Isaiah21:1-17 “Morning is not coming and there is no night”

From Isaiah 13 on Isaiah is warning of God’s judgment on the nations surrounding Israel. Until now he has spoken about Babylon, Assyria, Philistine, Moab, Damascus, Cush and Egypt. In today’s passage he is talking about Babylon again, then Edom and also Arabia. From these prophecies to these countries today I would like to talk about the hope and power of living in that age.

I. God doesn’t show favoritism (vs. 1-10)
Please look at verses 1 and 10. Let’s read verses 1 and 2.
“Desert by the Sea” (1) is Babylon. While Babylon is desert, the Tigris and Euphrates, huge rivers that look like an ocean, flow through it so it is called a “Desert by the Sea”. (1) This is a prophecy concerning Babylon. Chapter 13 and 14 is about Babylon. Here again Babylon is talked about.
This is a “dire vision”. (2) In verse 2 it says, “The traitor betrays, the looter takes loot.” “Elam” is Persia. Persia along with Media will attack Babylon. This was fulfilled 200 years after Isaiah prophesized this. In chapters 44 and 45 this is prophesized giving the name of the Persian king, Cyrus, who will destroy Babylon. It happened just as it was prophesized. At the time that Isaiah prophesized this Media and Persia were still small countries. It was Assyria that was in full flourish at that time. After that Babylon rose up, but this Babylon would later be destroyed by the allied forces of Persia and Media. It happened just as it is said here. This is the greatness of Biblical prophecy. What the Lord says always is fulfilled.
Please look at verses 3 to 5. Here describes what the destruction of Babylon will be like. In verse 5 it says, “They set the tables, they spread the rugs, they eat, they drink! Get up, you officers, oil the shields!” “They” (5) is Babylon’s king Nebuchadnezzar’s grandson, Belshazzar. They gave a great banquet at the palace. Suddenly the allied forces of Persia and Media attacked. The detailed account is recorded in Daniel 5 so later please look at that. Belshazzar used “the gold and silver goblets that Nebuchadnezzar his father had taken from the temple in Jerusalem” (Daniel 5:2) to drink wine with and worshipped gods made from stone and wood. Suddenly a hand appeared there and wrote some letters on the wall. Belshazzar who “was so frightened that his knees knocked together and his legs gave way,” (Daniel 5:6) so he called David and asked him what it meant. It was a message that Belshazzar had been measured in the light of God’s standards and was “found wanting”. (Daniel 5:27) His reign is over and his kingdom will be divided in two. That night Media and Persian came and destroyed Babylon.
Babylon which was said to be impregnable was destroyed in a flash. Babylon was enclosed by a stone wall 90 meters high, 24 meters wide and its length extended over tens of kilometers. They were off guard thinking that no one could break through this stone wall. Media and Persia didn’t break through the wall, but how they did it was they used the water system and they were able to gain entry inside the walled city. Babylon who never dreamed they would be attacked was in one night destroyed. Exactly like the prophecy of Daniel, Belshazzar’s rule ended.
Even so when Isaiah talks about the condition of Babylon, he says in verse 3, “At this my body is racked with pain, pangs seize me, like those of a woman in labor; I am staggered by what I hear.”
It was so brutal so Isaiah’s “body is racked with pain” (3) and he was “staggered”. (3) It was more than he could stand to hear or see. Isaiah’s heart ached. His heart ached watching Babylon not listen to God’s warning and being destroyed.
How about us? When we see those who if they don’t believe in the Savior and Lord Jesus Christ will go to eternal destruction, are our bodies “racked with pain”? (3) We have believed in Jesus and are saved so we are o.k., but what about our families and friends? They will perish. They will fall into hell. There is no other name except Jesus Christ in which they can be saved. It is sad if they don’t believe in Jesus and go to hell. Our hearts will be in pain. It will be more than we can stand to see or hear. So that that doesn’t happen, we must preach the words of salvation, and pray that many people will believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior. If we see such people and don’t think anything about it, then we are a people without compassion. Let’s have the same heart as God that feels for others.
Verses 6 to 9 report what it was like when Media and Persia entered Babylon. “This is what the Lord says to me: Go post a lookout and have him report what he sees. When he sees chariots with teams of horses, riders on donkeys or riders on camels, let him be alert, fully alert.’ And the lookout shouted, ‘Day after day, my lord, I stand on the watchtower; every night I stay at my post, Look, here comes a man in a chariot with a team of horses. And he gives back the answer: ‘Babylon has fallen, has fallen! All the images of its gods lie shattered on the ground!’” (6-9)
The allied forces of Media and Persia used not only chariots and horses, but donkeys and camels too. The lookout at the lookout is called. When the allied forces of Media and Persia came and destroyed Babylon, the lookout excitedly called out, “Babylon has fallen, has fallen! “ (9) He calls out twice that Babylon has fallen. “Babylon has fallen, has fallen!” (9) That is how stirred up he is. It shows how surprising it was that Babylon which was thought of as never falling had been destroyed. Babylon that was said would never be destroyed was in this way destroyed. This happened 200 years after the age of Isaiah. At the same time this is a prophecy of events at the end of the world. In other words, it is the destruction of “Babylon the Great” of Rev. 18:2. This “Babylon the Great” (Rev. 18:2) is powers that are against God, the system of evil. At the end of the world, evil will inevitably be judged.
Please look carefully at verse 10. Here it says, “O my people, crushed on the threshing floor, I tell you what I have heard from the LORD Almighty, from the God of Israel.” “My people, crushed on the threshing floor” (10) refers to Israel. Isaiah is prophesizing beforehand what is going to happen to the countries surrounding Israel. Not only the surrounding countries, but Israel too must hear what is being said. They must feel as if it were one’s own affair. It should not be put off as no concern of theirs. They must not think that they were a holy people chosen by God and so they had no relationship to what was being said. Rather you are no different from the neighboring countries so listen carefully to the message and you must accept it seriously. .
This is what the New Testament says too. Please open your Bibles to Romans 2:5-11.
Romans 2:5-11
“God does not show favoritism.” (Romans 2:11) Because you are the people of God, because you are Israel, because you are a holy people doesn’t mean that its o.k. to do anything. Even if you are the people of God, if you “reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger.” (Romans 2:8) “For God does not show favoritism.” (Romans 2:11) “There will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil; first for the Jew, then for the Gentile; but glory, honor and peace for everyone who does good; first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.” (Romans 2:9,10) Even if you a Jew, even if you are a Christian, if you sin and are forever hardened and don’t repent, then like Babylon you will be judged. Therefore, Isaiah says here, “I tell you.” (10) You must feel as if it is your own affair. If you are the same as them, you will experience the same things they will.
Isaiah said, “O my people, crushed on the threshing floor, I tell you what I have heard from the LORD Almighty, from the God of Israel.”(10) I ask you, “Are you saved? Are you certain that you have received eternal life? Are you 100% sure that you are going to heaven? If not, without fail, don’t be embarrassed, now make a decision. If you believe in Jesus as Lord and if you confess it with your mouth, “you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9) Your eternal destiny is decided by this. By how you look at Jesus Christ your life is determined. Those who confess Jesus at Lord are citizens of heaven. Those who don’t will be judged. They will go to hell. There are some people who don’t want to go to heaven or hell, but they want to go to China. However, that is not an option. You must choose heaven or hell.

II. Morning isn’t coming, there is no night (Vs. 11,12)
The second point is that morning isn’t coming and there is no night. Please look at verses 11 and 12.
This is a prophecy concerning Dumah. “Dumah” (11) is Edom. Edom was the descendants of the older son of the twins, Esau and Jacob. “Dumah”(11) is another name for Edom. If you look at a map, you will see that it is south of Moab. This is a prophecy “concerning Dumah”. (11)
“Watchman, what is left of the night? Watchman, what is left of the night?” (11) The “watchman” (11) is like the night guards in Japan. Here Isaiah is being called a “Watchman”.(11)
“Watchman, what is left of the night?” (11) Isaiah is being asked how much of the night is still left. Assyria being attacked is being spoken in similitude to night. They are asked by Seir, the Edomites about what the future holds, how long the night will be.
Isaiah’s answer is in verse 12. “Morning is coming, but also the night. If you would ask, then ask; and come back yet again.” “Morning is coming” (12) means that morning will certainly come. This is hope. There isn’t a night where morning does not come. It certainly comes. They may be destroyed by Assyria, but even so for sure morning will come. The captured people will certainly be freed. That is morning. However, again night will come. For morning to come means that night will also come. This is what occurs on the earth. Certainly Assyria attacked Edom and swallowed it up, but that is not the end. When the long night of Assyria oppression is over, a short “morning” will precede a Babylonian rule. After the morning comes night will come again. This is the watchman’s proclamation. “If you would ask, then ask” (12) means come and ask how the world affairs will be. God’s word will tell you so “come back yet again.” (12) This is the prophecy concerning Edom.
This is what will certainly occur at the end of the world. At the end of the world night will come. God’s judgment will come on a larger scale than ever before. Unheard-of disasters, and a convulsion of nature will come. It may have already started to come. However, it will come on a bigger scale. It will occur at the end of the world in the great tribulation. Such an age will come. The night will come.
Our age is surely moving towards night. A completely dark day is near. The world is gradually getting darker and darker. If you look at the daily news, it has only dark news. There is hardly any bright news. It seems like every day tragic incidents occur. The other day there was a shooting in a movie theater in Denver, Colorado. Several people died and several were injured. Such things are everyday occurrences. A long time ago what were considered unthinkable atrocious incidents became and will become more continuous. Already when we see such news or hear such things, we no longer think much about it. We’re used to it. It has become that ordinary. The world has become that sick. It is become darker and darker. However, if you asked Jesus Christ, he would say those are the signs of the end of the world. Matt. 24:12 says, “Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold.” People “will grow cold.” (Matt. 24:12) Certainly now is such an age. Parents unashamedly kill children. Children too unashamedly kill their parents. It is such an age!
Please open your Bibles to II Timothy 3;1-5. Here is recorded what the conditions of the end of the world will be.
II Timothy 3:1-5
This is the end of the world. This will increase during the tribulation period. At that time “people will be lovers of themselves.” (II Timothy 3:2) They will only be concerned about themselves. They will be self-lovers. They will be selfish. They will want to show off themselves and what they can do. They will want to be the center of attention. Therefore things like murdering a person that walks past occurs. The person wants attention so it doesn’t matter to them who they murder. They wanted to kill. They wanted to stand out. They wanted to be featured in the mass media. For that reason people are being killed. “People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful…lovers of pressure rather than lovers of God.” (II Timothy 3:2,4) Such people will prevail. We find many reasons like “They’re adolescents” or “recently young people leave a lot to be desired”, but the real reason is different. They have no love. Their love is cold. The end of the world is near.
The Bible clearly says that the world will not get better. Civilization has developed and life has become convenient, and the world should be brighter. But it isn’t. The world is getting darker. A greater age of tribulation will come. The end of the world is coming. A good old fashioned age will not come. No matter how hard mankind tries, society will become only worst. I am a probation officer. Every year at this time we go out on the street and do a “Making society bright campaign”. We pass out Kleenex and try to educate and enlighten the people we talk to. Through conversations with junior highers, we encourage the junior highers to have hope. However, society doesn’t become bright. It is becoming darker and darker.
No matter how dark society becomes we must definitely not give up. We shouldn’t become negative. Rather we Christians should expect morning to come. We can’t avoid night coming, but we need to look forward to morning coming.
That morning is the Lord Jesus’ second coming. The Lord Jesus will come to meet us. He will return again to meet his bride, the church. At that time we will be resurrected in a resurrection body like our Lord Jesus, a body that is imperishable, a risen glorious body. In a moment we will be taken up into the clouds, and in the sky will meet the Lord. Then we will be forever with the Lord. That is the time when our salvation will be completed, and the time of greatest joy. This is morning for Christians. It is the morning of hope. This is something that seems like a dream that non-Christians can’t believe in. It sounds absurd. You may think this may never happen, but it is written right in the Bible.
I Thess. 5:9
Christ is called the morning star. It is the first star to break through the darkness. It is morning. Therefore, for those who believe in Christ the end of the world does not mean that the future is all black. Rather it is a time for us to shine in hope with our hearts bulging in the expectation that morning will come soon. No matter how dark this world is for sure morning will come. There is no night when morning does not come.
Therefore, how do we see this age? Are you anxious about what will happen to this country that has a national debt of over \1,000,000,000,000,000? Even if you say that you have no personal debt, each person has a several million yen debt that all citizens including babies must bear. Someday this country may go bankrupt. We can’t be certain about our social security. The young people have no future. Yen is currently high. There is no hope for the future and the world is only getting darker. However Christians have hope. It is not necessary to become hopeless. We have a living hope. In addition eternal living hope has been given to us. If we believe in Jesus Christ, we have hope. Then the morning that Christians bring will not become night. If you read Revelations, there is no night in heaven. That is because the lamb, Jesus Christ becomes the light and shines.
This hope is given to us. Someday it will be like this. Not only that but it will be in the near future. Our Lord Jesus may come back tonight. Are you prepared? So that we are o.k. whenever our Lord Jesus returns we should be awake and prepared. “Since we belong to the day, let us be self-controlled, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet” (I Thess. 5:8) and we should wait expectantly for the morning.
Someone called to the watchman from Seir, “Watchman, what is left of the night? Watchman, what is left of the night?” (11) Already the night had considerably advanced, and morning was approaching. Christians must become watchmen and proclaim this to other people. Tonight go to the city and see. It is not just young people that are loitering around. There are people who have turned adrift. Many people don’t know why they are living. They are many who are just meeting death. Recently there have been big reports about the problem of bullying in schools. They need the message of the watchman. It is necessary that you preach the message of hope as a watchman to those who think that they only will not die. Someday they will die. It is necessary to preach that our life is short.

III. Take refuge in the Lord (Vs. 13-17)
Lastly let’s look at the prophecy concerning Arabia. Please look at verses 13 to 17.
Arabia is present day South Arabia. The name means “desert”. Assyria will attack this desert. It says that the Dedanites, an Arabian tribe of merchants were camped “in the thickets of Arabia.” (13) However, another Arabian town Tema, is told to meet the merchants of Dedanites and give them water and food.
The reason that they should watch over the Dedanite merchants was because “they flee from the sword, from the drawn sword, from the bent bow and from the heat of battle.. Before in the message concerning the Moabites, it was said, “be their shelter from the destroyer.” (16:4) God’s will was that Judah become a shelter for the refugees and help them.
Even so Dedan was 130 km away the way the bird flies from Tema. 130 km. SE from Dedan is Tema. These two towns were only separated by 130 km., but one had refuges and the other was to be a shelter for the refuges. If you research both towns, they are both towns in the desert. Even though they are both in the desert, Tema was an oasis with abundant underground water running through it. It was famous for its fountain from the underground water. The reason given of why Tema helps has to do with this water. Even though they were both cities in the same desert Tema had enough water to quench the thirst of the thirsty,
Christ said, “I am living water”. Anyone who drinks the water that Christ gives will never thirst. It will become a spring within him, and “streams of living water will flow from within him.” (John 7:38) Christ is our real refuge. If we take our refuge in him, He will give us the water and bread that we need. If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believe in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living waster will flow from within him.” (John 7:38)
Who are you finding refuge in? Come to Jesus Christ. If so you will never be thirsty. No matter how dark it is in the world, morning will certainly come. That is the hope and power for living in this age.

Applying it to our lives
 Do you have the preconceived idea that because you are a Christian that all is o.k.? Do you have something that you should be repenting of?

 For you what is darkness? How are you walking in the darkness? Let’s wait expectantly for the second coming of Christ, the light that shines in the darkness,