Isaiah23:1-18 ”God who is Victorious”

Today I would like to talk from Isaiah 23. Isaiah from chapter 13 on is giving a warning of judgment upon the surrounding countries. Today’s passage is the last part. This ending part is a prophecy spoken against the principal city of Phoenicia, Tyre.
The name “Tyre” means “rock”. It was the ancient Phoenician city on the Mediterranean Sea coast. They didn’t like Assyria and Babylon have a huge piece of land, but with the Mediterranean Sea as their stage, traded with the world so they prospered, and amassed great riches. Now days it would be like Japan. It doesn’t have any resources. However, by trade it obtains huge riches, and moves the world economy. This is “a prophecy against Tyre.”

I. The economic large country of Tyre (vs. 1-5)
First look at verses 1 to 5.
Tarshish is a town in present day Spain. At that time it was thought to be at the end of the world. The prophet Jonah was commanded to go to the Nineveh in Assyria to preach the Word of God, but he didn’t want to go to his enemies and preach so in order to run away from the Lord’s face he headed for Tarshish. The reason that Tarshish appears here is Tarshish was Tyre’s trade partner. Tyre traded with countries that were that far away. Tarshish is being told to “wail”. (1) That is because its great trade partner country, Tyre, is going to be destroyed. Then Tarshish who gained profits from Tyre will next lament its own losses and will “wail”. (1)
That is not just Tarshish, but here “Cyprus” (1) also appears. It is an island in the same Mediterranean sea. Cyprus will lament too.
The “people of the island” in verse 2 are the towns of Phoenicia. They are the towns of Tyre and “Sidon” (2). They too by the trading on the Mediterranean by the merchants gained a lot of riches, but they will disappear. “Be silent” (2) is about this. He is telling the people who had spent all their time running around doing business noisily to “be silent” (2) “The grain of the Shihor” in verse 3 is the grain of Egypt. They sold the “the harvest of the Nile,” (3) the harvest from Egypt, to other countries and gained a lot of riches. However, they won’t be able to do this anymore.
In verse 4 “Sidon” appears, Sidon was a town in the same Phoenician area. It was a town 32 km away from Tyre. In the Bible Tyre and Sidon always appear together as a set. “Fortress of the sea” is Tyre. Tyre and Sidon are like someone that has never “been in labor not given birth.”(4) That is they didn’t have to labor, but they gained immense riches. That is what present day economic powers are like. They don’t have any hardships, but by just by moving figures a little tricks others out of lots of money. Today that would be investments like stocks or real estate. It is a trick where you don’t have to do anything, but money accumulates. Money accumulating in of itself is not a problem. However, when money accumulates, without realizing it becomes easy to imagine that you can do anything, and have pride that you can do fine without God. However, there are high risks. Such countries in the course of time will fall.
Luke 6:24,25
“Woe to you who are rich.” (Luke 6:24)
“Woe to you who are well fed now.” (Luke 6:25)
“Woe to you who laugh now.” (Luke 6:25)
The reason is the opposite, “You have already received your comfort.” (Luke 6:24)
“You will go hungry.” (Luke 6:25)
“You will mourn and weep.” (Luke 6:25)
If you think that because you have become rich that you are o.k.; that you don’t have to depend upon God or Jesus and that you can do o.k. by yourself. Or if you think you have a family, savings and health so everything is o.k. Everyone in your family is healthy. Each person in the family is moving toward his goals so you feel relieved. If you have such thoughts, God will bring you down. In the course of time “you will go hungry.” (Luke 6:25) in the course of time “you will mourn and weep.” (Luke 6:25)
Paul said, “If we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.” (I Tim. 6:8) That is because “People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people who eager for money have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.” (I Tim. 6:9,10) In the exact same way the people of Tyre loved money and wandered from the faith and they “pierced themselves”. (I Tim. 6:10)
Aren’t we the same? Japan is a lot like Tyre. Now it is connected to land, but originally it was a small island country. It was an island country 550 meters away from the land. However, in the course of history when Babylon attacked this island it was difficult for them to be a match in strength in sea fighting so they used debris for landfill and built a road. Therefore, the island became connected to the land. However, it was originally an island country. They didn’t have hardly any resources. They became an economic power and controlled the world because of their seafaring trade. “She became the marketplace of the nations” (3) and amassed great riches. Japan too is a small island. It doesn’t have many resources. It only has technology. Through such skillful ability it stepped out into the whole world, and from the money that they gained they bought out businesses. At one point they were named “an economic animal”.
Next to my wife’s hometown is a town named Napa. There grape vineyards stretch out and it is famous for wine production. In that town many Italians lived there and ran the wineries, but the Japanese have bought out almost all of the wineries. Then not only did they produce wine, but made the wine country a sightseeing spot and gained a large amount of riches. Also JAL bought out the city airport there and made it a pilot training center for their airline. That is because it would be a huge expense to buy land and build an airport in Japan. Japan is really an economical animal. Japan that tries to buy out the real estate in the entire world is exactly the same as Tyre. However, such countries in the course of time fall. When the bubble economy burst and Japan which had had the number 1 GHP in the world was overtaken by China, America and the EU and was setback to fourth place. When someone or a country amasses great riches and are prideful, God removes him. That is not someone else’s affair. It could happen to us.

II. Prideful Tyre (vs. 6-14)
Next please look at verses 6 to 14. First please read verses 6 to 9.
Here “people of the island” (6) appear. This is the same as earlier Tyre and the other Phoenician towns. These “people of the island” (6) are told to “cross over to Tarshish” (6) and to “wail” (6). They are “cross over to Tarshish” (6) and live there. That is because the Phoenician towns will be destroyed. The towns were old towns built between 2,500 B.C. and 2,300 B.C. Here as it says, “Tyre, the bestower of crowns, whose merchants are princes, whose traders are renowned in the earth.” (8) Their trading was that renowned. They were the most renowned in the world. Their business was number 1 in the world. It is just the same as the Japanese business world. Japanese business has stepped up in the world. No matter what they do they are successful. 7-11 that began in America was bought out and it’s management was reorganized by Japanese 7-11. Now Japan’s business model is renowned throughout the entire world. Even so “the pride of all glory” (9) will be brought low and will “humble all who are renowned on the earth.” (9) That is because “the LORD Almighty planned it, to bring low the pride of all glory and to humble all who are renowned on the earth.” (9)
Please look at verses 10 and 11.
Tyre was destroyed so Tarshish, it’s trade partner is told to try to find a countermeasure. “The LORD has stretched out his hand over the sea” shows that God has begun his judgment upon Tyre and Sidon who made the sea its stage and gained wealth and fame. The Lord’s judgment by destroying the Phoenician firm and solid fortress caused Phoenicia and many countries to tremble.
Please look at verses 12 to 14.
Sidon who fell from God’s judgment had nothing to be joyful about. That wasn’t just Sidon, but Tyre and the Phoenician towns too. Even though they “cross over to Cyprus,” (12) they will still find no rest. Assyria destroyed the city of Babylon. “and turned it into a ruin.” (12) In the same way Tyre and Sidon will be completely ruined and will look like the Babylon of that time.
Tyre that had shined that much, had perfect beauty, and was full of wisdom turned into ruins. That was because they were prideful. Please open your Bibles to Ezekiel 28:1-19.
This is describing “the ruler of Tyre.” (2) Of course, in the background it is describing the fall of Lucifer, the head of angels. It is interesting that the description of the fall of the head of the angels would be stacked together with the fall of Tyre. The problem was that in his heart he said, “I am a god”(Ezekiel 28:2) out of pride. By his wisdom and understanding he had gained wealth of himself and amassed gold and silver in his treasuries. By his great skill in trading he had increased his wealth, but he thought he was “wise, as wise as a god.” (Ezekiel 28:6) Therefore, God is going to bring the most ruthless of nations against him, condemn him and bring him “down to the pit” (Ezekiel 28:8) He was “the model of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.” (Ezekiel 28;12) However, he was drunk from his wealth. His heart became proud on account of his beauty. He corrupted his wisdom because of his splendor. But he was “a man and not a god.” (Ezekiel 28:2) Even so he committed the sin of pride by thinking that he was god. That is the problem. The origin of evil is pride. It is being prideful and making yourself god. God deposes such people.
Last month at the Olympic held in London and we were given lot’s of inspiration., but especially the men’s 100 meter and 200 meter and 400 meter X4 relay was the center of attention. The Jamaican, Winson Bolt, won. Many people looked forward to watching his running. Especially since last year in the 100 meter race that was held in Taegu, Korea he was disqualified for flying. Also at this year’s Jamaican national championship he lost to his team mate Yohan Blake. People watched to see what kind of race it would be. The results were that Bolt like at the Peking Olympics superbly won the 100, 200, and 400 meter races. It was really wonderful running. Before the Olympics began he constantly said that he was going to be a legend. Until now there has never anyone who has won consecutively the 100 and 200. Therefore, by that he tried to become a legend.
IOC’s President on location who heard this said Bolt’s valuation in Olympic history will be made after he retires. Carl Lewis who entered the Olympics four times and took a medal every time is a legend. If Winson Bolt also could keep his condition and motivation then he could enter the Olympics four times. Now he is just gathering attention, and hasn’t been given enough value to be called a legend.
Bolt said that he himself presumed that if at2 sprint races at 2 continuous Olympics games he won 2 crowns then he would be a legend. However, those around him didn’t see it that way. He only assumed that. It doesn’t matter whether he becomes a legend or not. He only needs to use the talents that God has given him to the best of his ability and worship God’s glory.
Actually Winson Bolt is a Christian, After Bolt obtained the medal, he thanked God and on the Twitter made the following comment. “I am thankful for all that God has done for me. That is because without God I could have done any of this.”
It would have been great if this comment would have appeared all over. However, “Be a legend” came out front in the news reports and he was probably completely misunderstood. Either way, no matter how great a person he is, he is man and cannot be god. If you are proud like you are God, just as God swept Tyre away, He will sweep such people away.
Are you humble before God? No matter how splendid you are, how much wisdom you have, how beautiful you are, how great you are physically, you are a man, not God. Please distinguish this. We must be humble before God.
This was the warning towards Israel and surrounding countries of God’s judgment. First Babylon appeared. That’s because in that age Babylon by its military power controlled the world. Lastly Tyre appeared. That was because by Tyre’s economic power they conquered the world. However, even though they had military power or economic strength, if they were prideful before the Lord, God will “humble all who are renowned on the earth.” (9) The Babylon King, Nebuchadnezzar who the moment he thought that he had gained all his glory by his own strength, “he was driven away from people and ate grass like cattle. His body was drenched with the dew of heaven until his hair grew like the fathers of an eagle and his nails like the claws of a bird.” (Daniel 4:33) The moment that a person thinks that they are standing on the top of the world, God’s judgment comes upon them. Every person has a tendency to boast about himself, but we need to boast not about ourselves, but about God. That is because unless we breathe through our nose, we can’t live. We are nothing more than that. If we are going to boast, let’s boast about God. To such a person God will give abundant grace.

III. Tyre who was made victorious (vs. 15-18)
Lastly let’s look at verses 15 to 18.
Here Tyre is likened to a prostitute. “At that time Tyre will be forgotten for seventy years, the span of a king’s life.” (15) It is thought that this is the period of God’s judgment. This is the period that Assyria attacks Tyre and destroys it. However, when those 70 years are over, Tyre will be restored again. “At the end of seventy years, the LORD will deal with Tyre. She will return to her hire as a prostitute and will ply her trade with all the kingdoms on the face of the earth.” (17) This shows that Tyre will once again be prosperous and reopen their trading with other countries. That trading is likened to a prostitute does not mean that trading in and of itself is sin. It is showing a positive side of doing anything to make a profit. She doesn’t have abstinence so principles, ideology, tradition, honor or such things don’t concern her so she is only concerned with one thing, making money, and she is willing to do anything for money
The end is recorded in verse 18.
“Her profit and her earnings will be set apart for the LORD”! (18) Please look at Ezra 3:7
This is records what it was like when Judah returns from Babylon captivity to Jerusalem, and rebuilds the temple. People from Sidon and Tyre are there. They came from Tyre and Sidon to build the temple. In other words, Tyre was restored into a town where money could be gained by trading. However, this time the money that was made, pay, wealth, and etc. was used for the Lord’s glory. In other words, this shows that the Lord is victorious. Whenever God conquered an area, all the silver and gold were to be dedicated to the Lord. It looked like they were conquered and destroyed by other countries, but in reality God used such countries. Everything happened under that authority of God. Everything was for God’s glory. In the prophecy concerning Cush and Ethiopia, there is this promise. “At that time gifts will be brought to the Lord Almighty from a people tall and smooth skinned, from a people-feared far and wide, an aggressive nation of strange speech, who land is divided by rivers.”
Also 19:25 says, “The LORD Almighty will bless them, saying, ’Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance.’” This means that Egypt and Assyria will serve the Lord. When this day comes, all peoples of the world are under the control of the Lord. The wealth and power that we gained by our own desires and power will in the end, be placed in God’s kingdom.
This is the Gospel. The Gospel has this much power. When that day comes we will be more than conquerors.
Romans 8:37
“In all these things we are more than conquerors.” (Romans 8:37) No matter how dark it is in the world, no matter how much the enemy, Satan, attacks, “In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” (Romans 8:37) That is “because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.” (Romans 8:1) We are under his control. That victory is promised to us. By the Gospel we are victorious and conquerors.
Let’s believe this. Be thankful that we have entered into God’s grace. And let’s walk in that grace. While praying that others will be added to that grace and let’s work to that end. This is what a conqueror is like.

Applying it to our lives
 In your heart do you have any feelings of being superior? Do you feel like you are a great person like God? How are you humbling yourself?

 Do you feel defeated in your life? Why? Look at God’s victories in history. What hope for the future should you confess?