Isaiah11:1-9 “A shoot from the stump of Jesse”

Today let’s look at Isaiah 11. We also looked at this passage during advent. Let’s look at this passage again in light of the context of chapter 10.

I. The coming Messiah as a shoot (vs. 1)
First please look at verse 1.
What is “the stump of Jesse”? (1) Jesse was the name of David’s father. This son, David, was a famous King, but Jesse wasn’t very well known. There were very few people that had even heard his name and there was not really anyone that was moved by him. He wasn’t really known by anyone except his neighbors. It was like, “I know David, but I don’t know anything about Jesse.”
Also Jesse was a shepherd. At that time shepherding couldn’t be said to be an outstanding job in society. A shepherd slept with and got up with the sheep, so their bodies were dirty, and they smelled so it was a job that no one wanted to do. In other words, the expression, “the stump of Jesse”, (1) was an insult, showing contempt. However, Isaiah said that “A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; and from his roots a Branch will bear fruit.” (1) If you are going to use a name, to use the name of a famous person is more effective. That way you will draw interest from everyone, and you can appeal to many people. Even so Isaiah did not say “of David”, but “of Jesse” (1). This was to show that the Savior while he would be born as a child into the family of David, he was also put in the lowest condition as Messiah.
Here it says “stump”. (1) A stump is what is left in the ground when a tree is cut off. In the previous chapter in 10:33 and 10:34, it says, “See, the Lord the LORD Almighty, will lop off the boughs with great power. The lofty trees will be felled, the tall one will be brought low. He will cut down the forest thickets with an ax; Lebanon will fall before the Mighty One.”                                                              Here the judgment upon Assyria is written. Assyria didn’t think about their position and were prideful so God says he is going to cut them down. After they are cut down what is left is the stump.
Judah has always been in such a condition of a stump. Also when they were attacked by Aran and Israel they didn’t depend on God, but depended upon Assyria. As a result next they were attacked by Assyria and took a big blow. The towns around Jerusalem were destroyed. Luckily Hezekiah, the son of Ahaz was a King of faith who desperately prayed to God so miraculously they were saved from the danger. 185,000 soldiers of Assyria’s army were killed by the angel of God in one night so Assyria returned to their own country.
However, that was not the end. After that the country of Babylon gained power. It was by this Babylon that Judah was completely destroyed in 586 B.C. and the people were exiled. This was the Babylonian exile. However, exactly as God promised after 70 years they returned to Jerusalem. This was by nothing except by the grace of God. Even so they turned their back on God again so they were ruled by Persia and next Greece and next Rome. They were always ruled by other countries. They were in a hopeless situation of being such a quiet forest where not a sound is heard and all the trees are felled and all that is left is just stumps.
However, in such quietness where not a sound is heard, John the Baptist was born, and then Jesus Christ was born as if to shatter the quietness. The Messiah was born as a shoot. From a single stump that looked like it had no life in it a shoot was born. From it “a Branch will bear fruit.” (1) When everyone was in despair, when no one had any expectations, the salvation of God appeared. When there was thought to be no more life, and no more hope, God’s salvation began. That is this “shoot”. (1)
Incidentally, this “Branch” is “neser” in Hebrew. This is the roots for the word, “Nazareth”. In Matthew 2:23 it says, “and he went and lived in a town called Nazareth. So was fulfilled what was said through the prophets; ‘He will be called a Nazarene.’.” This is talking about this prophecy of Isaiah 11:1. This prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled here. The Messiah “will come up from the stump of Jesse… a Branch,” (1) who “will be called a Nazarene”. (Matt. 2:23) The Branch, the Messiah is from Nazareth. This has four meanings.
1. This means that the Messiah is King. In Jeremiah 23:5 it says, “The days are coming… when I will raise up to David a righteous Branch, a King who will reign wisely and do what is just and right in the land.” This means the same as what is written in Isaiah. The coming Messiah is seen as a King.
2. This means that the Messiah is a servant. In Zechariah 3:8 it says, “Listen, O high priest Joshua and your associates seated before you, who are men symbolic of things to come; I am going to bring my servant, the Branch.” This is the Branch as a servant.
3. This is the Messiah as a man. This is written about in Zechariah 6:12. “Tell him this is what the LORD Almighty says: ‘Here is the man whose name is the Branch, and he will branch out from his place and build the temple of the LORD.’” This is the Branch as a man.
4. This is the Messiah as God. In Isaiah 4:2 it says, “On that day,. The Branch of the LORD will be beautiful and glorious and the fruit of the land will be the pride and glory of the survivors in Israel.”

The Branch of the Lord has these 4 meanings. It is in exact concordance with the four Gospels of New Testament. The Gospel of Matthew sees Christ as King. The Gospel of Mark sees Christ as servant. The Gospel of Luke sees Christ as man, and the Gospel of John sees Christ as God. The coming Messiah is coming as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Branch of the Lord is in agreement with the Gospels. 2,000 years ago too the Lord came as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, However, Judah put him on the cross and killed him. This Messiah will at the end of the world come again as the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.
Let’s have hope in this. Your life may be in the condition of being felled and may be like a stump with nothing left on it. However, from that stump God will bring up a shoot, and from it a Branch which will bear fruit. No matter how felled you are, how despised you are, God will never leave you. God will without fail restore you.

II. The nature of the Messiah that comes as a Branch (Vs. 2-5)
Next let’s look at the nature of the Messiah who comes as a Branch. Please look at verse 2.
“The Spirit of the LORD” (2) rests on the Branch. “The Spirit of the LORD” (2) is the Holy Spirit. When Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River, these Words were fulfilled. Then the heavens opened and the Spirit descended upon Jesus like a dove and God’s voice from heaven said, “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.” (Mark 1:11) The trinity appeared there. The voice of God the father, the son of God, Christ, and the Spirit of God was present. From then on Jesus’ public life, public ministry began. He received the Holy Spirit because He was baptized. He received the baptism of the Holy Spirit at the same time as he was baptized by water. He took on power and went out into public ministry. By that power in the wilderness of Judea he had victory over temptation, and also by that power he performed many works that only God could do. The oil of the Holy Spirit was poured out upon Jesus.
“The Spirit of the LORD” (2) here is expressed as seven Spirits. This does not mean that there are seven Spirits. There is one Holy Spirit, but He has seven works. First is “the Spirit of the LORD”. (2) Secondly, is “the Spirit of wisdom”. (2) Thirdly,. is the Spirit of “understanding” (2). Fourth, is “the Spirit of counsel” (2). Fifth is the Spirit of “power”. (2) Sixth is “the Spirit of knowledge” (2) and the seventh is the Spirit “of the fear of the LORD”. (2) This expresses the seven works of the Holy Spirit. Seven in the Bible is the number that expresses completeness. Therefore this expresses that the Holy Spirit is perfect.
Rev. 1:4

This does not mean that there are seven Spirits. This is expressing that the Lord’s Spirit has the 7 works of 11:2. This also appears in Rev. 4:5 so later please check it out. These are all expressions taken from Isaiah 11:2.
“The Spirit of the LORD”, (2) The Holy Spirit will rest upon the coming Messiah and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit. However, that is not just Jesus, but all those who believe in Jesus, Christians, are the same. The Holy Spirit has been poured out upon all Christians that believe in Jesus. We too can receive the power of the Holy Spirit.
Acts 1:8
The Holy Spirit comes upon us. When that happens we receive power. It is the power that is necessary to do the work of God. It is the power of the Holy Spirit. From the moment we believe in Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit lives in us. Regardless of the experience when we do the work of God, ministry, the Holy Spirit is poured out upon us. This is the power of the Holy Spirit. When Christians do the work of God, it is necessary that they be filled with the Holy Spirit. It is not by our own strength or our own flesh that we minister. “Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit.” (Zech. 4:6) It is necessary that we too work by the Holy Spirit.
This will be given to anyone who desires it.
Luke 11:13
“Ask and it will be given to you; see and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Luke 11:9,10) Let’s desire the baptism of the Holy Spirit. That’s not just one or two times. Here it is saying to continually seek. If so just like Christ the Holy Spirit will be poured out upon you. You can take on the power of the Holy Spirit and do the work of God. Without the pouring of the Holy Spirit, you can’t be successful in the work of the Lord. Without the power of God you can’t be changed into the image of Christ. That is because that is the work of the Lord through the Holy Spirit.
Here it says, “When the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will receive power.” (Acts 1:8) That power is like the power of dynamite. When we are full of that power, we can overcome any persecution. You will be able to perform works greater than your abilities. “When the Holy Spirit comes upon you” (Acts 1:8) you will receive a power like dynamite. You will be able to have a life like dynamite. Of course, that is not for your own personal success. The power is so that “you will be my witnesses.” (Acts 1:8) It is so you can do the work of being a witness to Christ. Jesus gives this power so “you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (1:8) At the same time, the Holy Spirit brings abundant blessings to our personal lives too.
Next please look at verses 3 to 5. Here it is written what the Messiah who is filled with the Holy Spirit of the Lord is going to do.

The Lord of Lords, the Lord will take on the power of the Holy Spirit and He will bring a kingdom that shows righteousness and faithfulness. It is not a kingdom like today where righteousness is distorted and righteousness is replaced with unrighteousness, but will establish a kingdom where righteousness and faithfulness are clearly seen. Now we have outrageous feelings towards our country. We have bitterness. We must live giving laments of “Why?” “Why this?” “For how long?” etc. There will be a time when those questions will be answered. That is when the Messiah rules the world. That is “he will delight in the fear of the LORD. He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, or decide by what he hears with his ears.” (3)
Jesus said to the woman who was caught in adultery, “Neither do I condemn you…Go now and leave your life of sin.” (John 8:11) Jesus saw her heart. “Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” (I Samuel 16:8) This woman was weighed down by her sin. She thought that it was only right that she be judged, that she had done something outrageous, that she had done an irrevocable thing and that she couldn’t be helped if she was blamed for her sins and killed by stoning. She was well aware of this so she earnestly sought the mercy of the Lord. The Lord saw this heart. He saw this heart and said, “Neither do I condemn you.” (John 8:11) He didn’t judge her by what he sees with his eyes, or decide by what he hears with his ears.” (3)
But then again, Jesus strongly cares for those people who are forever trampled over, who have an outrageous time of it, who are seen by society as being weak, that have nothing to shelter them, that are extremely abused authorities, and those who are weak.
When Jesus comes again he will make this a reality. We should pray that this day will come soon, “Maranatha” “Lord, come!” This event is in other words the Lord’s second coming. This event is recorded in Revelations 19. “I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and makes war.” (Rev. 19:11) Jesus Christ will come from heaven on a white horse. At that time the Christians who have already been taken up to heaven, Christ’s bride, the church, will also ride white horses and come down to this world. According to this passage Jesus will be “Faithful and True. With justice he judges and makes war.” (Rev. 19:11) “King of Kings, Lord of Lord” is written in verse 16. Our “King of Kings and Lord of Lords” (Rev. 19:16) will judge with justice. He will fight for the weak. This is our real hope.

III. The rule of the Messiah (vs. 6-9)
Finally let’s finish by looking at what the kingdom that Messiah brings will be like. Please look at verses 6 to 9.

This is not just a poetical expression. This will happen just as it says. This is being prophesized. This is a description of Millennium that the Messiah will bring after Christ’s second coming. At that time the whole earth will be restored to the condition of the garden of Eden. Here is describing this.
At that time “the wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them.” (6) Peace will come to the world of dog eat dog. Even if “the infant will play near the hole of the cobra” (8) he will not be harmed. That is because “the earth will be full of the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.” (9) Just “as the waters cover the sea”, (9) the whole “earth will be filled with the knowledge of the LORD” (9) so this perfect peace will come.
For nature and the world of animals were changed by the impact of man’s sin. The first man Adam and Eve sinned so the impact of sin was extended to all of the natural world. Therefore, when Jesus comes again when sin is completely atoned for, all of the natural world will be restored to its original condition.
Romans 8:19-22
That is what is meant by all of “creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed.” (Romans 8:19) When Christ returns again and atones for mankind, all of creation will be “brought into the glorious freedom.” (Romans 8:21)
Therefore, the important thing is to know the Lord. In the course of time, at the end of the world, “the earth will be full of the knowledge of the LORD.” (9) The peaceful age of Millennium where the Lord reigns will come. This is not just at the end of the world. Today is so. If we know the Lord, the Messiah that rules the Millennium that we can’t see with our eyes, will rule our hearts.
Luke 17:20,21
“The kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:21) Therefore, more important than when Jesus Christ is coming, is to be prepared for Christ’s second coming by believing in Christ, the Messiah and receiving the forgiveness of sins so no matter when he comes, you are o.k..
Hebrews 9:28
Are you prepared to welcome the Messiah, Christ? Isaiah prophesized that “a shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit.” (1) The Messiah that comes from the child of Jesse, the child of David is indeed the Savior. “He will save his people from their sins.” (Matt. 1:21) Jesus came one time “to take away the sins of many people”. (Hebrews 9:28) He was put on the cross and died, and 3 days later rose again and completed the work of salvation. Then in the course of time he will return again. “He will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.” (Hebrews 9:28) Are you waiting for this salvation? Are you prepared for Christ’s second coming? Do you believe in Christ and are you living in the kingdom that Christ rules? Let’s believe in Him and live waiting expectantly for his rule. That is where real joy and hope are.

Applying it to our lives
* Are you in the condition of being a stump? In such a despairing condition do you believe that God sent the Savior to be born?

* Are you filled with the Holy Spirit? Are you desiring to be filled with the Holy Spirit? How are you desiring to be filled with the Holy Spirit?

* Are you prepared for the Lord’s second coming? Have you believed in our Savior Christ and are your sins forgiven?