Isaiah28:14-29 “The one who relies on it will never be stricken with panic”

Today let’s look at Isaiah 28 from verse 14 to the end. Verse 14 says, “Therefore hear the word of the LORD, you scoffers who rule this people in Jerusalem.“ “Scoffers“ are the drunk priests and prophets of Isaiah 28:7. They hear the words that Isaiah spoke and repulsively said, “Who it is he is trying to teach? To whom is he explaining his message?” They thought his teaching was completely child like. They thought of themselves as wise people. Isaiah accepted the words of Bible just as it said and taught exactly what it said so they thought it was too childish for them and they didn’t show any interest at all in the message. They looked down upon it because the thought it was foolish. They thought it wasn’t necessary for them to study the Bible because they had read it though and had heard the same story over and over again. They thought it wasn’t necessary for them to listen. They didn’t want to hear any more. Therefore, they didn’t try to hear. Today’s passage was written to the people who ridiculed Isaiah.

I. The one who relies on it will never be stricken with panic (Vs. 15,16)
First please look at verses 15 and 16. Verse 15 says, “You boast, ‘We have entered into a covenant with death, with the realm of the dead we have made an agreement. When on overwhelming scourge sweeps by, it cannot touch us, for we have made a lie our refuge and falsehood our hiding place.”
This “dead” (15) and “the realm of the dead” refer to Egypt. At that time Assyria was threatening Jerusalem. Northern Israel had already been swallowed up by Assyria. That power threatened Southern Judah too. They didn’t pay attention to Isaiah’s warning to just depend upon God. Instead they “made an agreement” (15) with the neighboring country, Egypt. By doing that they thought that even if “an overwhelming scourge sweeps by,” (15) they would be o.k. “It cannot touch” (15) them. They thought that if the occasion arose, Egypt would watch over them so they were secure. However, it was like they had “entered into a covenant with death, with the realm of the dead” (15) they had “made an agreement.” (15) It wouldn’t help them at all. Here Assyria is expressed as “an overwhelming scourge”. (15) They will come attacking like “an overwhelming scourge.” (15) No matter how great an agreement they make with Egypt, it will be useless. They who made light of God’s Word and didn’t expect anything from God thought they could take care of the situation on their own. That was “a lie” (15) and a “falsehood”. (15) In the course of time they were threatened and threatened by Assyria. A life of a person that doesn’t listen to God’s Word is like this. To think that you know the Bible so you are o.k. To think that that you have heard the message many times. To think that it is not necessary for you to study. Such thinking is to make “a lie our refuge and falsehood our hiding place.” (15) Therefore, the Bible says what to do in I Peter 2:1 and 2.
“Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind. Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation.” (I Peter 2:1, 2)
We must “like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation.” (I Peter 2:2) A new born baby probably does not think about anything. He only is hungry and “craves” (I Peter 2:2) breast milk. In the same way we must “like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk.” (I Peter 2:2)
What this Word of God is saying to us is written in verse 16. “This is what the Sovereign LORD says: ‘See, I lay a stone in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation; the one who relies on it will never be stricken with panic.”
This is a Messianic prophecy. We know this content is prophesying about Jesus Christ because it is quoted in the New Testament. It is quoted in Romans 9:33 and 10:11 and also in I Peter 2:6. It is quoted in Romans two times so we can see how important to Paul these words were. First let’s look at Romans 9:33.
Romans 9:33
The words are different, but that is because the Hebrew words that the words of Isaiah were written in were translated into Greek. That translation was then translated again into English so the words have changed a little. However, of course in line of thought it hasn’t changed. What is interesting is in the places that Isaiah uses “it” has been changed to “him”. This “him” of course is Jesus Christ. If you read this in the context of the letter to Romans, you will see clearly that is Jesus Christ. Paul understood that this “precious cornerstone for a sure foundation” (16) was Jesus Christ.
That is the same in Romans 10:11 too. Here it says, “As Scripture says, ‘Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.’ “This “Scripture” (Romans 10:11) is of course Isaiah 28:16 That is because verse 9 just before it says, ”If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” It is easy to be saved, to become a Christian. ”If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.” (Romans 10:9, 10) All you have to do is believe in Jesus. All you have to do is “declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that” (Romans 10:9) Jesus died on the cross and then 3 days later rose again. If so, you too will be saved. That is because Jesus is a “precious cornerstone for a sure foundation” (16)
Romans 9:33 has words that are not in Isaiah 28:16. That is a stone “that causes people to stumble and a rock that makes them fall.” (Romans 9:33) This is borrowed from Isaiah 8:14. This was changed. Isaiah 8:14 says, “he will be a holy place; for both Israel and Judah he will be a stone that causes people to stumble and a rock that makes them fall. And for the people of Jerusalem he will be a trap and a snare.” Paul combined Isaiah 28:16 and 8:14 and quoted them together in Romans 9:33. In exactly the same way Peter too quoted it. Please look at I Peter 2:6 to 8.
I Peter 2:6-8
Here Peter not only combines Isaiah 28:16 and Isaiah 8:14, but in addition adds Psalms 118:22 to the explanation. Certainly Jesus is the chosen “precious cornerstone for a sure foundation” (16) that Isaiah in the Old Testament spoke about and “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.” (Romans 10:11) However, it is saying that that doesn’t mean that all people will believe. There are people who believe and people that don’t believe. For those who believe there is no one of greater worth than Jesus to depend upon. However, for those who don’t believe he is the reverse. He is “a stone that causes people to stumble and a rock that makes them fall.” (Romans 9:33) Peter wanted to say this.
It is sad, but not all people will believe. Even God’s chosen people, Israel, are so. The Words of Isaiah chapter 28 are words of judgment upon the spiritual leaders of Israel. They made fun of what Isaiah said, said his words were childlike and didn’t accept what he had to say. They made light of Isaiah’s ministry. This is the same in every age. 2,700 years before in the age of Isaiah too, 2,000 years before in the age of Peter and Paul too, and also in the present of the year 2012 mankind’s essence hasn’t changed. People who don’t believe don’t believe and people, who believe, believe. The people who believe are saved. Salvation is extremely simple. ”If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9) However, that is difficult to do. We tend to think of it as more difficult than it actually is. We think that we have to do this and we have to do that. We make it more complicated than it actually is. However, what the Bible teaches us is that is in order to be saved there aren’t many things that we have to do. We only need to believe in Jesus as our savior.
Please look at John 6:28 and 29. Here it says, “Then they asked him, ’What must we do to do the works God requires?’” Jesus answered, ‘the work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.’” “They” (John 6:28) are the Jews of Jesus’ age. They came to Jesus and asked, “What must we do to do the works God requires?” (John 6:28) It is interesting that the word “works” is in the plural form. In other words they thought that in order to be saved, in order to go to heaven, they had to do many works. This is how man thinks. They think that in order to be saved, you must do many things. You have to do this. You have to do that. We think if we don’t do those things then we won’t be saved. For example, if we do some bad little things, then we think we have to do lots of good thing in order for our sin to be canceled. That is man’s nature.
However Jesus said. “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.” (John 6:29) “The one he sent” (John 6:29) is Jesus Christ. To believe in Jesus Christ is “the work of God”. (John 6:29) This “work” (John 6:29) is in singular form. There is only one thing that you have to do to be saved. Not only that but that thing is not something that you have to do by your own effort. All you have to do is believe in Jesus Christ. That is “the work of God.” (John 6:29)
We cannot save ourselves. We are completely powerless. Therefore we can only be helped by someone with more strength than us who can save us. That is Jesus Christ. However, many people don’t think that a savior is necessary and try by their own strength, by their won works try to save themselves. They think that they can keep themselves safe from scourges or curses. If you buy a charm, if you go to the temple, if you pray before the butsudan, if you put water on the god shelf, then you will be protected. If such things will save you, then Jesus Christ isn’t necessary. It wasn’t necessary for Christ to come to this world. Christ had to come to this world because we are completely powerless. God had mercy on us and sent the savior to save us. That is Jesus Christ. If it was not for Jesus Christ, we could not be saved. Jesus Christ is our only hope.
Only Jesus led a life without even one sin. Only Jesus had victory over death and rose again. Jesus Christ is the real savior. Isaiah expressed this by saying he is a “tested stone”. (16) He is a stone that has been examined over and over again and fully proven. This means that it is a stone which has been tested for blemishes and its ability to withstand pressure. Therefore it is “ a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation.” (16) A stone that looks nice on the outside, but under a little testing breaks into pieces is unstable and is unable to support an entire house. Jesus Christ has no blemishes and no dirty spots. Only by holding onto him can you be saved. It is really a simple and clear message. ”If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9) This is the only way in which we can be saved. It is the way that God has given us.

However, we look for other ways. We think that if we make an agreement with Egypt then we’ll be o.k. If we seek counsel from others, we’ll be o.k. We depend on things other than God. The Bible teaches that when we depend on other things, we will fail. However, “anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.” (Romans 10:11) Anyone who believes and depend on Christ will never fail.
Today’s passage says, “the one who relies on it will never be stricken with panic.” (16) You can bear yourself nobly. What power! If Jesus is with you, you have nothing to fear. God who you can depend upon the most is always with you. No matter what happens, you’re o.k. How are you going to pay all your bills this month? No problem. Jesus owns all the money in all the banks in all the world. What will happen if I get sick? No problem. Jesus is the supreme doctor so there is no reason to worry. But my home is falling apart! Our relationship is bad! You need only to go to Jesus, the supreme counselor for counsel. He will become your strength. Jesus Christ who saved you from hell, is always standing next to you. “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.” (Romans 10:11) However, if you depend upon something other than Him, that thing will certainly betray you. You will fail. You will become discouraged. And as a result, you will be hurt. Jesus will never betray you. Don’t think about this and that and make it complicated. Hold onto Jesus Christ. Depend upon him and you “will never be put to shame.” (Romans 10:11) “The one who relies on it will never be stricken with panic.” (16)

II. God’s alien task (Vs. 17-22)
The second point is God’s judgment upon Judah who disregarded God’s warning. Please look at verses 17 to 19.
Verse 17-19
This is saying that making a “covenant with death” is completely useless and will not help at all. “Hail” (17) and “water” (17) refers to the violent attack of Assyria. Towards Judah who did not depend upon God and by their own strength tried to deal with the situation God sends Assyria as a “scourge” (15) to punish them. The “overwhelming scourge”(15) is a mixed metaphor referring to the army of Assyria. “Overwhelming scourge”(15) pictures an army as “hail” (17), and overflowing water. “When the overwhelming scourge sweeps by,” (18) they “will be beaten down by it.” (18) A scourge is a whip. God will use Assyria as a whip to punish Judah. For those who don’t believe it will bring panic and failure, but “the one who relies on it will never by stricken with panic.” (16)

However, that is not all. Verse 20 says, “The bed is too short to stretch out on, the blanket too narrow to wrap around you.”
“The bed is too short to stretch out on, the blanket too narrow to wrap around you” (20) refers to Egypt. Just as “The bed is too short to stretch out on, the blanket too narrow to wrap around you,” (20) Egypt lacks the ability to give hope and real feelings of security. Egypt is useless as a “refuge” (15) as a place to rest, and as a place to warm their bodies. To make an agreement with the world does not bring complete security. The world’s bed is too short to stretch out on, the blanket too narrow to wrap around you.” (20) To think that you have life insurance so you’re o.k. or you have money in the bank so you’re safe or you own property, you have stocks, or you have good health so you’re o.k., or you have a job, or you have abilities is like having a security blanket, but the blanket is “too narrow to wrap around you.” (20) You think these things will keep you warm, but “the bed is too short” (20) so your feet are cold. “The bed”(20) is useless. There is a time in our life when there is something which we can’t do anything about. That is death. When the enemy, death, comes you will realize that your hiding place in the world will not take care of you. Such things can’t really keep you warm. They are “too short” (20) and “too narrow.” (20)
On the other end, if you depend on Jesus, you will be taken care of. If you believe in Jesus and confess Jesus as your Lord, “This is the place of repose”. (12)
Matt. 11:28
In Jesus there is real rest and contentment. If you come to Jesus, you will receive complete peace and protection. Please look at verse 21.
Vs. 21
“Rise up as he did at Mount Perazim, he will rouse himself as in the Valley of Gibeon” (21) refers to the earlier event when David was attacked by the Philistines, the Lord helped David and at Mount Perazim he defeated the Philistines. David said, “As waters break out, God has broken out against my enemies by my hand.” (I Chron. 14:11) God performed an “alien task”. (21) This is the same in every age. In Isaiah’s age too Assyria’s King Sennacherib surrounded Jerusalem. That was in 701 B.C. Against such a huge power there was nothing that they could do. In such a situation if they trusted in the Lord, the Lord will help them. The details of this will appear later in chapter 37, but in one night the Lord’s angel went to the Assyrian army and killed 185,000 men. It wasn’t because Isaiah or Hezekiah had done something. It was only the result of them only holding on to God and praying to God. God worked. As a result the Assyrian King, King Sennacherib left. If you depend upon the Lord, the Lord will take care of you. It isn’t like a bed that is too short or a blanket that is “too narrow to wrap around you.” (20) It is complete protection and care.
That is not just in the age of David and Isaiah. Every age is the same. Here it says, “the Lord, the Lord Almighty, has told me of the destruction decreed against the whole land.” (22) In Isaiah’s age this is Assyria and King Sennacherib. They surrounded Jerusalem, but the Lord answered Isaiah’s and Hezekiah’s prayers and completely destroyed the Assyrian army. However, this isn’t just about the age of Hezekiah. This is also a prophecy about an event at the end of the world. In the course of time at the end of the world Jerusalem will be surrounded. Armies will assemble from the North, South, East and West and the entire world at the hill of Armageddon. There they will try to fight the Lord. This is the war of Armageddon. At that time Christ will come from heaven and sit on the throne in Jerusalem. God will blow them away with one breath and will have complete victory. This is this prophecy. In David’s age God who gave victory over the Philistines in Isaiah’s age gave victory over Assyria’s attack and then at the end of the world, against all of the evil powers of the world he will give complete victory. In every age the Lord is victorious and he gives complete care to those who depend upon him. The bed is not too short. The blanket is not too narrow. He performs “alien task”. (21)
Therefore, we must not continue to mock. Those who mocked God and didn’t think anything of not believing in Jesus Christ, must repent, believe that the Lord is God and humbly believe God’s salvation. Also those that even though they heard God’s word, thought that they had had enough , that they have heard it many times so they know it, and have their ears closed to God’s word, must “like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk.” (I Peter 2:2)

III. Wonderful in counsel (Vs. 23-29)
Lastly let’s look at verses 23 to 29. This is a poetic parable of farming. Isaiah said, “listen and hear my voice; pay attention and hear what I say,”(23) Then he told this farming parable. This farming parable is a summary of all that Isaiah has said up until now. Up until now Isaiah has talked about depending upon God. Isaiah said that we shouldn’t become humanistic thinking about what we know, how we think, what strengths we have, but we must always just depend upon God. This farming parable is said to be a summary of this. First let’s read verses 24 and 25.
Verses 24 and 25
After the farmer plows the soil, he plants the seeds, but the way he plants is different depending on the seed he is planting. “Caraway”(25) and “cumin”(25) are spices. Such seeds are planted by hand. “Wheat”(25), “barley” (25), and “spelt”(25) are planted in different places according to their kind. “Wheat” (25) is planted in rows. “Barley” (25) is planted in plots. “Spelt” is planted in fields. In other words, the farmer plants each of the seeds according to the kind of seed it is. The farmer plants each seed in the best place for the kind of seed it is.
In verse 27 and 28 it describes what it is like at harvest time. “Caraway is not threshed with a sledge, nor is a cartwheel rolled over cumin. Caraway is beaten out with a rod, and cumin with a stick.” (27)
The farmer uses various procedures and methods . The places, timing, and methods of planting the seeds are different. In harvesting too, the way it is harvested is different for each plant. In the same way in God’s kingdom, there are many different ways to plant the seeds. Each person is different. However, God uses the right method for each individual. Behind history God is working. Even if things aren’t going like we think they should, God knows the situation and according to the situation leads for the best. Isaiah says in verse 29,”All this also comes from the LORD Almighty, wonderful in counsel and magnificent in wisdom.”
Just as the Lord had the best plan for them, in this age, even though the situation may be different, he does what is best for us. Therefore what is necessary for us is even though we don’t understand, depend upon God and leave everything in God’s hands. Even when humanly speaking depending upon Egypt looks safe, in every age we need to listen to what God is saying about it, what God’s will is and leave it all in the hands of God. This is the key to blessings in all ages. How about you? Have you “entered into a covenant with death”? (15) Such covenants are useless. The stone God laid in Zion “a tested stone, a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation; the one who relies on it will never be stricken with panic.” (16) This “sure foundation”(16) is Jesus Christ. “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.” (Romans 10:11) Please believe on him and make him “a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation” (16) of your life. If so, no matter what happens in your life, the Lord will take care of you and do what is best for you. God is everything that you need and he isn’t lacking in anything. He performs “alien task.” (21)