Isaiah19:1-25 “My peaple the Egyptians”

Today let’s look at Isaiah 19. Verse 25 says, “The LORD Almighty will bless them, says, ‘Blessed by Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance.’” These are really strange words. Here God calls Egypt, “my people”. (1) “My people” (1) is usually used for the Israelites, but here it is used for Egypt and Assyria. Today let’s look at 3 aspects of the prophecy about Egypt.

I. The judgment upon Egypt (Vs. 1-15)
First of all let’s look at the prophecy of judgment upon Egypt. Please look at verses 1 to 15. First let’s read verse 1.
Verse 1
Here “the LORD rides on a swift cloud and is coming to Egypt.” (1) This means that God will come swiftly to judge Egypt. The problem is Egypt had idols, false gods. Therefore, it says here, “The idols of Egypt tremble before him, and the hearts of the Egyptians melt within them.” (1) Also verse 3 says, “The Egyptians will lose heart, and I will bring their plans to nothing; they will consult the idols and the spirits of the dead, the mediums and the spiritists.” This is what Egypt was like Egypt was full of different kinds of idols. There was The Son god, The god of the Nile, The Frog god, The Black fly god, and The Horsefly god. The Egyptian Pharaoh was also god. In Egypt everything and anything became god, everything and anything was worshipped.
The reason Egypt worshipped idols was the idols were a projection of themselves. Idolatry was born as a projection of your own desires. When you do something, you make an idol so that it will go well. People that desire prosperous business, or so that they can pass the entrance exams to the college go to shrines. They are seen writing their prayer requests on little pieces of wood at the shrine. That is the same. It is necessary that there is a god that will hear their prayers so man makes gods. Therefore, idols are made to be a projection of man’s desires. Also in Japan where we live there are many idols. Japan is a land of 8,000,000 gods. Everything is god. Anything that will meet your desires is fine. It is made into a god. This is what the world of sin is like. That is what the world of sin looks like. “The LORD rides on a swift cloud” (1) to judge such idols.
How God will judge is written in verse 2. Please look at verse 2.
“I will stir up Egyptian against Egyptian.” (2) This is civil strife. Egyptian comrades will fight. Their own national power will be weakened. At present too Egypt internal troubles never cease. The court and army tried to make the recent presidential election invalid. The president and the congress violently conflicted. If you trace the history of Egypt it has always be like that. For example, the famous ancient Egyptian Pharaoh of the 18th dynasty, Tutankhamun (about1342 B.C.-about1324 B.C.) was proud of his tremendous treasure, but one civil strife after another their national power was expended. After Tutankhamen finally it deteriorated, and hardly had any power in the world. That was God’s judgment because they didn’t take God into account and walked by their own wisdom. .
Another reason for the judgment was the invasion of foreign countries. Please look at verse 4. Not only internally, but from the outside too they were trampled down. In reality in the age of Isaiah Assyria gained power, and attacked Egypt and took the capital Thebes (664 B.C.) The after that they were really threatened by Babylon and Persia. Eventually they were unified by the Grecian king Alexander. It happened just as this prophecy said.
Not only that but if you look at verse 5 to verse 10 you will see that the Nile “river will dry up”. (5)
As you know, the ancient world developed and the longest Egyptian civilization developed thanks to the Nile River. Every year by the flooding of the Nile River, from the upper stream soil full of nutrition flows so by fertilized dirt and water it produces abundant crops. The Grecian historian of the 5th century before Christ、Herodotus said, “Egypt is a gift of the Nile.” Egypt’s economy was completely dependant upon the Nile. The Nile “will dry up.” (4) This didn’t occur in Isaiah’s age, but recently this was fulfilled. Because the Aswan High Dam was made in 190, the Nile River’s ecological balance was broken, and the entire environment was changed. The abundant soil that was brought by the river’s overflow did not flow in and instead the salt water from the Mediterranean Sea came in. It spoiled the agricultural industry. It was not just the agricultural industry, but the fishing industry too. Then industries involved with making clothes from thread from reeds also hard hit. There was a rippling effect with losses in the entire economy.
That was because Egypt worshipped false gods, idols. They didn’t fear the real God. They didn’t honor God. They didn’t worship God. It was because they worshipped the gods that they had made themselves. Here we must once more ask ourselves and answer ourselves, “what is the center of our lives?” We must ask ourselves and answer ourselves what it is in our life that makes our live abundant right now. If it is like Egypt an idol, then God will in the same way judge us.
Please look at verses 11 to 15. Egypt’s problem wasn’t just her idols. They depended upon man’s wisdom.
Egypt was not only famous for its idols and magic, but also for its wisdom. Many different areas of knowledge were developed in Egypt. Moses too who lived in the Egyptian palace until he was 40 years old was taught all Egyptian academics. “Moses was educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and was powerful in speech and action.” (Acts 7:22) Also Israel’s King Solomon was famous for being wise. It is said about how much wisdom that “Solomon’s wisdom was greater than the wisdom of all the men of the East, and greater than all the wisdom of Egypt.” (I Kings 4:30)
However, no matter how great a wisdom, they weren’t able to give a solution to God’s judgment that came down. The said that they were wise, but they didn’t “make known what the LORD Almighty has planned against Egypt.” (12) It was like the Joseph’s age when none of the wise men in Egypt to explain the Pharaoh’s dream. It was from God, so it was only by the spirit of God that it could be discerned. Please open your Bibles to I Cor. 1:18 to 25. It is a little long, but let’s read it.
I Cor. 1:18-25
You can’t by your own wisdom know God. However, by God’s wisdom, by Christ, the power of God, you can know God. “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” (I Cor. 1:18)
We have a desire to know what is happening in the world, and what is happening around us. However, first of all what we must know is that what is happening now is that the Lord is coming, and recognize that. Even if you don’t know what is happening now, we need to recognize that the Lord is leading according to his plan, and that by the grace of God you are living. To accept in your heart and believe in the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who was put on and died on the cross and then 3 days later rose again, and to live by Him is the beginning of wisdom.
If not, we will be shaken up by elementary knowledge of this world. In verse 14 it says, “The LORD has poured into them a spirit of dizziness; they make Egypt stagger in all that she does, as a drunkard staggers around in vomit.” Like when you are drunk, they have lost discernment and their ability to separate the good from the evil. Then as it says in verse 15, “There is nothing Egypt can do-head or tail, palm branch or reed.” The entire country in now in the condition of not knowing what they should do. The “head” (15) are the wise men and leaders that appear here. The “tail” are the fortune tellers and sorcerers that the ordinary people depended upon. In other words, such wise men, and political leaders too don’t know what they should do and the entire country is staggering around.
It seems like it is talking about Japan. However, this is not just Japan, but shows us what the entire world looks like. This world separated itself from God and ran to idols, and boasted about its own wisdom. It is in the condition of not knowing what it should do.
When you are flooded by dangerous conditions in your life, how do you try to solve it? Do you try to find a solution by the wisdom of this world? However, know that the wisdom of the world has limits. And let’s be someone that depends upon the wisdom of God. “For the foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man’s strength.” (I Cor. 1:25)

II. The salvation of Egypt (vs. 16-22)
The second point is Egypt’s salvation. Isaiah’s prophecy about Egypt makes a turn from judgment to talking about the restoration of Egypt. Please look at verses 16 to 22. First of all, I will read verses 16 and 17.
Verses 16 & 17
From here until the end of verse 19, there is a succession of the words “in that day” five times. This is one of the key words in Isaiah. He is prophesizing about the tribulation period at the end of the world. At the end of the world the following things will happen.
“In that day the Egyptians will be like women. They will shudder with fear at the uplifted hand that the LORD Almighty raises against them.” (16) To “be like women” (16) is to become weak. Recently there are quite a few cases where it is different, but basically women are weak. “In that day the Egyptians will be like women.” (16) Egypt who was pride of its wisdom and power will have their pride broken down and become weak like a woman. “They will shudder with fear at the uplifted hand that the LORD Almighty raises against them.” (16) That’s not all. Verses 18 to 22 have a surprising thing written there.
Here it says that “in that day” (19) in the center of Egypt “there will be an altar to the LORD.” (19) All the Egyptians will make sacrifices to the Lord. “When they cry out to the LORD because of their oppressors, he will send them a savior and defender, and he will rescue them…In that day they will acknowledge the LORD. They will worship with sacrifices” (20, 21) and they will serve the Lord.
These are words spoken about Egypt. Egypt before had worshipped idols, and boasted about their wisdom and power, but the Lord promises that they will become like Israel. The private relationship that God had with Israel here is being applied to Egypt. It’s amazing. This is not just Egyptians, but is possible for all people. If they return to the Lord, the Lord “will respond to their pleas and heal them.” (22) This means that the purpose of the judgment upon Israel is not to destroy them, but so that they will be saved. It is so that they will be saved, so that they will be healed. The Lord will strike the Egyptians. God will strike, and then heal them. This is the way God saves us.
The reason that we have sufferings and problem is so that we will be saved. It is so that we will be healed. The Lord strikes us and afterwards heals us. This is the way of the Lord’s salvation. Please don’t make a mistake. God isn’t trying to judge you. The Lord wants to save you. God wants to save you so at times so at times he gives punishment. Let’s read Hebrews 12:7-11.
Hebrews 12:7-11
In a small booklet, “Daily Bread” Joe Stowell, the president of the Cornerstone College in Michigan who loves Jesus more than anyone and more than anything treasures speaking about the word of God wrote about an event from his childhood.
He had an even in his childhood that he remembers very well. He doesn’t remember what the teacher said to him, but he said to the teacher, “Shut up.” He says that he can’t forget what happened at that time. The teacher said, “Go home”. Therefore he left the classroom and started walking towards his house which was within a hundred meters. As he continued along the sidewalk saw his mother weeding in the yard. What should he do? He was compelled to make a strategic choice. Either he continue walking and talk to his mother as to why he was sent home early or else return to the kindergarten and face up to the teacher.
When he returned to the classroom the teacher him to the restroom, and washed out his mouth with soap. Today this kind of discipline has almost disappeared, but this method was really effective. Even today he is very cautious about what he says. He is very careful when he open his mouth. What Joe Stowell is today is due to this event. By having his mouth washed out he learned that he has to use his mouth correctly.
God as treats us as his children. He strongly wants us to grow up properly. For that purpose at times he punishes us. By that steadily “it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace.” (Hebrews 12:11) God’s discipline is our hope for having a better life. Therefore, if we are disciplined by God, let’s not reject God’s hand. As much as God is concerned about what kind of person you will become, God loves us. Therefore, if God scolds you, let’s accept it with thankfulness, and in the midst of it return to the Lord. Let’s call out to the Lord. Then as the Lord struck Egypt and then healed them, He will heal you too.

III. Egypt my people (vs. 23-25)
The Lord is calling Egypt “my people”. (23) Please look at verses 23 to 25
If you look at this passage you will see that God’s salvation does not stop only at Egypt. A huge highway from Egypt to Assyria will be built. ”The Assyrians will go to Egypt and the Egyptians to Assyria. The Egyptians and Assyrians will worship together.”(23,24) Assyria was the worst of all the neighboring countries. The other neighboring countries too did bad things, but Assyria swallowed up the other countries, plundered them as they wanted, and destroyed them. That Assyria too will return to the Lord and will take part in the salvation of God. Before there were people who were in the Yakuza that returned to the Lord. hey formed a ministry called Mission Barnaba and is giving a good testimony. When I heard their testimony, what I thought was no matter how low you fallen in your life you are still o.k. No matter how terrible Assyria was, when they repent, they will be saved. “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone the new has come!” (II Cor.5)17) No matter how terrible a life you lived in your past, you can start your life over again. If you repent, and return to the Lord, the Lord will forgive your sin, and purify you from all evil. Also Assyria and Egypt had a relationship of being enemies. However, by faith their relationship of enemies will be settled and they will have peace with each other. The road that was used for plundering and occupation will be changed into road for going to worship together. What a wonderful promise!
The best is the words of verse 25. “The LORD Almighty will bless them saying, “Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance.” Is there any greater passage than this! “My people” are words usually used for Israel. Here it is being used for Israel and also for Assyria. Those who were antagonistic towards God, who were separated far from God, by the grace of God became the people of God.
There is no one that is omitted from God’s grace. Even the Gentiles who before were fleshly separated from God, by being in Jesus Christ, by believing in Christ, become the people of God. God’s salvation reaches to the entire world. Japan is not an exception to this. Looking from Israel, Japan is at the world’s end. Not only that, but Japan has 8,000,000 gods. It has idols. It is full of sin. It is a country that seems like it can’t be saved. However, by the blood of Jesus Christ, by believing in Jesus Christ, you can become the people of God. Upon Japan too God’s love is being poured out. God’s salvation reaches out to the ends of the earth. Therefore, Isaiah is calling out “Turn to me and be saved. all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other.” (45:22)
Are you looking to God?  Are you looking to Him and are you saved? God’s grace reaches out to you too. Please believe in Jesus Christ and even if you are separated far from God please become the people of God.
Also if this salvation is being offered to the ends of the earth, then we need to think about how we can concretely spread it. We must not think only about ourselves. We have to open our eyes up to the whole world. Jesus said, “it is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35) We may not be able to go ourselves to the end of the world. However, we have opportunities to invite people from other countries. Many of such people are from Buddhist, and Islamic backgrounds. They do not know the real God. We need to believe that such people are to be considered as “My people” and we must deal with them with Christ’s love. The salvation of God reaches to the entire world. We need to accept this as the will of God and for this purpose seriously desire to be used of the Lord.
Applying it to our lives
* Do you have idols that are fulfilling your desires? Col.3:5 says, “Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry.” What earthly nature do you have within yourself?

* What are you proud of? Worldly wisdom? or Christ on the cross?

* God called Egypt, “my people”. (25) Even if before you were separated from God, if you repent and return to God, God will forgive that sin. Please look to God and be saved. What keeps you from looking to God?