Isaiah10:5-27 “Depend on the Lord”

From Isaiah 9:8 on Isaiah spoke the Word God to Northern Israel. The central message was, ““his hand is still upraised”. (9:12) Even though they had received the Word of the Lord, they responded to the message that fell on them “with pride and arrogance of heart” (9) and didn’t listen to it. God’s hand of wrath was still upraised” (9:12) against such an Israel.
Today’s passage is not spoken to Israel, but is to Assyria. Assyria was asked by King Ahaz of Judah to attack Aram and Israel, and is the country that plundered it. It is to this Assyria that these words are spoken. Let’s learn three things from this message.
1. We must not be prideful. Just as the ax can not “raise itself above the person who swings it, or the saw boast against the one who uses it,” (15) we can not be prideful towards God. We must think about our position as an instrument of God, and we must put all our heart into it. .
2. God’s judgment will come upon such prideful men.
3. Depend upon the Lord.

I. Don’t be prideful (Vs. 5-15)
First let’s look at the pride of Assyria. Let’s look at verses 5 to 15. First let’s look at verses 5 and 6.
The Lord is uttering “Woe” to Assyria. In chapter 5 these words were repeated over and over again. There they were used as a warning of catastrophes that would come upon Israel who had turned its back on God. Here the same words are used toward Assyria. This is because even though Assyria was just an instrument of God, they deviated from their position and became conceited. Here it says, “Assyrian, the rod of my anger, in whose hand is the club of my wrath!” (5) Here the word “my” is being stressed. In other words, Assyria was only God’s instrument. Assyria was “the rod of my anger”, and “the club of my wrath”. (5) God used Assyria to punish Israel who didn’t follow God。 Assyria was to attack the people of Israel, “to seize loot and snatch plunder, and to trample them down like mud in the streets.” (6) The purpose was so Israel would repent. They were nothing more than an instrument for that purpose. Even so Assyria was proud as if though they had accomplished this by their own hand. They had the mistaken idea that by their own strength they had built up a powerful country. They thought of themselves as being more than they really were. However, this was wrong. They were nothing more than just a tool of God. Their statergy militarily succeeded. They expanded their territories. They prospered. This was all because of the hand of God. Behind all of this was God’s authority. It was definitely not by their own strength. Even so they did not understand this and were prideful. This was the problem.
Please look at verse 7. Here describes what their pride was like. “This is now what he intends” (7) means that they didn’t think that they were God’s instrument. In their heart was “to destroy”. (7) It was not on the level of punishment. It had exceeded that. Assyria’s “purpose is to destroy.” (7) Not only Israel, but Assyria’s “purpose is to destroy, to put an end to many nations.” (7) They wanted the other nations to be subject to them. They wanted to thoroughly destroy them. Assyria is famous for its cruelty. They gouged out the eyes of their enemies, chopped off their noses, chopped off their ears, and put hooks in their tongues and pulled them, and buried them alive in pits. What’s more they brought beheaded heads and speared them showing them and saying to everyone, “Everyone who does not follow the Assyrians will become like this!” That is because didn’t know their position, and they assumed that they were absolute.
Verses 8-11
This means that what they are saying is that up until now all of their great war victories were all by their own strength, their high level of fighting ability, and good occupational policies, so it was not by the Lord Almighty’s plan. Calno was a region in northern Aram which was destroyed in 738 B.C.. Next is Carchemish. This fell in 717 B.C. Hamath fell in 720 B.C., Arpad in 740 B.C., Samaria in 722 B.C., and Damascus fell in 732 B.C. Up until now the cities and countries that they had fought with all had their own protective gods, but they were not able to protect them from the attacks of Assyria. Assyria boasted that Jerusalem’s God was the same, and there was no way that they could resist Assyria. The real God not to be equated with the idols that man made, but Assyria was prideful in thinking that the Lord Almighty wasn’t able to protect Jerusalem from the hand of Assyria.
Their prideful attitude is written in verses 12 to 14.
Verses 12-14
If you look carefully you will realize that the word “I” is repeated over and over again. “My” “I” “my” “I” “I” “I” “I” “my” “I” They are bragging that their present prosperity, their present blessings, their present victories were all “by the strength of my hand…by my wisdom, because I have understanding.” (13) I am strong, I am might. I have ability. However, this is funny. This is pitiful. That’s because Assyria is only a tool. Even though Assyria is only a tool, Assyria assumed they have done everything by their own strength. If you were to compare their prideful thinking it would be like verse 15.
Verse 15
An “ax” and a “saw” (15) are nothing more than tools. Even so if the ax or saw tries to order and move the person that is using it, then it would be funny. If the ax says, “cut a little more to the left” or “a little more to the right”, the person that is using the ax would say, “No, that’s ridiculous!” However, Assyria was doing this. Even though they were only a tool, they had an illusion of themselves that they had moved everything by their own wisdom and their own strength, and they thought they had ability, and they were mighty.
We too are like that. Let’s be careful. There are times too when we are prideful. Who do you think gave you what you abundantly have now: your job, your wealth, your family, your health or your prosperity? Do you think this way? “By the strength of my hand I have done this.” (13) I won the battle of the entrance exams! I was able to enter into a reasonable company for what a high educational level I have. I get a reasonable salary and have reasonable status. I tried my best in everything so I have done this by “my wisdom because I have understanding” (13) and by my abilities. Assyria is no different from us, a group of sinners. Terribly sinning man always think this way. We forget our position and quickly have pride in ourselves that we did it by our own strength. Similar to Assyria we forget that we are only a tool of God. We are only a tool. If we take the Ichiro’s bat that doesn’t mean that we will be able to hit like Ichiro. Recently Tiger Woods isn’t doing so well, but if we took Tiger Wood’s driver golf club that doesn’t mean we can hit the ball as far as we want. A bat and a driver are nothing more than a tool. The tool is not magnificent. It is the person that uses the tool that is magnificent. Therefore, the tool must not boast. If we boast, we should “boast in the Lord.” (I Cor. 1:31)
I Cor. 1:26-31
Here it says, “Let him who boasts boast in the Lord.” (I Cor. 1:31) If you succeed in ministry, if you succeed in business, if you are blessed in your personal life, or in your school life, it is all through God’s help. There is nothing that we can boast about. It wasn’t because we studied the Bible hard, or went to seminary that we succeeded. Or it wasn’t because we have a high educational level or have the qualifications that we have a high salary. All blessings are by the grace of the Lord. The Lord gives you health. He gives you the necessary abilities. He gives you the opportunities. He gives you places to work and serve. We are nothing more than a tool that is used by the hand of the Lord. If we can be used as a tool, and glorify the Lord, we should be glad about that. We should be glad that God is using someone like us. If the Lord is using it, he doesn’t have to use Ichiro’s bat. A bat that is sold around here in the sports shop is sufficient enough to make a hit. God doesn’t have to use Tiger Woods driver to hit a perfect shot. If we are held in the Lord’s hand, no matter how shabby a tool we are, in any way that we are used, we can do a wonderful work. Therefore, if we are used by the Lord, if we are more and more successful, if we prosper, we need to be conscious that we are the tool of God. It is as it is written, “Let him who boasts boast in the Lord.” (I Cor. 1:31)
We have limitations. However, there are times when we are able to do something unbelievable that is above our abilities or limitations. This is beyond doubt by the grace of God. God uses people like you and me. This is to prove that this is not something that came from us, but is clearly the power of God that comes from God. That is to show that it is the solo work of God alone.
We are not used because we have a deep faith. It is not because we are a devout Christian either. It is not because we are working hard either. It is not because we are holy either. It is not because we are more splendid than other Christians either. It is all by the grace of God. God’s grace is not something we are in the position to receive, but the grace of God is that great that He extends it to us who do not deserve it. Therefore, if we are allowed to speak about the Word of God, it is only by the grace of God. If we can study the Bible, if we receive training, if we get experience, and so we think that we will talk, that is a big mistake. If we are commissioned to speak boldly the Word of God, it is by the grace of God.
Jesus said, “apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5) Jesus is the true vine and we are nothing more than the branch. The branch by itself can not bear fruit. Only by being attached to Jesus can we bear fruit. We must not forget this.

II. The prideful will be punished (vs. 16-19)
However, Assyria was prideful. They didn’t consider their position as a tool. They were irreverent, rebelled against God and were prideful. God’s judgment came upon this Assyria. Please look at verses 16 to 19.
Vs. 16-19
Each one of the things written here happened exactly as it says to Assyria. In verse 17 “The Light of Israel will become a fire, their Holy One a flame; in a single day it will burn and consume his thorns and his briers” is the event when Assyria surrounded Jerusalem. In the past Assyria destroyed Northern Israel, and with great force pushed into Southern Judah. The Assyrian King Sennacherib and his general spoke irreverent words. They plainly cursed the God of Israel. As we read earlier, Assyria attacked other countries just like they attacked Jerusalem and just as they won over the gods of the other countries, they boasted that they were going to destroy and bring an end to the God of Israel too by their own hand. Then King Hezekiah who was in a hard situation bowed before the Lord and prayed from his heart. Then an amazing thing happened. “The Light of Israel” became “a fire, their Holy One a flame; in a single day it” burned and consumed “his thorns and his briers” (17) “His thorns and his briers” (17) is Assyria. “In a single day” (17) it was burned and consumed. When Jerusalem was surrounded by the Assyrian army, the angel of the Lord put to death 185,000 soldiers of the Assyrian army. In verse 18 “the splendor of his forests and fertile fields” is also Assyria. In verse 19 “the remaining trees of his forests” is also Assyria. They will be so few that they can be counted. In a single night they received a huge blow. “The Light of Israel will become a fire, their Holy One a flame; in a single day it will burn and consume his thorns and his briers” (17) At that time the army that was said to be the strongest in the world was destroyed by and lost to Judah, an area smaller than Japan’s area of Shikoku. After that the Assyrian King Sennacherib returned to his country and there was assassinated by his son. Then Assyria led by the son became weak and fell into decline. Eventually Babylon demolished and completely destroyed Assyria. Assyria who bragged that much about its victories was completely destroyed.
That was the judgment of God. “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” (James 4:6) Therefore, we must be humble under God’s mighty arm. God will at just the right time, raise you up.

III. Depend on the Lord (vs. 20-34)
Therefore, the third thing is to depend upon the Lord. Please look at verse 20.
“In that day” isn’t just the day that Assyria fell around Jerusalem. Certainly the people of Jerusalem saw the work of the Lord and there were people who returned to God, but it is not just this. This is the last days of the world. Concretely, this refers to the last 7 years of the tribulation at the end of the world. It is also the Day of Judgment when God’s wrath is poured out. This is described fully in Revelations chapter 6 to chapter 19.
In that day Israel’s remnant will once again, “no longer rely on him who struck them down, but will truly rely on the LORD, the Holy One of Israel.” (20) “Him who struck them down” (20) is Assyria. They won’t rely on Assyria or Aram or such surrounding countries. They will rely on “the Holy One of Israel.” (20)
The same thing will happen at the end of the world. Israel formerly relied on him that struck them down. Concretely this is the anti Christ. The Bible the anti Christ is represented by various names. One name is “Assyria”. At the end of the world, someone like Assyria that beat Israel will appear. That is the anti Christ. He will suddenly appear and bring a peace even to the Middle East that no one has been able to bring and will solve the Palestine problem all at one. The Wailing Wall that is in present day Jerusalem is the place where the temple was. There the temple will be built again. Therefore, they will say because he rebuilt the temple, that he is the Messiah. The Jews think that when the Messiah comes, he will rebuild the temple. Therefore, when they see the temple rebuilt, they think he will be the Messiah.
However, in the middle of the 7 years, at the end of 3 and a half years, the situation will change completely. The person that they thought was the Messiah changes and shows his real self. In Revelations the anti Christ is called a beast. Like a beast he will devour the Jews. Irreverently, he will stand in the Holy Place and he will ask to be worshipped. As a result the Jews who think they were deceived will desperately run away, but the anti Christ will chase them around, put pressure on them, and slaughter them. It will be worst and more fearful than when Hitler killed the Jewish people. Therefore many Jewish people will be killed then. At that time the remnant of Israel will be awakened. They “will no longer rely on him who struck them down” but will return to the Lord, “the Holy One of Israel.” (20) It will become like verses 21 to 23.
Vs. 21-23
In the midst of this “a remnant will return…to the Mighty God.” (21) They will return to the real Messiah, Jesus Christ. Then the promise of the Bible that all of Israel will be saved will be fulfilled.
Isaiah lamented over the hardness of Israel and called out, “For how long, O Lord?” (6:11) The answer is this: until this time. At this time, the hardness of the people will be broken down and a day will come when they will return to God.
“Therefore, this is what the Lord, the LORD Almighty, says,” (24)
Vs. 24 to 27
Here there are times when there is a fear of Assyria. This should be taken just as it says for the age of Isaiah. However, if we look in the far future, this “Assyria” is the anti Christ. However, here it is Assyria just as it says. “Do not be afraid of the Assyrians”. (24) “The LORD Almighty will lash” Assyria “with a whip as when he struck down Midian at the rock of Oreb; and he will raise his staff over the waters, as he did in Egypt” (26) and destroy Assyria. When Israel left Egypt, the Egyptians chased after them. Moses put his hand over the Red sea and the waters were divided into 2. Therefore, they walked on the road where the sea was parted and were saved. Like this there will be a great victory over Assyria. And they will be set free from their condition of slavery. Like this the Lord will protect his people from Assyria, and the anti Christ.
The Lord is like this. In the past in Israel’s history just like “when he struck down Midian at the rock of Oreb; and he will raise his staff over the waters as he did in Egypt” (26) God watched over his people. Also in the far future when Assyria, the Beast, the Anti Christ appears in the course of time God will do an amazing work and save us. That is our Lord, the Almighty God.
In our personal histories too, at that time, this time, God who has done amazing work and has helped us will today rescue us from the problems that we are facing. No matter how great a problem it is, it is not as great a problem as hell. The Lord saved you from destruction in hell. The Lord has the responsibility for your life. The Lord will take off the baggage of your life from your shoulders and will help you walk strongly in this world.
Therefore, won’t you “truly rely on the LORD, the Holy One of Israel”? (20) Your faithful heart, your faith will save you.

Apply it to our lives
1. Within your heart do you feel that you by the strength of your hand have done everything? Are you thankful to God and see everything you have as being from the grace of God?

2. What are you anxious or fearful of? Do you have faith that if you depend on the Lord, the Lord will rescue you from that problem? To have such an assurance, what do you need to do?