Isaiah8:1-22 “Waiting on the Lord”

Today let’s look at chapter 8 of Isaiah . When Ahaz heard that King Rezin of
Aram Pekah the king of Ephraim had formed an alliance and was coming to attack, Ahaz was shaken up ,“as the trees of the forest are shaken by the wind.” (2) Then God through Isaiah proclaimed ,“Be careful, keep calm and don’t be a仕aid.” ( 4) However, King Ahaz wasn’t able to believe those words. He didn’t obey the command ,”Ask the LORD your God for a sign.” ( ll) and tried to solve it by his own strength. That was by
asking Assyria to help. He thought that by asking Assyria, things would work out. However, Yesterday’s friend is tomorrow ’s enemy. Next by this Assyria Judah is tortured.
This is how man always thinks . On the surface it looks like he has solved the problem, but it only binds him hand and foot. The real solution is in the Lord . We have to wait on the Lord. Toda I would like to share three things about this.

I. God is with us. (Vs. 1-10)
First please look at verses 1to 10. First verses 1to 4.
Vs. 1-4
The Lord gave Isaiah another son.

The son’s name is“Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz “. (3:3) This name “Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz ” ( 3:3) mean s“quick to the plunde,swift to the spoil.”As the words say, Assyria will come and destroy Aram and Ephraim and 仕om them take the plunder. Damascus of verse 4 is the ctipital of Aram (Syria). Samaria is the capital of Ephraim (Northern Israel). Assyria is going to come to these 2 countries, and swiftly plunder and spoil them . The name
“Maher-Shalal- Hash- Baz” (旨: 3) was a sign of this. “Before the boy knows how to say
‘My father’ or ‘My mother ‘ (4) means while he is still a babぁ probably before he is one or two years old. Just as it is prophesized in 7:15 to 17, within one to years , in other words in 732 Assyria attacked and plundered Damascus (Aram). Then in 722 B.C . Assyria attacked and plundered Samaria (Israel) . King Ahaz probably felt he had done it. It
happened like he thought it would . He was able to overcome the di宜icult situation of Aram’s and Ephraim’s attack.
However, this was not finished. Please look at verses 5 to 8.
The Lord is accusing King Ahaz of rejecting God and asking Assyria for help. “Because this people has rejected the gently flowing waters of Shiloah and rejoice s over Rezin and the son of Remaliah.” ( 6) “The gently flowing waters of Shiloah” ( 6) is the
stream that runs from the Spring of Gihon which is outside of Jerusalem to Jerusalem. This water runs into “the Pool of Siloam” (John 9:7) where Jesus healed the blind man .
The lake of “Shiloah” ( 6) is in Greek, the pool of “Siloam”. The length of this river is 533 meters, and throughout the length the difference in depth is only 2 meters. In man’s
eyes the flow is so gentle that it is almost undistinguishable . However, even though this water was inconspicuous, it was the water of life that they couldn’t be without. It was a necessity of life. Even so they neglected it “and rejoices over Rezin and the son of
Remaliah.” ( 6) In other words, King Ahaz rejected God and asked Assyria for help , and is rejoicing over the fall of these two nations , Aram and Northern Israel.
Then what God is going to do is recorded in verses 7 and 8.
Vs. 7, 8
“Therefore , the Lord is about to bring against them the mighty floodwaters of the River.”( 7) “The River” is the Euphrates which refers to Assyria . By Assyria Aram and Ephraim will be destroyed . However, that is not all. “It will overflow all its
channels, run over all its banks and sweep on into Judah, swirling over it, passing through it and reaching up to the neck.” (7,8) Assyria who was supposed to watch over
them , next is going to swirl over Judah and swallow it up . This was fulfilled in 701 B.C . when the Assyrian King Sennacherib ‘s invasion overwhelmed all the cities of Judah 11nd surrounded Jerusalem and drove them to the verge of falling. That was because
King Ahaz “rejected the gently flowing waters of Shiloah”.( 6) and asked Assyria for help.
This is a teaching for us too. The waters of Shiloah flow gently so it is inconspicuous. However, in reality it is really by this living water that we live . It is gently flowing so we carelessly reject it, and our hearts are captivated by the showy
activities that capture men’s eyes. What our eyes really have to be h吋 oil,
what our hearts have to be fixed on is the “waters of Shiloah” ( 6). Here is where thθ real solution is.
From the end of verse 8 to verse 10 it says,
“’Its outspread wings will cover the breadth of your land, 0 Immanuel !’
Raise the war cry, you nations, and be shattered! Listen , all you distant lands.
Prepare for battle, and be shattered! Prepare for battle , and be shattered!
Devise your strategy, but it will be thwarted ;
Propose your plan , but it will not stand for God is with us .”
This passage 仕om the end of verse 8 is very di伍cult. It’s hard to understand what these wings refer to. Up until now Assyria was referred to as the water of the river, but here the figure changes to a bird. It is not clear if this bird is a bird of prey

or if it is a pictu:re of wings protecting Judah. Ifyou take it as being a bird of prey then it has the meaning of there being no place for the people to escape from the Assyrian army within the country of Judah. If you take it as wings of protection , then they are the
wings of God spread out protecting Judah. This would 五t in well with verses 9 and 10
which follow. “Prepare for war and be shattered! Devise your strategy, but it will be thwarted; propose your plan, but it will not stand.” (9, 10) This is describing Assyria
attacking Judah. Just as Aram and Israel will be shattered so will Assyria be shattered. Their strategies and plans will not stand . This is because ,“God is with us.” ( 10)
In reality this occurred during the age of Hezekiah. This is recorded in chapters 36 to 39. “In the fourteenth year of King Hezekiah’s reign, Sennacherib king of Assyria attacked all the fortified cities of Judah and captured them.” (36:1) Then Hezekiah prayed to the Lord,“You alone are God …Deliver us 仕om his hand.” (37:16, 20)
Then the Lord said through Isaiah,“Do not be afraid of what you have heard- those words with which the underlings of the king of Assyria have blasphemed me. (37:6) I will have him cut down with the sword . (37:3) By the way that he came he will return; he will not enter this city. (37:34) I will defend this city and save it. (37:35) The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this.” (37:32) “Then the angel of the LORD went out and put to death a hundred and eighty five thousand men in the Assyrian camp. When the people got up the next morning廿iere were all the dead bodies !” ( 37:36)
In the world in that age there was no way that the strongest country Assyria shouldn’t have had victory of the weak small country of Judah . However , they weren’t able to because God was with Judah. “Immanuel” ( 8) His wing spread over the complete
width of the nation and protected them.
“The way of this people” (11) is the way that Ahaz and Judah were going. They feared Aram and Israel’s attack. They joined hands with Assyria and was trying to
confront the attackers. However, that was to make light of the Lord. Isaiah is warned not to walk in such a “way of this people” ( 11), not to have the same thinking as these people, and “do not fear what they fear, and do not dread it” ( 12)
What he is to do is written in verse 13. Vs.13
Proverbs 29:25
We are continually under pressure to decide whether to fear men or to fear God. “Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe.” (Proverbs 29:25)
to dread.” ( 13) This does not mean that believers don’t have fear. Believers have fears
too, but what is different is that in the midst of it they trust in the Lord.

Nick Vujicic from Australia was born with no hands and feet, a congenital
handicap . He testified that he was brought up in a family where his parents where pastors so he knew in his head that Jesus loved him , but he was angry with God. “Why didn’t God give me hands and feet like other people ?” In adolescence he thought,“I drew the short straw. I can’t obtain the ordinary happiness of a fixed job , marriage , raising children, etc. For my whole life I will have to live being luggage for other people .” When he was 10 years old he attempted suicide. When he was 15 he heard the story of the blind man in John 9. Jesus answered the disciple’s question,“Who sinned , this man
or his parents, that he was born blind ?” ( John 9:2) with ,“Neither this man nor his
parents have sinned …but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.” ( John 9:3) This was the answer to his liお. God didn’t change his situation , but he changed his heart. About that time he gave a speech before 300 students. One girl came up to him afterwards crying telling him how much his words had changed her and he realized that had something that he could do for other people . From the time that Nick Vujicic learned and believed that God’s grace was
sufficient for him and that grace became perfect in his weakness, he depended upon the Lord. As a result he knew the plan of God . “The LORD Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy, he is the one you are to fear, he is the one you are to dread.”
“And he will be a sanctuary.” ( 14) “A sanctuary” (14) is the place where we are with the Lord. It is where the Lord is with us so we have nothing to worry about. It is a place of safety. However, for those who don’t believe it isn’t so. It is “a stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall…he will be a trap and a snare.” ( 14)
Luke 2:34
These are words spoken by the prophet Simeon when Jesus was born. Jesus “is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel.” (Luke 2:34) Christ raises up
those who believe in him, but is a stumbling block for those who disbelieve. For some people he is a sanctuary, but for some people he is “a stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall.” ( 14) 羽市at makes the difference is whether you are depending on the Lord’s word or not.
Therefore , verse 16 commands,“Bind of the testimony and seal up the law
among my disciples.” “Bind” means to gather and tie things 五rmly together. “Seal up” (16) means to close or plug . This means that God’s testimony and law is to be bound , and put and stored well in our heart. This is the root of many problems. We don’t consult God’s word, but other people or things.
Verse 19,20
Because they don’t consult God’s word , but other people or things,“they have no light of dawn.” ( 20) In that case, there is “distress and darkness and fearful gloom , and they will be thrust into utter darkness.” ( 22)
This is not just in the age of Isaiah, but is the same in the present age. If
anything, people have a tendency to be attracted to such things like “mediums and spiritists” ( 19) or diviners. More than the Word of God, people are attracted more to
emotional things or things that stimulate your imagination, or things like speeches that spark human emotions. Oriental ideas that are adopted in meditation is an example . Such things have penetrated into Christianity. Then without realizing it, there are times when we are immersed in it. Here there is “no light of dawn.” ( 20) There is “distress and darkness and fear白I gloom, and they will be thrust into utter darkness.” (22) 羽屯en there is no Word of God it is dark. Therefore, the Word of God must be bound and sealed in our hearts . Persistently, we must cling to the Word of God. That’s
because it is the Word of God that gives life to people, guides people, helps people , encourages people and leads people the right way.
Psalm 119:105
Only God’s word shines on our road and shows us the way we should go.

III. Waiting on the Lord (vs. 16・22)
Therefore, the third point is to wait on the Lord . Please look at verses 17 and 18.
About the Word of the Lord, Isaiah confesses,“I will wait for the LORD, who is hiding his face 企om the house of Jacob.” ( 17) This is wonderful. 羽弓iat is so wonder 五il is that he is saying that he “will wait for the LORD, who is hiding his face from the house of Jacob.” ( 17) The situation that Isaiah is in is like the Lord is hiding his face from them. If the Lord is alive, then why is Lord allowing this situation? Aram and Israel are advancing on them, Assyria is surging into the land, and no one listens to him telling them to depend on the Lord… This is just like the Lord is hiding his face.
However, Isaiah in the midst of this says that he “will wait for the LORD .” ( 17) He will
put his trust in the Lord. This is real faith . “Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” ( Hebrews n:1) Hope that we can see with our eyes is
not hope. Something that everyone can see, how can that be called hope? If we have hope in something that we can’t see, then we can have patience and wait earnestly for it. No matter the circumstances around us to wait upon the Lord is what real faith is like .
Andrew Murray in his book ,“Waiting oh the Lord” writes the following stoη. A
little while before in England there was a famous orchestra that opened concerts here and there around the country. However, depression started and the number of visitors coming got worst. Then within a few years it became so bad that the common people quit buying tickets. One day in the evening a member of the orchestra that without strength was putting the hall in order said,“Today let’s cancel the concert. Last night there were few people. Today what is worst is that the snow is falling . There may not even be one person that comes so let’s cancel.” Another person chimed in,“Yes! Yes! I’ve had enough of continuing to work hard in this bad situation .” However, a wise, older orchestra member said,“Wait a minute. We have a responsibility to the people who bought tickets. Therefore , even if one person comes, we must not cancel. Thus they were able to give the best concert that they had ever given. Among the small deeply moved audience , there was a tasteful elderly gentleman who just as he was leaving handed them a scrap of paper. On it was written ,“Thank you for such a wonderful concert. From the King” Yes, the king had seen the concert.
To wait for the Lord is not an easy thing . However, He is our King of Heaven.
Moreover, our Father is looking upon us with love.
Matt. 6:6
Therefore , even if we are in a bad situation, if we put our hope in Him, God who sees all things, will abundantly reward us.
Isaiah 40:28
“Those who hope in the LORD w出renew their strength …they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” (Isaiah 40:23)
Aoolvine: it to our lives What are your eyes 五xed on? the showy activities of the world? or “the gently flowing waters of Shiloahウ ( 6) *明司mt are you consulting?明弘前 are you putting your hope in? For you , what does it mean to put your hope in God?