Acts11:19-30 “Learning from the Antioch church”

Today let’s look at 3 things that we can learn from the Antioch church.

  1. I.             The creative men from Cyprus and Cyrene (vs. 19-21)

.             Until now Luke has written about the salvation of the Gentile, Cornelius.  Here he changes and tells how the church moved forward in preaching the Gospel.  This can be seen in the word “now”. 

              This passage has as its background Acts 8:1 and 4.  In other words as a result of Stephen’s martyr, a great persecution arose and the Christians were dispersed. Wherever they went the Christians spread the Gospel. As a result the evangelism of the Samaritans took place, and Cornelius was saved in Galilee. According to this passage they were dispersed as far as Antioch. Antioch is 500 kilometers as a bird flies from Jerusalem.  It is about as far from here as Osaka.  Even though the Gospel spread so far away, it was preached only to the Jews.  This was because they didn’t think that the Gentiles could be saved.

              “However, men from Cyprus and Cyrene, went to Antioch, and began to speak to Greeks also, telling them the good news about the Lord Jesus.” (20) Cyprus is an island in the Mediterranean Sea. Cyrene is a town in West part of Northern Africa.  The men that came from this area preached the Gospel to the Gentiles.  This was a very unique thing to do. Philip evangelized in Samaria, but Samarians were not pure Gentiles.  They were half Jewish.  Also Philip evangelized the Ethiopian, and Peter led Cornelius to the Lord, but the Ethiopian was a Gentile, but also a Jewish believer.   Also Cornelius feared God.  However, the Antiochs were Gentiles who had no affiliation with the Jewish faith.  The door was opening to evangelism of the Gentiles.

              The men from Cyprus and Cyrene were not well known, but they had the creativity and were willing to try something new and reach out to the Gentiles.  God used such people to start a new evangelism.

              The same is true in this age too.  God provides people like this.  It may even be us.  There is one characteristic that is common with these people.  It is written in verse 21. “The Lord’s hand was with them.”   That means that God with them and the Holy Spirit controls them and uses them.  When we speak the Word of God, even though we aren’t famous and knowledgeable, and we don’t have power, when God’s hand is with us, God uses us and we are able to do unthinkable things.

              The first Gentile church was started by nameless Cyprus and Cyrene men. The Lord’s hand was upon them, and as a result of preaching the Word of God, many people believed in and returned to Christ and the first Gentile church, Antioch, was born.


  1. II.           Those who were first called Christians (vs.22-26)

The news of the birth of the Antioch Church reached the Jerusalem church and they set out Barnabas to Antioch to check on the church and see what condition it was in and to encourage the church.  We are told about Barnabas already in 4:32;4:36.37.Barnabas was born as a Levite in Cyprus.  He had faith enough to sale his field and gave the money to the church.   However, he was a quiet Christian, but he was full of love. Therefore, he was happy to hear that God’s grace had come upon the Gentiles and he was able to encourage the church ”to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts.” (23)

Another thing that Barnabas did was to bring Paul to Antioch.  He did this for 2 reasons.  One is because Paul’s leadership was needed in the church.  The other reason was Barnabas realized that Paul was called to do missionary work throughout the world.  This was good decision of Barnabas.  For one year Paul encouraged through the preaching of the Word.  A lot of fruit was seen.  This had deep meaning.  The focus was changed from Jewish evangelism with the Jerusalem church to Gentile evangelism with the Antioch church.  There was a huge change from the center of evangelism. From chapter 13 the center of evangelism became Paul.  Barnabas was the bridge.

Under the leadership of Paul and Barnabas, the church really grew. and they received the attention of the Gentile society.  According to verse 26, “The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.”  It was a nickname for those who followed Christ. It is a sign that the Christians had a huge influence on the society. It is said that 25% of the Antioch population became Christian. To be called a Christian is a sign that we are a slave of Christ.   Our Lord is Christ. 

  1. III.         The Work of love. (vs.27-30)

The Antioch church showed their faith and thankfulness for salvation by giving gifts to the brother who were afflicted by famine. 

What we can do as a church maybe very small.  However, what is important is that that work is through a working faith.

I Cor. 12:26

It is important that we have such thinking.  No matter how small a work, God will use it.  Let’s be like the Antioch church, a church that God is happy with.  Let’s become like the Antioch church, where the society will say “They’re Christians”.  Let’s stay in God’s grace and become a church like Antioch.

Acts11:1-8 “From criticism to praise”

According to verse 2, when Peter came to Jerusalem, “the circumcised believers criticized him.” The apostles and the brothers throughout Judea heard that the Gentiles also had received the word of God” (1)  but to them that was an unthinkable thing.  The Gentiles didn’t have the law, they had never been circumcised so the Jewish Christians thought they could not be saved.  However, through Peter salvation was spreading among the Gentiles.  Therefore, they criticized Peter.  Peter answered their criticism by explaining “everything to them precisely as it had happened.” (4) The result is in verse 18, “they had no further objections and praised God saying, “So then, God has granted even the Gentiles repentance unto life.’” Today let’s at 3 aspects of how they were changed from being critical to praising God.

  1. I.             The criticism of the Judean brothers. (vs.1-3)

      The rumor that the Gentiles had received the word of God spread throughout Judea. This meant that the Jerusalem church too became aware that Gentiles were being saved. They had vague idea that the Gospel would go throughout the world because they had been told so many times. (Matt. 28:19, Acts 1:8) However, they were shocked and surprised because they didn’t expect it.

They heard this was a result of Peter and thus criticized Peter saying, “You went into the house of uncircumcised men and ate with them.” (3)  This was not fearing the law. The Gentiles did not have the law.  Thus they didn’t think about clean and unclean animals when they cooked.  Therefore, for the Jews it was dangerous to eat a meal prepared by a Gentile.  It was unthinkable that a Jew would go to a Gentile’s house.  Therefore, Peter said in 10:28,”You are well aware that it is against our law for a Jew to associate with a Gentile or visit him.” For the Jews to follow the law is the way to protect their purity and identity as God’s people.  Especially it was important to be circumcised and to follow the laws about eating and the Sabbath.  Therefore, for a Gentile to accept the Jewish faith required him to be circumcised.  The Jewish Christians were all circumcised and then became Christian and so they thought that Gentiles too should be circumcised, follow the law about clean and unclean foods, and observe the Sabbath in order to be saved.  However, Peter ate with the Gentiles who had not been circumcised. They thought that this was going against the law and criticized Peter.

This wasn’t just a problem of prejudice or thinking, but of the life and death of the core of faith.  In other words, whether a person is saved only by faith or by faith and following the law.  At this point the Bible had not been completed and doctrine had not become finalized so this was a very serious problem for the church. Therefore, this problem afflicted the Antioch Church, the Galatian church, and many churches.  It was Paul who gave direction to the problem.  He received inspiration from God, and explained the meaning of the law in relation to this problem.

Galatians 5:6

Even though the Galatians were set free when they became Christians, they began to think that that wasn’t enough and began returning to the law.  The sign of that was circumcision.  In other words, they thought that even if they believed in Christ that they had to be circumcised in order to be saved.  However, that is going back to the law.  It makes Jesus dying on the cross and the resurrection useless.  That’s because they were making a test for entering heaven. No one can get 100 percent on the test. That’s why Jesus died on the cross in our place. Therefore, if you’re yelling, “circumcision” “circumcision”, then you are ruining the Gospel.  What is important is not whether you have been circumcised or not, but is “faith expressing itself through love.” (Galatians 5:6)

We need to understand this well.  If not, we will become like these people who criticized Peter.  Now we have a Bible, and we can study the Gospel so it is important to understand the Gospel correctly.

  1. II.           Explaining precisely as it had happened(vs.4-17)

In response to their criticism, Peter “explained everything to them precisely as it had happened.” (4)  From verse 5 on is this explanation. He is especially telling us 2 things.  One thing he tells us is about the vision he saw.  Secondly he talks about the Holy Spirit coming upon Cornelius and the other Gentiles while he was preaching.

First let’s look at what Peter says about his vision in verses 5-10.  What we see here looks like it is dealing with the problem of the laws about clean and unclean food, but in reality it is not.  It is teaching that God’s chosen people, the Jews need to accept the Gentiles. This can be seen by both the fact that when Peter was thinking about what the vision met, the 3 men from Joppa appeared and by the fact that “The Spirit told me to have no hesitation about going with them.” (12) That means that you mustn’t say that the Gentiles whom God has purified are not clean and you must accept the Gentiles whom God has accepted.  In other words, anyone who fears God and lives righteously, God accepts.  It has nothing to do with whether he was circumcised or not.  Salvation is based on the one way grace of God.

Next let’s look at the coming of the Holy Spirit upon Cornelius and the Gentiles when Peter was preaching in verses 15 and 16.  The only thing that required for Cornelius to receive the Holy Spirit was the message.  He didn’t need to be circumcised.  This can also be seen in the angel’s words in verse 14.”He will bring you a message through which you and your household will be saved.” From the beginning the angel is telling Cornelius what is necessary for salvation.  He is telling him to expect to hear the necessary message for salvation.  We are saved by believing in the words of salvation.  It is not be anything that we do.  Also Peter says in verse 21, “So if God gave them the same gift as he gave us, who believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I to think that I could oppose God.”  In other words, the event of Pentecost occurred upon the Gentiles. That was not because they were circumcised.  It was not because they were Jewish.  It was because they believed in Jesus as their Savior.  Faith was all that was needed to have the Holy Spirit come upon them.  This is what Peter wanted to say.

This message that any person that repents and believes in the Gospel will be saved isn’t just a message for those outside of the church, but each Christian and the church needs to make this message the base of their life and live and make decisions by it. As well as proclaiming that by believing in Jesus Christ, you can be saved, we need to live by that fact.  If we have repented and believed in Christ, then we should be really thankful to Christ. We should love our brother.

Romans 14:1-3

The gospel message that all you have to do is believe Christ and you will be saved is not just telling us the rules for salvation.  He is telling us how we should live after being saved, the way we fellowship with others should be controlled by this teaching. We need to follow Christ and love our brothers.

  1. III.         No objections and changed to praise. (vs.18)

Finally let’s look at the result of Peter’s explanation. The same word that is translated as “no objections” is translated as “be quiet” in I Thess. 4:11. In other words, the circumcised Jews were really upset about the Gentiles being saved, but after hearing Peter’s explanation, they understood, and became quiet.  They no longer had any complaints. Also they were moved by the great work of the Lord, were filled with joy and praised the Lord.  In the church when there is criticism, we need to look to the truth, and the marvelous works of the Lord that the truth points to and be changed to joy, and praise.

By looking at this event we can see that everything was by the leading and control of the Lord. He showed Peter a vision. He gave Cornelius a dream.  He amazingly led them to meet each other.  Through that event the gospel began to spread to the Gentiles.  God also led to the correct explanation of the events.

There are times that we run into things that we can’t understand.  We wonder like the Jewish Christians as to what it means and criticize. We don’t understand why we are suffering and complain. However, by listening to God’s word, we are set free from our concerns and sufferings.  When we believe and follow God’s word, we are changed from fear and complaints to praises.

Therefore we want to be a church that listens to the Word of God.  We want to open our hearts to the Word of God. We want to clean out our ears and listen to the Word of God. Then we want to be moved by the great works of the Lord.  Then we will be able to live a life of praising the Lord.

Acts10:34:48 “The Lord of All”

             Last week we looked at the conversion of Cornelius, a Gentile.  From now on in Acts the focus changes to the salvation of the Gentiles. In other words, it is showing us the truth that Jesus is Lord of all.  Today look’s at 3 blessings of the fact that Jesus is Lord of all.

I.                Realizing now (34-36)

In verse 29 Peter asks why Cornelius invited him. Cornelius explained to him everything that had happened. Then Peter says that he now realizes that God does not show partiality.   We can tell that what Peter says is extremely important by the fact that what he said is recorded here. He is saying that God shows no partiality.  God accepts all who fear Him and live righteously no matter what their nationality is.  God doesn’t rank people by their ancestry or tribe.  If a person believes in Jesus Christ who God sent, then no mater what his nationality, God will make him part of his people. The Jews thought for a long time that they were God’s chosen people.  They thought they had the privilege of receiving God’s blessings.  However, God is not like this.  He accepts all who fear Him and live righteously.  In this world some people become V.I.P.s. They are looked upon and they consider themselves as a higher level than others. Once someone is distinguished as a V.I.P. then he has a hard time consider himself as on the same level as others.  The Jews were the same. They considered themselves as the chosen people so it became impossible for them to think differently.

However, here Peter was awakened to a new reality though the Holy Spirit.  He was able to see things through God’s eyes. He came to the realization that “God does not show favoritism but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right.” (34, 35) Jesus is the Lord of all who believe in Jesus Christ.  Not only did Peter confess this but it became the confession of the church. (Eph. 2:14-17)

As a result, the Gospel of Jesus Christ spread from Galilee to Asia, Europe and all the world.  This was the result of Peter’s realization given to him by the Holy Spirit.  When we look at this passage we can see the conversion of Cornelius as the conversion of a Gentile to the Christian faith. However, it is more than that.  Peter himself was completely changed. More correctly the church, especially the Jewish Christians were completely changed by this event. A church historian said “to realize” is “to change”. If a person really realizes something, he will change.  Peter’s realization caused him to really change. 

When the church takes on a new evangelism, or starts something new, the Holy Spirit wants us to change.  When this happens, let’s not go against that change, but follow the Holy Spirit’s leading. Then the things we realize, we need to change.  The church needs to continuously be changed by the Word of God.  I hope that our church will continue to grown by being led to change and always be changing by the Word of God.

II.              The Gospel of Jesus Christ (vs. 37-43)

Jesus Christ is the Lord of all. In this passage Peter explains more about who Jesus is.  He tells us about Jesus’ work on earth, the cross, and the resurrection. This is the first message that Peter preaches to the Gentiles so it is interesting to look at what he says.  However, the content is almost the same as what he preached to the Jews.  In other words, Jesus was put on the cross and killed by the Jews, but God raised Jesus from the dead. This means, Jesus was a criminal, but he hadn’t done even one wrong thing.  He was righteous.  He was the Savior that was promised in the Old Testament.  There is only one thing that is different in this message.  It is verse 43. “All the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.”  In other words, Jesus is the Lord of all.  The whole Old Testament, all 66 book’s central theme is that Jesus is the Lord of all.  Throughout the span of 2,000 years, may evangelists have worked hard sharing that message and many saints have prayed with tears and testified to that message.  You may think that you are not worthy to be saved or your sins are too huge to be saved, but that is not true. God’s thoughts are that anyone who believes in Christ will be saved and his sins forgiven.  There is no other name on earth in which we can be saved.  Jesus Christ is the only Savior and anyone who believes in him will be saved.

II Cor. 5:17

“If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.”  Even Paul who persecuted the church was not an exception.  By human standards his past was not one that could be forgiven. He was against Christ, and persecuted those who believed in Christ.  There were Christians who were martyred by him.  This is not something that can be forgiven.  However, Paul received God’s mercy.  On the road to Damascus Paul met the resurrected Lord. Saul heard a voice say, “’Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?’

‘Who are you, Lord?’ Saul asked.

‘I am Jesus whom you are persecuting’” Jesus replied. When Saul heard this his world was turned upside down. Even though Saul had done these terrible things, out of the goodness of God, Jesus appeared to him.  He was changed into a new person and became a preacher of the Gospel.  “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.” And by the name of Christ he is forgiven and given eternal life. We too should want to take this Gospel message and be a witness.

III.            The Gentiles also have the gifts of the Spirit (44-48)

While Paul was preaching the message and before he finished the Holy Spirit came upon those who were listening to the message. It was like when the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost in Acts 2.

The reason for the Holy Spirit’s coming is given in verse 45.  The Holy Spirit is not just for Israel, but for all who believe in Jesus Christ. In other words, by the Holy Spirit coming on the Gentiles every one could see that all who believe in Christ will receive the Holy Spirit.  “The circumcised believers who had come with Peter were astonished that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on the Gentiles.” (46) When the Holy Spirit came upon the Gentiles, they spoke in tongues and praised God. This showed that the Holy Spirit had come upon the Gentiles.  This was so that not only Peter, but so that the Jewish believers that came with Peter could testify that the salvation of the Gentiles was true.  When we look at chapter 15 we can see that the Jews had a difficult time accepting that Gentiles were being saved. It was a challenge for them to accept those who were uncircumcised and ate unclean food.  However those Jewish Christians who came with Peter from Joppa had seen the Gentile Cornelius and his family saved. They also became witnesses that Jesus is Lord of all. 

Man’s mistaken way of looking at things has strong roots.  It takes a lot of work to destroy a mistaken way of looking at things.  God showed in a way that everyone could see that their way of looking at things was wrong.   He opened up the door for evangelism of the Gentiles. Jesus is the Lord of all. It is also proof that our sin is forgiven.  No matter what sin is bothering us or what sin is controlling us, anyone who believes in Christ has their sins forgiven.  The Gospel message is that we are set free from all sin. We need to hold on to this fact, preach it, and testify to it.

Acts10:1-33 “Meeting through the Holy Spirit”

  In today’s passage through the meeting of 2 people, Peter and Cornelius, a Gentile, the Gospel begins to spread to the Gentiles.  In Acts 10:1 to 11:18 we are told about the conversion of Cornelius, an Italian army centurion.  This is the longest testimony of a person being saved in the Bible.  This is because this is the event that caused the beginning of the theme of the Gospel going to the Gentiles in Acts. Luke records this event to emphasize that the Gospel is for all people, no matter whether they are Jewish or Gentile.  All people can be saved through believing in Christ. This begins with the meeting of Peter and Cornelius.  This meeting was by the Holy Spirit’s leading.  Therefore, today let’s at three aspects of this.

I.             Send men to Joppa (vs.1-8)

Caesarea is a port town in Northern Judea.  There was a Roman regiment there.  In other words it was an Italian army.  It is said that there were 600 men in the regiment and Cornelius was the officer in charge of the army.   About him the Bible records, “He and all is family were devout and God-fearing; he gave generously to those in need and prayed to God regularly.” (2)  To be “devout and God fearing” means that although he was a Gentile, that he followed the law, prayed daily and worshipped at the synagogue.

In verses 3-6 the Lord sends an angel to Cornelius.  In Acts, again and again the Lord directly speaks and leads to the next action.  This case is the same.  The angel says to Cornelius, “Now send men to Joppa to bring back a man named Simon.” (5) The reason is not given, but when we follow the Lord’s leading afterwards we’ll know why.  That is faith.  That is how God works in the age of the Holy Spirit.

When Cornelius heard the words of the angel, “Cornelius called two of his servants and a devout soldier” and sent them to Joppa.

II.           What God has cleansed, don’t call it impure (9,10)

Now the place changes to Joppa.  Joppa is about 48 kilometers from Caesarea.  The next day when the 3 men Cornelius sent to Joppa were “approaching the city, Peter went up on the roof to pray.” (9) He became hungry, but “while the meal was being prepared, he fell into a trance. He saw heaven opened and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners.” (10, 11) In it were all sorts of animals that were by Jewish laws unclean to eat. In verse 13 God told him, “Get up, Peter. Kill and eat.”  

“’Surely not, Lord!’ Peter replied. ‘I have never eaten anything impure or unclean.’” (14)  This is because in Leviticus 11:4-23 it teaches which animals are clean and unclean and that unclean ones are not to be eaten.  Many unclean animals were in the sheet so Peter strongly objected to eating them.

  However, God said, “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.” (15)  This was a voice to break down his thinking.  The truth was that in the sheet were animals that were unclean by Moses’ law. Also because of his religious emotions, he would not be able to eat them.  However, God himself had made them clean. God is commanding him to eat them.  If he still is thinking by his own emotions instead of the will of God, then that is not proper faith.  It is Jewish emotions aimed at the Gentiles.  Not just Peter, but emotions that all Jews had.  Even if they were Christians, they thought that salvation was only for themselves.  Gentiles were too low to receive such salvation.  However, God said, “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.” (15) This was a vision to show that the Gospel was going to go from the Jews to the Gentiles. In the Old Testament it was necessary to follow the law in order to be saved.  Since only the Jews had the law, it was thought that only the Jews could be saved. However, now, in the age of grace that Jesus brought, salvation is not by the law, but by grace.  It is by believing in Jesus Christ.  Not only Jews can be saved, by the Gentiles who were thought to be unclean. This vision shows that such a new age has come.

Even so Peter says that he can’t eat unclean things.  “This happened three times, and immediately the sheet was taken back to heaven.” (16)

Three times Peter said that he couldn’t eat unclean things because he has“never eaten anything impure or unclean.” (14)  Living by the law is living in the past.  There is nothing new.  However, now through Christ, we are free from the law.  It may be different than anything you had ever thought of, but you are saved by Christ, have received the Holy Spirit, are living a totally different life, you have a new world, and new thinking. 

Romans 8:1, 2

Those who have believed in Jesus Christ have received the Holy Spirit of life.  The Holy Spirit of life has set us free from the old law with sin and death as its source.  He gives use freedom, joy and peace.  The source of the Christian life is the Holy Spirit of life.

For Peter, being and keeping the identity of a Jew, God’s chosen people, had an extremely important meaning to Peter even if he became a Christian. However, even if the Old Testament law was very important to your identity, now if you are a Christian, you have to overcome that identity.  The important thing is to live in the Gospel, to live as a new person.

The same is true of us who live in this country, Japan.  We need to overcome our values, religious and cultural thinking.  Of course, living in Japan as a Christian is not easy.  In our families and at work and in society our identities as a Japanese and as a Christian clash.  Throughout our life we have challenges.  However, we need to meet each challenge as a Christian first not as a Japanese first. We need to live as a Christian whose nationality is in heaven.  We need to always think about what Jesus would do, and freely and boldly confess that Jesus is Lord.

III.         The greatness and abundance of the Gospel  (vs. 17-33)

Last let’s look at the result of Peter not relying on his own thinking and ways of looking at things or his own emotions, but following the will of God.  “While Peter was still thinking about the vision,” the 3 men sent by Cornelius arrived at Peter’s house.  (19)  The Holy Spirit said to Peter, “Simon, three men are looking for you. So get up and go downstairs.  Do not hesitate to go with them, for I have sent them.” (19, 20)   Peter and Cornelius’ meeting was really by the Holy Spirit.  Humanly speaking these two would likely to have never met.  Even if they did they would not have overcome the wall between them.  They had no common ground.  However, the Holy Spirit said to Peter, “So get up and go downstairs.  Do not hesitate to go with them, for I have sent them.” (20) The Holy Spirit was able to bring 2 people who had no common ground together.

When we read this passage one thing that we notice is that the central authority in this event is the Holy Spirit of God himself.  The Holy Spirit sent the men to Joppa.  The Holy Spirit told Cornelius to invite Simeon to his house.  He told Simeon not to hesitate to go with them. Cornelius did not think on his own that he wanted to hear the Gospel.  Nor did Peter on his own decide to lead Cornelius to salvation.  Everything was led by the Lord himself.  The Lord was leading them and pushing them forward.  They just followed the Lord.

However as the result the most amazing thing happened.  The next day Peter started out with and then “the following day he arrived in Caesarea.” (24)   Cornelius was waiting for him with all his family, relatives, and friends.  When Peter arrived, Cornelius fell down and worshipped Peter.  Peter told him to stand up because Peter said, “I am only a man myself.” (26) Then both of them shared their testimony of how they were led to meet each other.   They both realized how amazing it was and that it was really God who was leading them. In other words, God made it possible for them to overcome the wall of Gentile and Jew which was humanly speaking impossible to overcome.  God prepared their hearts to accept each other. 

We need to follow the Holy Spirit of life. When God says, “Don’t hesitate to go.” we need to go.  We need to follow God’s word.  Then the Holy Spirit will send us to the person he wants us to meet.  Then God’s kingdom will be spread out and we will experience abundance.  We will be given the joy and blessings of the Gospel.

Acts9:32-43 “Jesus Christ heals you”

              This new year let’s focus on the Lord, and keep our hope in God. Today by looking at 2 people who were healed by our Lord Jesus, let’s look at the blessings of living by the life given by our Lord Jesus Christ. 

I.                Jesus Christ heals you. (vs. 32-35)

Peter reappears here.  In Acts 8:25 after he left Samaria he has not appeared. Saul who had persecuted the church on his way to Damascus is converted.  In Acts it seems like Peter passes the baton to Saul.  However, Luke in the last part of chapter 9 and chapter 10 again tells us about Peter.  This is probably because before telling us about Paul’s evangelism to the Gentiles, he wanted to tell us the role that Peter played.  After leaving Samaria, Peter followed his calling, and traveled about the country with the Gospel and encouraged, guided, and taught the saints wherever he went.  Lydda, Sharon, and Joppa are all cities North West of Jerusalem and finally Peter continued in that direction until he reached the Mediterranean Sea’s Northern port town, Caesarea.

In the middle of his evangelistic travels, he met a man in Lydda.  He had been paralyzed for 8 years and was bedridden.  His name was Aeneas. He said to him,”Jesus Christ heals you. Get up and take care of your mat.” (34) And “Immediately Aeneas got up.” (34)

Compared with the greatness of the event, it is written very simply.  However this does not mean that this event is to be taken lightly, or that it was a very easy event.  Actually it is in this type of simplistic writing, that the thing that must be clear can be fully said. That is that “Jesus Christ heals you”. (34)  In other words, the central cause of the healing is Jesus Christ.  When Peter said, “Aeneas, Jesus Christ heals you. Get up and take care of your mat.” (34) He is saying that Jesus has touched you.

1st Peter calls “Aeneas” by name.  This is like when Jesus called Zaccheaus in Luke 19:5.  Zaccheaus was so thrilled.  When a person is called by his name, he feels like he is loved, and accepted. Therefore, when Aeneas was called by his name, he must have felt the love of Jesus Christ.

2nd Next Peter says, “Jesus Christ heals you.” Jesus who was put one the cross, died, rose, and is now in heaven is now touching Aeneas. It is Jesus Christ who is healing Aeneas.  This shows the faith of Peter that Jesus heals and that He has the power to heal.

3rd   Then Peter says, “Get up and take care of your mat.” These are the same words that Jesus spoke when the 4 men lowered the paralyzed man down through the roof of the place where Jesus was speaking. (Mark 2:11) Probably Peter remembered this event. Not only that but he wanted the man to be healed.  Any one who has been paralyzed for 8 years has begun to think that this is the way it is and has lost all ability to even ask to be healed.  For such a person it is necessary that they believe that Jesus can heal them, and get up out of their bed.  If that person has that type of desire then it doesn’t matter whether they are healed or not.  The problem is that by the body becoming sick the heart becomes sick.  It looses the desire to become well.  In order for that to not happen, we need to believe that Jesus has the power to heal, and stand up.

When Peter said this to Aeneas, “immediately Aeneas got up.” (34) What a wonderful work of the Lord!  The work of Christ by the Holy Spirit, through the church is going on today too.  Jesus has the power to do so.

II.              Tabitha, get up. (vs. 36-39)

In Joppa Peter meets another person, Tabitha, a female disciple. She is introduced as having the name Dorcas which was the Greek name for the Aramaic name Tabitha. Dorcas means gazelle.  In the Old Testament, a gazelle was a sign of beauty and kindness. Dorcas was full of love and beauty. We can see this in the words, “always doing good and helping” (37) 

Dorcas “became sick and died, and her body was washed and placed in an upstairs room.” (37)  Usually when a Jew died the person was buried that day.  They thought to leave the body sitting was disrespectable to the person who died.  Man was made from the dust of the earth so to return the person to the earth was the proper thing to do and showed respect to the person.  Since the person’s spirit had already returned to God, to leave his body lying around was disrespectable to the person who died and shameful to the family.  However when Dorcas died they didn’t immediately bury her.  This is because they heard that Peter was in Lydda.  “Lydda was near Joppa; so when the disciples heard that Peter was in Lydda, they sent two men to him and urged him, ‘Please come at once!” (38)

“Peter went with them.” (39) When he got there she was laying in the upstairs room.  Since she had already died we wonder why the disciples sent two men to bring Peter to Joppa.  Perhaps they thought that to have Peter give the message at her funeral would be the best thing they could do for Dorcas who had done so much for them.  Probably more than that they had heard about Aeneas being healed in Lydda and they anticipated that Peter would perform some miracle.  Whether they looked forward to the Word of God or whether they looked forward to a miracle, the important thing is that they put their hope and expectations in God. This year like the people of Joppa, let’s look to God and put our hopes and expectations in Him.

When Peter got to Joppa they took him to the room upstairs.  “All the widows stood around him, crying and showing him the robes and other clothing that Dorcas had made.” (39)  In her life she had made a great impact on others.  She is as Hebrews 11:4 says “And by faith he still speaks, even though he is dead.”  Church history is full of such people.  They followed the Lord faithfully; they shared the Lord’s love. In verse 41 after she rose, family members are not mentioned. Perhaps she never married or perhaps she was a widow. Even so she served Christ and the church helping the poor widows, those who were suffering, and doing many great works. The fact that many people were crying shows how much she had given during her life.

However, Jesus Christ who stood Aeneas up didn’t just pass by Dorcas either.

Verses 40 & 41

Peter did exactly what Jesus did when he raised the daughter of Jairus, the synagogue ruler. (Luke 8:41-56) When Jesus entered the house, Jesus allowed only Peter and John and James and the child’s mother and father to go in the house with him.  He had everyone else go outside.  Peter also sent everyone outside.  Then what Jesus said, “My child, get up!” (Luke 8:54) is exactly the same.  Also Jesus took her by the hand and she stood up.  Peter did the same.

There is only one thing that is different. However this one difference is a big difference at the root of the miracle.  Jesus resurrected the daughter by his own strength.  However Peter “got down on his knees and prayer.” (40) He prayed before he said, “Tabitha, get up.” (40)  In other words, Jesus meant, “I will make you stand up so my child, get up!” Peter means, “Jesus will make you stand up so Tabitha, get up.”  Therefore, the meaning is the same as when Peter said to Aeneas, “Jesus Christ heals you.” (34) This miracle has the same contents as the earlier one.  In other words, Jesus performed the miracle, not Peter.  Jesus has the power to stand people up and raise people from the dead.

III.            Living in the life of Christ. (vs. 42)

In verse 42 the purpose of Peter raising Dorcas is written.  The miracle “became known all over Joppa and many people believed in the Lord.” (42)  For Dorcas death is a blessing.  Then why did she need to be resurrected?  That was because there were many people weeping for her.  When she was resurrected, Peter showed her to all those people. (41)  Dorcas wasn’t just someone who followed the Lord and then as a result of illness her life was over and was living only in their memories, but because Christ raised her up again, she was a witness to Jesus Christ’s life and the grace and strength that it provides. The people were able to be raised out of the despair of death.

The same is true of Aeneas’ miracle too. According to verse 35, “All those who lived in Lydda and Sharon saw him and turned to the Lord.”  By Aeneas standing up many people were given hope.  They were given the hope that Jesus Christ has the power to heal.

However, this was not for Aeneas and Dorcas only.  Jesus Christ who made them stand, and raised them up does the same today through the Holy Spirit.  Through those resurrected witnesses He gives life to those around the witnesses.  The Bible continues to speak the Good news, the Gospel message.  That message is that by believing in Christ, that person will be able to live in and have real life.  We whose hearts are dieing in sin can once again become clean and living.  Our hearts which are suffering from sickness, problems, and hurts can once again be set free.  Like Aeneas, we can stand again. Even if we are lying on the floor of the despair of death, if we believe in Christ, we can by his life be lifted up from the floor of despair. We can get up from the floor of death.  Those who see that and hear that, many people will return to Christ and believe in him.  This morning let’s receive this life. Then let’s begin and live this new year by this life.

Acts9:21-31 “The church moves forward”

              Two weeks ago we looked at Saul who had persecuted the Christians miraculous conversion. In today’s passage it is recorded what this converted Saul did.  The result is summarized in verse 31.

              The church’s work doesn’t just move forward.  There is always a reason that it moves forward.  This can be seen in the words, “Then the church…” (31)  In other words, by the things that Saul did after he was converted, and by the work of the church that he was involved, the secret of the peace of the church, and the moving forward of the church can be found. Therefore, today let’s look at why the church moved forward.

I.                Jesus is the child of God, the Savior (vs. 20,21)

Saul who was converted in Damascus boldly proclaimed that Jesus is the Savior. In verse 21 “this” refers to Saul’s proclamation that Jesus is the son of God.  Saul had Annanias pray for him and something like scales fell from his eyes and he was able to see again.  Then he began to proclaim that Jesus was the son of God in the synagogues. This is the only place in Acts where it is written that Jesus was the son of God.  That is because at that time the people thought that the Messiah was the son of God.  Therefore, Saul’s proclamation meant that Jesus had the same characteristics as God.  And that he was the only son of God.  He has eternal fellowship with the father from heaven so he is able to show us God.  In verse 22 we are told that Saul was witnessing to the fact the Jesus was Christ. This is basically the same meaning.  Christ is the king that has been anointed with oil, the Messiah, the Savior. Therefore, Saul’s witness was a statement of faith that Jesus had the characteristics as God, the Savior. The name Jesus Christ is actually a statement of faith that Jesus is the Lord that God has anointed and the Savior.  Jesus Christ is a statement of faith that Jesus is the Son of God, the Savior.  Before Saul never imagined that Christ could be the Messiah and therefore, he severely persecuted the Christians who thought that way.  However when something like scales fell from his eyes and he was able to see clearly, he realized that Jesus was Christ, and he shared that with others.  Even so, why did he share this so fervently right away?

1.                                  This was because for a long time he had been against Christianity and had persecuted the Christians.  He had consented to Stephen’s stoning and there were many people in the church who were hurt by him.  For someone that had been so much against the church, and then repented and was converted, it was necessary before God, and others, that he have more zealousness and show and say that he had really changed.

2.                                  I think he also had within himself such a joy that he felt driven to share the Gospel. This is faith.  If we really believe, it is natural that we will want to share that.  Saul tells us this in II Cor. 4:13. In the same way we who have the same faith should share our faith because we believe.  This is a characteristic of faith.

Amos 3:8

If a lion roars, there is no one that doesn’t become fearful.  It’s a natural response. It’s the same with a person who has received the Word of God.  It is a natural response that he speak. If a person has received the word of God, then he can’t be quiet about it. If he does try to not speak about what he has received, then Jeremiah 20:9 tells us what will happen. He will become tired and it is not good for him psychologically.  The Word of God will burn in his heart like a fire and he will be weary of holding it in.  It is unnatural to not speak about the Word of God that we have received.  Speaking the Word of God that we received is a natural response, and healthy.

However, we often don’t share about Christ. We are ashamed to.  We are afraid that other people will think that we are strange. In fact, Saul also had these same feelings.  Therefore in verses 27 and 28, Saul says that he preached fearlessly, and boldly. Probably he mentions this because in reality he had fear and felt shame about sharing the Gospel.  Even so he controlled that fear and shame and spoke the Word of God fearlessly and boldly.

There are some Christians who feel shame because they don’t know how to present the Gospel.  However, verse 22 says, “Yet Saul grew more and more powerful and baffled the Jews living in Damascus by proving the Jesus is the Christ.” The word “proving” means “to tie together”. In other words, Saul showed that Jesus was Christ by tying together the Old Testament prophecy and each event of Jesus’ life. Therefore, evangelism is just reading the Bible to others.  No matter how poor verbal skills a person has, he can do that.

“Saul grew more and more powerful and baffled the Jews living in Damascus by proving that Jesus is the Christ.” (22)  If we share about the Word of God, we too will grow more and more powerful and bold.  By evangelizing, we learn more about the Word of God, and we become more powerful.  Saul when he was converted preached that Jesus was the Son of God, Christ and therefore the church moved forward.

II.              He tried to join (vs. 26-28)

Another thing that Saul did when he was converted was to try to join the disciples. According to verse 28 the Jews tried to kill Saul who was evangelizing powerfully in Damascus.  Therefore, his followers put him in a basket and lowered him down in basket through an opening in the wall.  Then he went to Jerusalem.  When he arrived in Jerusalem he tried to join the disciples.  This was the same thing that he did in Damascus right after he was converted.  According to verse 19 “Saul spent several days with the disciples in Damascus. He really tried to join and be part of the church.  The church had a hard time believing that Saul was really converted and was afraid that he was a spy and so it took some time before he could really be a part of the church.  Even so, Saul tried hard and waited patiently to become a part of the church.  As a result of his evangelism in Damascus, he had many followers.  However, he didn’t try to form his own group. He tried to enter into the fellowship of believers.

On the other hand, we are also moved by the attitude of the church. It is only natural that the church would be afraid of Saul who persecuted the church and who is now trying to join them.  However, according to verse 27 Barnabas tried to bring Saul into the church.  Barnabas accepted Saul, “took him and brought him to the apostles.”  He explained to the apostles about how Saul had been saved, what had happened in Damascus, etc. and so they were able to accept Saul into the church there.  The words “took him” in verse 27 means to take care of him.  He didn’t just take him because he felt he had to, but from his heart Barnabas accepted Saul, and with a warm heart he tried to help him become part of the Jerusalem church.  People like Barnabas that help Christians and Christians to come together are doing a great work.

Not only that, but the apostles in Jerusalem that heard Barnabas’ petition on Saul’s behalf were also great. According to verse 28, they not only believed Barnabas’ testimony of Saul, but they opened their hearts to Saul and accepted him and allowed Saul to freely move about with in the Jerusalem church. They didn’t have any fear about letting Saul join them.  The fact that Saul moved around freely shows that they had completely forgiven Saul.

When we look at Saul and Barnabas and the church we can see that they all had a strong sense of acceptance.  They saw a converted person as someone that should be included within the church no matter what their past had been.  The church didn’t judge but, had an open heart, was warm towards all who were saved. This was because they all feared God.

Romans 14:4

The Lord’s will is that we love each other and build each other up.  This is made possible by being strengthened and encouraged by the Holy Spirit. (31) As a result the church will move forward.

III.            Living in fear of the Lord (vs. 31)

The church moved forward because of Paul’s evangelism and because the church accepted Paul into the church.  However not only that, but it was a result of Paul’s and the church’s thinking and the basic characteristics of their faith.  In other words, both Paul and the church believed that the church should be built up and move forward.  They lived in fear of the Lord.  The final line is that for the church to move forward and for the number of believers to increase, depends on the kind of faith that each individual has and the kind of thinking that each person has.

If that’s the case, then it’s important that we seek the Lord’s will more and more and follow the Lord’s will.  We need to try to join together with the church. We need to like Barnabas, help others to become a part of the church.  We need to believe that the church should be built up and move forward.  We need to live in fear of the Lord.  Let’s follow the Lord, be encouraged by the Holy Spirit, and continue to move forward.

Acts9:10-20 “Something like scales fell from his eyes”

              Saul persecuted the Christians. On his way to Damascus to persecute the Christians there, he met the Lord, Jesus.  Jesus told Paul that He was Jesus whom Paul was persecuting.  For someone who was putting the Christians in prison and persecuting them, those words must have been very shocking.  He fell to the ground and couldn’t see anything.  The men that were with him took him to Damascus.

              In Damascus there was a disciple named Ananias. Jesus appeared to Ananias and told him to go to the street called “Straight” and visit Saul of Tarsus at Judah’s house.  God always goes before us.  He made all the preparations necessary for Saul to see again and to be able to standup again.  Also when he could see again, he would see things completely different from before.  By Christ he we was made completely new and he would see things differently now since he was completely turned into a new person. Today let’s look at 3 aspects of Saul receiving his eyesight.

I.                Focusing on God (vs.10-16)

God told Ananias to go to the street called “Straight” and visit Saul of Tarsus at Judah’s house. Ananias was shocked because it was because of Saul that the church was persecuted.  The original Christians in Damascus were there because they were dispersed there as the result of the persecutions.  It was unthinkable that Saul would be saved.  Therefore, the thought of going to visit Saul was scary and unthinkable for Ananias and Ananias told the Lord so. God gives His answer in verses 15 and 16. Saul is God’s “chosen instrument to carry” God’s “name before the Gentiles and their kings and before the people of Israel.” (15) Even though Ananias sensed great danger in going to Saul, the Lord tells him “Go!”(15) 

How we think is determined by the things we have experienced up to this point.  Therefore, we decide this person is dangerous, this person would never be saved, etc., but God is different.  He thinks freely and nothing is impossible for Him.  Therefore, he is able to save even Saul and use him as an instrument to spread the Gospel. God can do so much more than we could ever think or imagine.  Therefore, we need to not depend upon our own thinking or emotions, but keep our eyes focused on God. We need to think about what God wants.  Then we need to follow Him.

It’s almost Christmas.  It is unbelievable that God would become man and come into this world.  That Jesus would be born from a virgin is even more unbelievable.  This is more than we can conceive or imagine logically.  At first Joseph thought the same.  Therefore, he “did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly.” (Matt. 1:19) He was able to accept Mary because he heard the word of God.  An angel appeared to him and said, “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.  (Matt. 1:20) “When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife.” (Matt. 1:24) This more than we can imagine.  However, when we focus on God who is above all that we could ever imagine and follow him, then God will perform great works. 

This is both in our personal lives and in the church too.  We need to live not by our own thinking or emotions, but by keeping our eyes focused on God.  Even if it goes against our thinking or emotions, if we follow the Lord’s will, God will do more than we ever imagined.

II.              Saul who regained his sight (vs.17-19)

Here Ananias is calling Saul, “Brother”.  Saul who persecuted the church, and came all the way to Damascus to persecute the church was the biggest enemy of the Church. However, Ananias calls him, “Brother”. The church is a spiritual family.  Ananias called Saul, “Brother” shows that Saul would become part of that spiritual family so that Ananias was accepting him as such.  Ananias no longer looked at Saul from a human standpoint. 

After calling Saul, “Brother”, he explains why he has come. That was “the Lord-Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you were coming here-has sent me so that you may see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit.” (17) This means that he has come so that Saul will be saved, and the eyes of his heart will be opened.  “Immediately, something like scales fell from Saul’s eyes, and he could see again.” (18)  This means that Saul saw something that he had never seen before. In this case it means he saw a spiritual truth.  He saw that Jesus whom he had been persecuting is the Lord, Christ, the Savior that was promised in the Bible.  That is why Ananias said, “so that you may see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit.” (17)  In Saul’s case, physically too his eyes were opened, but it was a sign that spiritually his eyes were also opened.  At this point God turned Saul’s life around 180 degrees. Saul was led to a new faith, and joyfully changed to a person who witnesses to the Lord. He experiences something like scales falling from his eyes.

After Saul experienced something like scales falling from his eyes, “he got up and was baptized and after taking some food, he regained his strength.” (19)  And then “he began to preach in the synagogues that Jesus is the Son of God.” (20)  It was the birth of the Christian and evangelist Paul. This is something that no one consider happening.

Mark 10:27

God can do anything.  We must give up our small way of thinking and follow the voice of God.  Ananias needed courage in order to go to Saul. He didn’t follow his thinking or emotions, but focused his eyes on God’s will. Therefore, this great thing happened.     

III.            He is praying (vs.10)

In verse 11 we are told that when the Lord appeared to Ananias, Saul was praying.  Saul had been in Damascus, but he hadn’t eaten or drank anything.  It was because he was praying.  When he was praying, he was given a vision.  While praying, he was led by the Lord.  To those who pray, God shows his will and leads them.  Therefore, in order to know God’s will and follow His will, we need to pray.   Through prayer we need to be taught what we should be doing. By doing what we are told to do, God will do a great work.  Just as Saul received a vision from the Lord when he was praying, we too, when we pray, God will do a great work. Therefore. please pray that the Lord will do a mighty work in your lives too.

Acts9:1-9 ”The person who met Jeasus”

              Until now we have looked at the persecution of the church that resulted from Stephens martyr and especially the evangelism of Phillip that began in Samaria.  However, when we come to chapter 9 Luke changes the topic to the conversion of Saul.  Saul’s conversion was an extremely important even in the history of the church.  In Acts Saul’s conversion is repeated 3 times (22:3-16, 26:9-18)

              There are many reasons why Saul’s conversion was so important.

1.               The fact that Saul who persecuted the church became a follower of Christ is proof that Christianity is real, has power, and is full of glory.

2.               In Acts 1:8 we are told that the Gospel would spread from Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth.  Saul’s conversion is the beginning of the Gospel being spread to the ends of the earth.

3.                  Last week we studied about the conversion of the Ethiopian.  Saul’s conversion is just the opposite of the Ethiopian’s conversion.  The Ethiopian was searching for God.  He came from far away to worship in Jerusalem.  In other words, he was zealously searching for God.  He read the Bible.  He invited Philip up into his chariot to explain to him what the Bible was teaching. Saul, on the other hand, had no intention of believing in Christ.  He was an enemy. He wouldn’t even discuss anything with Christians.  He just killed them. Even this type of person is saved.  Both of these conversions were totally different.  Even so both were God’s way of leading them to Christ.  Therefore, God uses many means to bring people to him.  This passage teaches us this.

Today let’s look at how Saul became drawn to Christ.  Let’s look at 3 aspects of his conversion.

I.                Saul who persecuted the church (vs.1-2)

Here we are told how Paul wanted to kill the Christians and with what force he did so.  This can be seen by the word, “still”, in verse 1.  He consented to the death of Stephen. After that he stormed the churches by dragging men and women out of their homes and putting them in prison.  (8:3) However, that didn’t put an end to the persecution.  He was “still” threatening to persecute the church.  That zealousness spread to Damascus that was 210 kilometers from Jerusalem. He was not only persecuting the church in Jerusalem, but also churches far away from there.  Also his zealousness caused him to ask the high priest to write a letter to the synagogue in Damascus asking him to find Christian men and women and to send them back to Jerusalem.  This was to show that this wasn’t a one man movement, but that it was proper to punish the Christians.  He wanted to punish the Christians in the outer areas of Judea.  He had confidence that to persecute the Christians was to be faithful to God.  He was a scholar of the law.  He was faithful to the law.  He was confident that there was no one more faithful than himself.  By his thinking a person that was put on a cross was to be cursed.  Deut. 21:23 It was unthinkable that such a person would be raised or that he was God.  Someone who said such a thing was blaspheming God and couldn’t be forgiven.  This caused him to become so zealous in persecuting the Church.  Saul’s mistaken knowledge and mistaken zealousness caused him to walk down the wrong road in his life.

II.              Saul meets Jesus (vs.3-7)

As Saul was nearing Damascus, a light from heaven came upon him and he fell down.  We know from Acts 26:13 that this was not the light of the sun because it was brighter than the sun.  Also those that were with him could not see the light.  This was a light for Saul only.

When Saul received the light, he fell to the ground and he heard a voice, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?”  Those who were with him didn’t hear the voice either.  This voice too was just for Saul. Saul received a special inspiration from God.

Saul answered the voice, “Lord, who are you?” The word used for Lord is the word that is used for “Yahweh”, the God of Abraham.  In other words, at this point, Saul already knew that it was God who was talking to him.  In verses 5-8 is God’s answer to Saul’s question.  In other words, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.” By using “I” and “you”, God is emphasizing that it is a one on one relationship.  Jesus is changing Paul by have a relationship personally with him.  We try to change ourselves.   Even when we think we can change, it is difficult for us to really change.  When we come face to face to others then it becomes possible to change.  That’s when we are able to see our real selves. By Jesus approaching Saul on a one to one basis, he was able to see himself in a way that he never had before.

What did Jesus mean when Jesus answered “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting”?

1.    It means that Jesus who died on the cross is alive.  It means he rose.  It means what the disciples said in Jerusalem is true.

2.    It means that Jesus is the glorious Lord.  Saul thought that anyone who died on a tree was cursed. Therefore, he thought that Christians who made Christ their Lord should be persecuted. He thought he was doing the proper thing and was part of his ministry to God. If Jesus is blessed by God, and is living gloriously, then everything that Saul had done up to now was wrong.

3.    This wasn’t just being wrong, but was a huge sin toward God.  It was also a sin towards the Christians who believed in Jesus’ glory.

4.    Jesus has deep compassion and forgiveness towards such huge sinners.        Up until now what Saul has done was against Christ and unforgivable sin, but against this Saul, Jesus says, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting”. He does give a long sermon.  He just says, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting”. In other words He is Jesus who forgives him.  These words were a message of God’s love. Jesus loves those who don’t deserve it. Jesus forgave Saul. In I Tim. 1:15 Saul (Paul) makes that confession.

If a person is loved and forgiven, it is only by the grace of God.  Saul received this grace. However not just him, but it is promised to all that believe in him.  Anyone who repents of their sin, and believes in Christ, will be forgiven.

When Saul met Jesus, his thinking and life was turned upside down.  To realize that everything that you believed and stood up for was wrong is an extreme shock. However, to become a person of God, this is a very necessary process.  This happens by meeting Christ. Our Christian life requires that we daily meet Christ.

III.            3 days experience in Damascus (vs. 8-9)

Next let’s look at how Saul who met Jesus was changed.   When Jesus said, ““I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting”, Saul became blind. This was because of the great shock that he received.  He wasn’t able to see or eat.  He was in this condition for 3 days.  In the Bible 3 stands for completion.  After Saul met Jesus he experienced 3 days that were like death.  It was like Jesus when he died on the cross and was buried for 3 days. But, on the 3rd day Jesus rose again.  That was the same too.  Before Saul became Paul he spent 3 days in perfect humbleness.  It was the experience of death.  This experience is necessary for us to become a person of God.  For us to be changed from a person of this world to a person of God, it is important that we completely die to this world.  Then we will be able to have a real meeting with Christ.

For you, what is Damascus?  In order for Saul to live a life that pleased God, he gave his life to God.  However, before he had the wrong knowledge and values, and was heading the wrong way, but at Damascus, he was turned around.  He realized that Jesus was Christ.  Do you have any thinking like Saul that is wrong?  Who is the Christ that you know?  What is the center of your life? Even if you believe in Christ and attend church, in reality are there other things that are in the center of your life?  If that’s the case, then that is like Saul zealously going to Damascus. Just like it was necessary for Saul to have a 3 day experience in Damascus, we need to quit walking and listen to God’s word.   There we must meet Jesus.  Then just as Saul became Paul, we will be changed into a vessel of God.  We will be able to give our lives to Christ.  Therefore, let us appear before God and he will change us into his likeness.

Acts8:26-40 “The joy of Salvation”

              Today’s message title is from verse 39.  After the eunuch was baptized, he “went on his way rejoicing.”  He experienced the joy of salvation.

After Stephen was martyred, the Christians were badly persecuted and as a result were scattered throughout Samaria and the surrounding areas.  Philip came to Samaria where he preached the Gospel and many people were saved.  In today’s passage Philip’s evangelism continues.  In verse 26 we are told that Philip was led to Gaza. On the road there that goes through the desert he evangelizes and led the Ethiopian to salvation in Jesus Christ. Then in verse 39 he is led by the Spirit and he “appeared at Azotus and traveled about, preaching the gospel in all the towns until he reached Caesarea.” The next time Philip appears is in Acts. 21:8-9. There he is still in Caesarea so we can assume that he finally settled down in Caesarea.

Today’s passage takes place along the road to Gaza.  There Philip leads the eunuch to salvation.  The eunuch is baptized and then goes his way rejoicing.  Today let’s look at the joy of salvation that the eunuch experienced. Let’s look at three aspects of how he was led to that salvation and the joy that it brought.

I.                Go to the road that goes down to Gaza (vs. 26,27)

In verse 26 the angel of the Lord tells Philip to “Go south to the road-the desert road-that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.”  There are several different roads that Philip could take, but he is told to take “the desert road”.  For Philip who was having a great ministry in Samaria, to be told to take a desert road where there are few people, by human thinking doesn’t seem like the proper thing to do.  Why would God say to do such a thing?

The reason is given in verse 27.  When Philip did what the angel told him to do, “he met an Ethiopian eunuch, an important official in charge of all the treasury of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians.” God sent Philip to Gaza just so that he could meet this Ethiopian and lead him to salvation.  Neither Philip nor the Ethiopian had any idea why they were going where they were.  However, God knew and God knew why they were going.  God was leading them.

There are times when God leads us down to the desert.  However, that leading is above what we can conceive in our minds.  Therefore, even if the road we are walking on is not what we expected, not the road we wanted to be on, we shouldn’t complain about it, but believe that the road is part of God’s leading and take one step at a time. Even if we don’t know why we are walking down that road, when the time comes, God will let us know the reason.  Even if it a desert road, if God has shown us that road, then we need to follow his leading and continue on that road.  Then God will lead us to the person that we need to meet along that road.

II.              Teach me (vs. 27-35

The Ethiopian eunuch is introduced as an eunuch.  An eunuch is someone who has had his male gentiles removed.  At those times those who served the queen had their gentiles removed and became eunuchs.  However, according to Deut. 21:1, those who had their gentiles removed were impure. Even if they were religious in their hearts, because they could not be circumcised, they could not enter the temple and had to worship in the outer courts. In other words they could not come near God. Not only that but the Ethiopian eunuch lived in Ethiopia which was considered as the furthest southern country. It was a Gentile country.  Therefore its citizens were looked down upon.  Even so he came thousands of kilometers to worship God.  He was willing to pay that big of a price to worship the Lord.  He was that religious of a person.

When we want to know someone, the easiest way to get to know him is to go visit him.  God is the same.  If we want to know God we need to go meet him.  The way we meet God is through worship.  If we really want to know God, then the best thing is to go to the church worship and meet God.

There are some people who say it does no good for them to go to church because they don’t understand the message.  The Ethiopian may not have been able to worship well either since he had to worship in the outside courts.  On the road the Ethiopian was reading Isaiah, but he couldn’t understand it.  He exclaimed that he could not understand it “unless some explains it to me”. (30)  He had been to worship the Lord, but still he didn’t understand.  However he didn’t return home in discouragement. God prepared an evangelist for him.  In other words, on the way home from worshipping God, he met God’s grace.  It would be great if we meet God in worship, but even if we don’t, God will reward us for wanting to meet Him in worship.  Therefore, it is important that we don’t get discouraged in attending worship, but continue to do so.

Luke 11:9,10

Another wonderful thing about the eunuch was that even though he was still not a believer, he had a Bible and he read it.  At that time it was difficult to get hold of a Bible because they were all hand made.  There was no printer.  Therefore, Bibles were very expensive.  Probably he bought it while he was in Jerusalem.  He was reading it in his chariot on the way home.  The roads were not paved so it must have been difficult to read while riding in the chariot.  God will never let down a person like this who really strives to read the Bible against all odds.

The eunuch read the Bible and God provided a way for him to understand it more.  They important thing is to read the Bible.  For those who don’t know where to read or how to read it, there are many devotion books to help you.  There is “Living Life” and “Saiwai na hito” For those who can’t read that much, there is “The Upper Room”. It only has 1 verse a day with a little article about that verse. You can pick the one that best fits you and that is on your level.  The important thing is not whether you understand or don’t understand, but that you keep on reading it.  If so, God will give you understanding.

Another wonderful point about the way the Ethiopian sought God was that he wanted someone to teach him.  When Philip asked him if he understood what he was reading, “’How can I’ he said, ‘unless someone explains it to me?’ So he invited Philip to come up and sit with him.” (30)  Not only did the Ethiopian read the Bible on his own, but he realized his weaknesses and wanted someone to teach him.  The more you read the Bible, you have more questions and things that you don’t understand. You feel more and more a need for someone to explain things to you.  Such a person when they come to church receive a hint from the message.  Some people say that they don’t need help.  They say that if the have a Bible dictionary and commentary that they can understand everything so there is no need to have someone teach them.  This is just plain pride.  God could have just sent the Holy Spirit to the Ethiopian and have the Holy Spirit teach him.  However, God sent Philip.  God speaks through people.  It’s good to have someone that you can talk over the things that you don’t understand and that you have questions about.  This is how God spreads the news about Himself to others. 

The Ethiopian was reading Isaiah.  “The eunuch asked Philip, ‘Tell, me, please, who is the prophet talking about,” (34) “Then Philip began with that very passage of Scripture and told him the good news about Jesus.” (35) In other words, Philip explained the Gospel.  It is important that when we read the Bible that we see Jesus in it.  The center of the Bible is Christ.  Just as Isaiah prophesized, Jesus gave his life in exchange for our sin on the cross that we might be saved.  That was so that all those “that believe in Him might not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) God loves us that much.  It was for that reason that God sent Philip there and the Ethiopian was saved.  Of course, the Ethiopian was really searching for God, so he was able to understand and believe in what Philip said.  Then the Ethiopian said, “Why shouldn’t I be baptized?” (37)

III.            The grace of Baptism (vs. 36-39)

This Ethiopian heard Philip’s teaching and he believed in Jesus and was baptized.  A person is baptized as a result of believing in Christ.  At the same time by being baptized a person also receives grace.  In the short Westminister Catechism question 89 is “What are the outward and ordinary means whereby Christ communicateth to us the benefits of redemption? Answer: The outward and ordinary means whereby Christ communicateth to us the benefits of redemption are, his ordinances, especially the Word, sacraments, and prayer; all which are made effectual to the elect for salvation. The Ethiopian who through the Word of God received grace, by being baptized received even more grace.

This is one reason for being baptized.  By following the Word of God and being baptized, we receive grace.  Also by attending the Baptism class and having fellowship with and being taught by the leader is another source of grace.

Also being baptized is a confession of faith.  Some manuscripts include verse 37. “Philip said, ‘If you believe with all your heart, you may.’ The eunuch answered, ‘I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.’” This is the confession of faith of the eunuch.  It is necessary that Christians make such a confession.

Romans 10:9,10

Mark 16:15

If we believe in Christ and are baptized, then we have confidence that we are saved.  That is why baptism is so important.  This is a Christian’s privilege and joy.

Therefore, after the Ethiopian was baptized, even though he couldn’t see Philip any more, he was filled with joy and returned home rejoicing.  It was because he had Jesus Christ the source of all joy.

In this way, those who find Jesus Christ and have Him in their lives, have an overflowing joy.  There is nothing that can provide more joy than this.  Until now the Ethiopian was in charge of all the treasury of the queen and could have had anything. However, having Christ was even more than all those treasures. Even though the Ethiopian lost Peter, even though we loose a friend, our positions, our reputations, Jesus Christ and the joy he brings is more than all these things and can’t be compared with them.   

Acts8:14-25 “Having a right heart before God”

              When Philip did greater works that the sorcerer Simeon, the Samaritans believed in Christ.  The Jerusalem Church was really surprised and sent John and Peter there.  They prayed for the Samaritans and the Holy Spirit came upon them.  Simeon who had already become a Christian was really surprised and went to the disciples and gave them money asking for the authority that they had.  Peter’s answer is in verses 20, and 21.

              His heart was not right before God.  He wanted to receive God’s gifts through money.  Today let’s look at the mistake that Philip made so that we can be careful not to make the same mistake ourselves.  Let’s look at three things in this passage.

  1. I.             The one way grace of God.  (vs. 14-17)

When the Jerusalem church heard that the Samaritans had accepted the Gospel, they sent Peter and John there.  This was probably to check out the situation there.  However, also it was because the apostles had the total responsibility for the church  Therefore, they were sent there to teach and train those who were saved by laymen.  This was especially so because of the Samaritan’s history.  During the Assyrian invasion, the Samaritans intermarried with the Assyrians and as a result the fellowship with the Jews had been cut.  Therefore, the fact that the Samaritans were accepting Christ was surely a concern of the Apostles.  It was necessary for them to actually see that the Samaritans were saved and that the Jewish church and the Samaritan church were one in Christ.

When Peter and John went there they realized that the Samaritans had been baptized, but that the Holy Spirit had not come upon them yet.  Therefore, Peter and John laid their hands upon them and prayed and the Holy Spirit came upon them.  It was like Pentecost. 

This is a little mysterious.  These people believed in Christ though Philip’s evangelism.  The Holy Spirit is a guarantee that God is with us and that we are saved.  Therefore, they should have received the Holy Spirit when they received Christ.

I Cor. 12:3

When we believe in Christ we receive the Holy Spirit.  Therefore it is hard to understand why the Samaritans still had not received the Holy Spirit. 

In Acts this happened only one other time.  That is in 19:1-7.  It is when Paul went to Ephesus.  Here the Samaritans, enemies of the Jews were given the gift of tongues to show that the church is one and that Christ is for all peoples. 

  One of the mistakes that Simeon made is that he didn’t realize that the Holy Spirit is given by the one way grace of God.  He thought that the Holy Spirit was given by people with special authority within the church.  The Holy Spirit is completely a gift from God.  We don’t receive the Holy Spirit by doing something. The Holy Spirit is a gift completely from God.  The Holy Spirit is received by grace.  Therefore, there is no need to search for authority.  We need to only seek the grace of God.

  1. II.           Doing little things little by little (verses 18-21)

Simeon wanted to buy the authority to lay hands on people so they could receive the Holy Spirit not only because he didn’t realize that the Holy Spirit is given by the one way grace of God, but also because he wanted instant authority.  He didn’t want to do things little by little. 

I Tim. 3:2, 6

However, it is not just Simeon who seeks instant fame.  We often do the same thing.  We fail to read the Bible everyday and to pray, we don’t enthusiastically attend the events of the church and we don’t witness, but we work hard at things that will surprise people.  Revival is great if it results in a renewal in spiritual disciplines.  However, when it is only to cause other people to be surprised, then it is very dangerous.   When we concentrate on doing little things little by little, we see God do great things.

  1. III.         Pray for repentance (Verses 21-24)

The root of Simeon’s problem was that he had forgotten about “heart”. Simeon wasn’t able to receive the authority because his heart was not right before God.  Therefore, he needed to repent.  He was filled with bitterness and captive to sin so repentance was necessary.  However, Peter says that in verse 22 to repent and “perhaps” God will forgive him.  When we repent God always forgives us.  The reason that Peter uses “perhaps” is because Simeon still hadn’t completely repented.  It is like Pharaoh in Exodus 8:8, 28; 9:28; 10:17) In the end Pharaoh’s heart became completely hardened.  Probably Peter saw the same kind of hardened heart with Simeon.  Therefore he used the word, “perhaps”.  However, no matter how much bitterness we have in our heart and how captive we are to sin, if we truly repent, then God will forgive us of our sins.

Through Simeon we can learn that the Holy Spirit is a gift.  It is a complete gift from God.  Let’s live in that grace and have a right heart before God.