossible for death to keep its hold on him.” Jesus was given the death sentence and put on the cross. However, God raised him from the dead and thus not only showed that Jesus was righteous, but also that Jesus was the Messiah, God. To prove his point, Peter uses Psalm 16:8-11 in verses 25-28. These verses are about Jesus. If you look at verses 29-31, you can see this clearly. David prophesized about Jesus about 1,000 B.C. In other words, the person that rises from the dead is the Messiah. Jesus rose from the dead so Jesus is the Messiah that was prophesized about in the Old Testament, the Savior, God himself.
Peter boldly explains who Jesus is. However, Peter lived 3 years with Jesus, but he didn’t really know clearly who Jesus was until he was put on the cross, died and rose again. However, now Peter is different, He is using the Old Testament and explaining boldly and powerfully who Jesus is. Peter was able to become bold because he was filled with the Holy Spirit.
John 16:13
Through the Holy Spirit, Peter’s eyes were opened. In verse 25 Peter said, “I saw the Lord always before me.” We too need to put the Lord in front of us and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Then we will be able to believe in Christ’s resurrection and boldly be his witness.
III. Jesus who ascended into heaven and who is sitting on the right hand of God. (vs. 33-35)
This is the summary of Peter’s message and the most important part. In other words he is explaining what is happening now at Pentecost. He is saying that Christ who ascended to heaven and is sitting at the right hand of God has poured out the Holy Spirit which the Father had promised. It was prophesized that the Holy Spirit would be poured out. Jesus promised this too. (John 14-16) Also in Acts 1:4 the disciples were told to wait for the outpouring of the Spirit. However, in order for the Holy Spirit to be given, first, Jesus had to ascend into heaven, sit at the right hand of God, receive the Holy Spirit, and pour the Holy Spirit out. If Jesus had failed at any of these points along the line, the Holy Spirit would not have been given. In other words, Jesus is God, the Messiah that had been prophesized about through out the Old Testament.
Therefore, Peter says in verses 34 and 35, “For David did not ascend to heaven.” David was not the Messiah. When David said, “My Lord”, he was referring to Jesus. Therefore, Jesus’ ascension was one proof that showed that Jesus was the Messiah.
Jesus is Lord, the Christ, God, the Savior. The important thing is how we are going to respond to him. The people realized that Jesus is Lord, the Messiah and asked what they should do. Peter gives his answer in verse 38. To repent means to leave your life of self centerness and to live a new life with Christ as the center. After we repent we are to be baptized. Baptism is a sign of dieing to self and rising to a new life in Christ.
Have you repented and been baptized? If so, has your faith become just a custom and are you the center of your life or is Christ? Can you say like David, “I saw the Lord always before me.”? Let’s always put him before us and make him the Lord of our lives. Then we will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Let’s live our lives with the Holy Spirit.