Isaiah9:1-7 “A Child”

Today we will start chapter 9. This is also a passage that we looked at advent, but let’s look at it again in light of the context of chapter 8. In chapter 7 we are shown what the Messiah will be like by the word “Immanuel. It means God is with us. He will be born as a man and will be with us. In today’s prophecy it is prophesized that this Savior in the course of time will be born into this world as a child. This is happened just as it says. This refers to Jesus Christ. 750 years before Christ was born the prophet Isaiah introduces the Messiah who is coming into the world telling us what he is like. Today let’s look at three things about this child.

I. A light in the darkness (vs. 1-5)
Let’s look at verses 1 to 5. First let’s look at verses 1 and 2.
This passage begins with “Nevertheless” (1). This means that this passage is a contrast to everything he has said in chapter 8. In chapter 8 he talked about darkness.
8:21, 22
This is what the Jews who were persecuted by the Gentiles were like. “Distressed and hungry, they will roam through the land; when they are famished, they will become enraged and looking upward, will curse their king and their God.” (8:21) That is because there is no Word of God. When the Word of God is spoken, many people stumble and fall so instead of depending on the Word of God, they sought to depend on other things like “mediums and spiritists”. (8:19) Like this there is no Word of God so “they are famished” (8:21) As a result “they will look toward the earth and see only distress and darkness and fearful gloom, and they will be thrust into utter darkness.” (8:22) The Assyrian invasion will bring great distress upon all Israel, and Israel will be trampled by many Gentiles and darkness and gloom will cover the earth.
“Nevertheless, there will be no more gloom for those who are in distress. In the past he humbled the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, but in the future he will honor Galilee of the Gentiles, by the way of the sea, along the Jordan.” (1) Northern Israel will be destroyed by Assyria and will completely lose its identity as a people. The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali” (1) will fall first by the hands of Assyria. In these areas there are a lot of Gentiles living there so it was called “Galilee of the Gentiles”. (1) This is a promise that Galilee will be honored. Also, “the people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.” (2) This is a prophecy about Jesus’ ministry in Galilee. In Matt. 4:12-17 this passage is quoted.
Matt. 4:12-17
The words of grace that Jesus spoke, the many miracles that he preformed, and the healings were all such a comfort and hope! They were exiled by Assyria and trampled by such Gentiles as Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome. When they were in such distress, Jesus will come. When we are reading only the Gospels we don’t know the situation so it isn’t so clear, but when we see the background of Galilee then we can understand how great a comfort, hope and joy that was.
Their joy is recorded in verses 3 to 5.
Vs. 3-5
Here the abundance of grace that Galilee has received is likened to the abundance of a harvest and the joy of victory. Like they rejoice when they harvest and like they rejoice when they divide the spoil when they have victory, before God they rejoice. For farmers a harvest is such a huge joy!
Also here it says, “For as in the day of Midian’s defeat, you have shattered the yoke that burdens the bar across their shoulders, the rod of their oppressor.” (4) This is the story that is in Judges 7. It is the story of Gideon who with 300 men shattered 300,000 Midianites. Like that time, the enemy will be smashed. They will be set free from the baggage they have borne up until now. We all live under a lot of stress. We know how bad that stress is for our bodies. Especially the baggage of sin is a huge distress for us. All of this kind of baggage like the Midianites will be smashed to pieces.
The result of this is in verse 5.
Vs. 5
This means it will bring complete victory and peace.
“There will be no more gloom for those who were in distress.” (1) However, this hasn’t happened yet. When we listen to people who have been to Israel or see the pictures of Israel, indeed the area of Galilee is very beautiful. There are Kibbutzes and orchards. There is a lot of green and forests. Therefore, compared to what Galilee once was, it’s completely different. However, the liberation that we see here in this passage today has not come yet. We have to wait until Jesus’ second coming for that. In the end of the world, when Our Lord Jesus will come again from heaven, we will rise up out of the grave with a resurrected body. Then the perfect peace and liberation that is written here will occur. This is the age called the Millennium. Then there will be no death, no sadness, no distress, and there will bring perfect peace. There will be no more gloom for those who were in distress.” (1) A peaceful society will be realized.

II. A child (vs.6)
Let’s look at how this society will come into being. Please look at verse 6.
“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given.” (6) This is the son of God
Here it says, “For to us a child is born” (6) Notice that this says “is born”. (6) This shows Jesus humanness. He was born as a human, as a child.
However, look at the next part of the verse. “To us a son is given.” (6) Here this is saying that this child is divine.
John 3:16
If we look at this passage the child is not just a mere boy. He is the only child of God, God who was born as a man. In other words, this is stressing the Messiah’s divinity. God’s son will be born as “a child”. (6) Jesus is 100 % God and 100% man. Isaiah is prophesying that such a Messiah would come. The Messiah, “a son” (6) that is to be born in course of time will change the dark into light. Here it shows us what he will be like through his names.
First is “Wonderful Counselor. God knows everything about us and shows us the way we are to go.
Psalm 139:1-8
He knows everything about us. He knows when we are standing up, when we are sitting down, and what we are thinking about. When we have a problem we seek counsel from someone who knows us well, understands us and will lead us to the right road. The child is like this. Not only will He watch over our present problems to the end, but He will teach us about the causes and how we should walk. He has a perfect plan for our life and so he can show us the way. Man has limits. Often there are fortune tellers on T.V. but no matter how outstanding a fortune teller is, he is not able to perfectly show the way. That is because he himself also has problems. However, the Messiah who is to come will completely understand us, and can lead us in his plan that is greater than what we can figure out in our heads and minds. This is not just on the individual level, but the Wonderful Counselor points to the Messiah as a King. He will come and carry out a plan that was planned (counseled) long ago and that will marvel the world.
John 14:16, 17
Jesus is talking about the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is “another Counselor”. (John 14:16) Jesus and the Holy Spirit are like identical twins. They are exactly alike. The Holy Spirit as a Counselor is always with us and leads us to the truth. The word “Counselor” in John 14:16 is paraclete in Greek which means to be called close. The Holy Spirit is called to be close to the believer under all kinds of circumstances. The Holy Spirit offers to help us as our guardian, our comforter, pastor, our proponent, our counselor, our leader, and our advisor. Now too, the Holy Spirit stands alongside the Believer and helps with all his needs. .
Everyone has had the experience of being comforted by words of comfort from family and friends. However, there are limits to man’s encouragement. Man’s encouragement sometimes doesn’t reach the person. No matter how deep a person has fallen into a condition of hopelessness, only God knows everything in our heart and helps us. He is our “Counselor”, comforter, and a “Wonderful counselor”. We should be so thankful that we have such a counselor that through prayer we can always seek counsel from.
Secondly, the Messiah is called “Mighty God”. (6) His divine power is seen as a mighty warrior. It means the Messiah is omnipotent. By him the heavens and the earth were made and he is an omnipotent God who controls it all.
John 1:3
Hebrews 1:2, 3
Jesus is omnipotent. He is “Mighty”.(6) Therefore, those who believe and accept Christ as their Savior have this “Mighty God” (6) living within them. If this omnipotent God is with us, then it is not necessary to be fearful of anything.
I John 4:4
Therefore, as we live in the world, if the magnificent, omnipotent God is in us, we will for sure be conquerors.
Thirdly, the “child” (6) is “Everlasting Father”. (6) Even though he is a child he is a father. Moreover here it says “Everlasting Father”. (6) This Father is everlasting. Human fathers when they get old, they leave this world, but Jesus is here with us eternally. Jesus said, “surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matt. 28:20)
Jesus is the “Everlasting Father”. (6) If He is a Father, he will watch over his children.
Human fathers raise their children and take care of them. In the same way the Lord raises us and takes care of us. Eternally he is with us, and watches over us. Therefore, we can be secure, and can put our lives into his hands. He is an everlasting, compassionate provider and protector.
Another name of this “child” (6) is the “Prince of Peace”. (6)
Ephesians 2:14-16
This peace was realized by the cross of Christ.
Einstein who proposed the theory of relativity during his lifetime said that the present and civilization does not have a defense plan against destructive weapons. Also, John F. Kennedy said, “Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind.” How can we have peace!?
Jesus came as the “Prince of Peace”. (6) Jesus was born in a stable in Bethlehem and was placed in a manger. Then he died on the cross for the root of all the unhappiness of mankind and the cause that brings about war, sin. When this Jesus in the course of time returns to this earth, a perfect kingdom of peace will be established. At that time “the infant will play near the hole of the cobra.” (11:8) and “The cow will feed with the bear, their young will lie down together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox.” (11:7)
This peace cannot be bought with money. This peace is brought in by believing in Jesus Christ and receiving forgiveness of sin through the blood of Christ, and by being reconciled to God. The key to all peace is to receive the pouring out of Christ’s blood and by having peace with God.
Before a British author, Jeffrey Archer wrote a novel, “Kane and Abel”. Kane was heir to the Kane & Cabot bank. Abel starts his life as a waiter in the Hotel Plaza in America. While Abel is working there, Davis Leroy, owner of the Richmond group of hotels, is impressed by his work and appoints him manager of his flagship hotel. Abel converts the ill-managed hotel to a profit-making one and buys stock in the chain. During the Great Depression, the hotel needs a backer and Davis unable to find one, commits suicide leaving the remaining shares in the Richmond Group to Abel. Before committing suicide, David mentions that Kane & Cabot was the bank that didn’t support him. Abel thus plans for revenge and considers Kane his arch rival. However, Kane’s daughter and Abel’s son happen to meet and fall in love without knowing about the rivalry between their fathers. They get married amid vehement protest from their fathers. A child is born whom they name William Abel Kane and he is a symbol of the reconciliation of the two families. “A child is born”, (6) Jesus Christ was born and through his birth and death, we have reconciliation with God. We insistently turn our backs on God and continue to live self-centeredly, but Jesus took upon himself all the punishment that we deserve and died for us on the cross. Jesus Christ is real “Peace”. (6) When He returns again to this earth, a perfectly peaceful kingdom will be established. .

III. The kingdom of David (7)
Finally let’s look at verse 7.
This is the coming Messianic kingdom. In II Samuel 7:12,13 it tells us about the kingdom that the Lord has promised David.
II Samuel 7:12, 13
This is about the kingdom. David’s offspring who came from his body was Solomon, but this is not about Solomon. This kingdom will be established by Jesus Christ from the royal line of David. This kingdom is one of the themes that is throughout Isaiah. This is the kingdom, the Millennium, which Christ will bring in on his second coming at the end of the world. At that time Christ will sit on the throne in Jerusalem, and reign. The world that was destroyed by sin will be regenerated. It will be restored to a world like paradise when the heavens and earth were created. A peaceful age will come where the stronger do not prey upon the weaker. Jesus will set up an unbelievable age of peace and prosperity.
However, Jesus’ disciples couldn’t understand this well. They thought that the first time Jesus came to this world, he would bring this so they asked him over and over again, “When will this happen?” (Matt. 24:3) However, in John 18:36 Jesus explains about the kingdom.
“My kingdom is not of this world.” (John 18:36) The kingdom that Jesus will establish “is not of this world.” (John 18:36) Physically, politically, economically it is not of this world.” (John 18:36) Rather, it is like the kingdom that is recorded in Luke 17:20,21.
Luke 17:20,21
The kingdom that Jesus spoke about can’t be seen with our eyes. Instead it is in the hearts of us who believe. Paul talks about this kingdom of God in Romans 14:17 
Romans 14:17
Therefore, Jesus didn’t come to the world 2000 years ago to bring in the Millennium. He didn’t come as a political or military leader either. However, the people of his day assumed that Jesus would save them from Roman oppression, and recover of Jerusalem, and establish the eternal kingdom of David that was promised in the Old Testament. They though they wouldn’t have to pay taxes any more, and could have a life without any inconveniences.
Today also there are people who jump to conclusions. There are some people who are called Christians who think that the kingdom of God should be established physically in this world. They try to get Christian politicians into office and try to change for the better the world that we see with our eyes. There are some people who try to make a Christian country. However, such teaching is unbiblical. It is the same mistake that the Jews made 2000 years ago. Also this causes the same confusion as the confused disciples had.
When Jesus came 2000 years ago to this world He didn’t sweep away all the evils and establish the Millennium because the people refused to accept Jesus. It was because they did not accept Jesus as the Messiah. First, Jesus came as a spiritual Messiah. He came to this world to take away the sin of sinners. He came to make atonement for all sin, to forgive all sin, and to make us righteous. As a spiritual Messiah he came to solve the problem of sin. Dealing with sin was necessary for preparing the citizens of heaven. Therefore, 2000 years ago when Jesus first came he came for that purpose. However, the second time he comes will be different. The second time he comes he will come as the Lord of judgment. Then as it is promised here the kingdom will become an eternal kingdom. The disciples didn’t understand this so they were very confused. They expected the kingdom of God promised in the Old Testament. They jumped to conclusions. They were confused.
Let’s be careful too. The kingdom of God that Jesus brings is a spiritual one. He came to forgive us of our sins and give us eternal life. In the course of time this will lead to the Kingdom of God actually coming to this world, but we have to wait for this. To prepare properly for this, we have to believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior who brought about atonement of sin. This is the greatest preparation for the Millennium, the paradise on earth that will come in the course of time.
Are you prepared? Do you believe in Jesus who came 200 years ago and died on the cross for you and atoned for your sin as your Savior?
“The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this.” (7) It is not for you to do. “The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this.” (7) Salvation is the one way grace of God. You need only to accept this grace of God. “The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this.” (7) Please receive by faith the act of salvation that the Lord accomplished. When you do that, the Kingdom of God will begin in you.

Applying it to our lives
 What kind of “darkness” do you have in your heart? Do you believe that in God’s timing he will shatter the yoke that burdens you?

 Do you believe that the child is a Mighty God? In what areas of your life do you need the hand of the Almighty Lord?

 Do you have faith that “The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish”? (7) Let’s accept and believe that our Savior Jesus Christ was sent to save us and believe that “The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish”. (7)