Acts11:19-30 “Learning from the Antioch church”

Today let’s look at 3 things that we can learn from the Antioch church.

  1. I.             The creative men from Cyprus and Cyrene (vs. 19-21)

.             Until now Luke has written about the salvation of the Gentile, Cornelius.  Here he changes and tells how the church moved forward in preaching the Gospel.  This can be seen in the word “now”. 

              This passage has as its background Acts 8:1 and 4.  In other words as a result of Stephen’s martyr, a great persecution arose and the Christians were dispersed. Wherever they went the Christians spread the Gospel. As a result the evangelism of the Samaritans took place, and Cornelius was saved in Galilee. According to this passage they were dispersed as far as Antioch. Antioch is 500 kilometers as a bird flies from Jerusalem.  It is about as far from here as Osaka.  Even though the Gospel spread so far away, it was preached only to the Jews.  This was because they didn’t think that the Gentiles could be saved.

              “However, men from Cyprus and Cyrene, went to Antioch, and began to speak to Greeks also, telling them the good news about the Lord Jesus.” (20) Cyprus is an island in the Mediterranean Sea. Cyrene is a town in West part of Northern Africa.  The men that came from this area preached the Gospel to the Gentiles.  This was a very unique thing to do. Philip evangelized in Samaria, but Samarians were not pure Gentiles.  They were half Jewish.  Also Philip evangelized the Ethiopian, and Peter led Cornelius to the Lord, but the Ethiopian was a Gentile, but also a Jewish believer.   Also Cornelius feared God.  However, the Antiochs were Gentiles who had no affiliation with the Jewish faith.  The door was opening to evangelism of the Gentiles.

              The men from Cyprus and Cyrene were not well known, but they had the creativity and were willing to try something new and reach out to the Gentiles.  God used such people to start a new evangelism.

              The same is true in this age too.  God provides people like this.  It may even be us.  There is one characteristic that is common with these people.  It is written in verse 21. “The Lord’s hand was with them.”   That means that God with them and the Holy Spirit controls them and uses them.  When we speak the Word of God, even though we aren’t famous and knowledgeable, and we don’t have power, when God’s hand is with us, God uses us and we are able to do unthinkable things.

              The first Gentile church was started by nameless Cyprus and Cyrene men. The Lord’s hand was upon them, and as a result of preaching the Word of God, many people believed in and returned to Christ and the first Gentile church, Antioch, was born.


  1. II.           Those who were first called Christians (vs.22-26)

The news of the birth of the Antioch Church reached the Jerusalem church and they set out Barnabas to Antioch to check on the church and see what condition it was in and to encourage the church.  We are told about Barnabas already in 4:32;4:36.37.Barnabas was born as a Levite in Cyprus.  He had faith enough to sale his field and gave the money to the church.   However, he was a quiet Christian, but he was full of love. Therefore, he was happy to hear that God’s grace had come upon the Gentiles and he was able to encourage the church ”to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts.” (23)

Another thing that Barnabas did was to bring Paul to Antioch.  He did this for 2 reasons.  One is because Paul’s leadership was needed in the church.  The other reason was Barnabas realized that Paul was called to do missionary work throughout the world.  This was good decision of Barnabas.  For one year Paul encouraged through the preaching of the Word.  A lot of fruit was seen.  This had deep meaning.  The focus was changed from Jewish evangelism with the Jerusalem church to Gentile evangelism with the Antioch church.  There was a huge change from the center of evangelism. From chapter 13 the center of evangelism became Paul.  Barnabas was the bridge.

Under the leadership of Paul and Barnabas, the church really grew. and they received the attention of the Gentile society.  According to verse 26, “The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.”  It was a nickname for those who followed Christ. It is a sign that the Christians had a huge influence on the society. It is said that 25% of the Antioch population became Christian. To be called a Christian is a sign that we are a slave of Christ.   Our Lord is Christ. 

  1. III.         The Work of love. (vs.27-30)

The Antioch church showed their faith and thankfulness for salvation by giving gifts to the brother who were afflicted by famine. 

What we can do as a church maybe very small.  However, what is important is that that work is through a working faith.

I Cor. 12:26

It is important that we have such thinking.  No matter how small a work, God will use it.  Let’s be like the Antioch church, a church that God is happy with.  Let’s become like the Antioch church, where the society will say “They’re Christians”.  Let’s stay in God’s grace and become a church like Antioch.