Isaiah33:17-24 “He is the one who will save us”

Let’s pray for the abundant blessing of the Lord upon this year. The passage that has been given to us for this morning of the new year is Isaiah 33:17 to 24. Today I would like to talk from this passage about “the one who will save us.

I. The King in his beauty (Vs. 17-19)
First let’s read verses 17 to 19.
Vs. 17-19
“The king in his beauty” (17) refers to the Messiah who will come in the course of time, Jesus Christ. “Your eyes will see the king in his beauty and view a land that stretches afar.” (17) Isaiah is speaking about Jesus Christ’s second coming and when he will establish the Millennium in the course of time. At that time “Your eyes will see the king in his beauty and view a land that stretches” (17) to the ends of the earth, a kingdom that rules all over to all the corners of the world.
“In your thoughts you will ponder the former terror” (18) is the event of being surrounded by Assyria. “That chief officer” (18) and “the one who took the revenue” (18) and also “the officer in charge of the towers” (18) are of course, Assyria. They invaded Judah and counted the money, silver, and treasures and the number of captives. Also they surveyed the land they plundered. “Towers” (18) are the towers that were defensive look out towers. However, when Assyria came and took over the towers and put them under strict Assyrian control. Assyria was really an “arrogant people”. (19) However, “You will see those arrogant people no more.” (19) When the Lord comes he will destroy them, and Judah will return to their own country. One night “the angel of the LORD went out and put to death a hundred and eighty-five thousand men in the Assyrian camp.” (II Kings 19:35) so they fled for their lives. “The king in his beauty” (17) came and beat them so they ran for their lives.
When “the king in his beauty” (17) comes, the huge enemy that surrounds us goes somewhere. Those who stood right in front of your eyes in your way will be removed and you will be able to see far in the distance. “The king in beauty” (17) will come and destroy them. Even if you are surrounded by a huge enemy like Assyria and you are in a condition like being surrounded by enemies on all sides, if “your eyes will see the king in his beauty”, (17) if you will look up at Jesus Christ, you will be set free from them. You will “view a land that stretches afar.” (17) The problem that is in front of your eyes will fly away somewhere. Up until now like being nearsighted you could see only things directly in front of you. However, suddenly you won’t be able to see what is in front of you, but you will be able to look out far. The people that threatened you and fearful events too will go away somewhere. If you look at Jesus Christ, the problems that are before your eyes will fly away somewhere. The problem is what your eyes are looking at. If your eyes are looking at “the king in his beauty”, (17) you will “view a land that stretches afar.” (17)
I watched the movie “Soul Surfer”. 13 year old Bethany Hamilton lived in a warm home in Hawaii on the island of Kauai. She loved surfing and just as her future as a pro-surfer seemed promising during a practice she was attacked by a shark and lost her left arm. In the midst of uncertainties not knowing what the future held, she went with her church youth group to Thailand as an emergency support volunteer after the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake. This was the turning point. By helping out and working hard in the disaster area that was greatly damaged by the Tsunami, she thought that she could pass on courage and hope to all the children of the world. Until then she could only see being a surfer, but by losing her arm when she put her eyes on “the king in his beauty”, (17) she received a future and hope.
If you put your eyes on “the king in his beauty” (17), you will “view a land that stretches afar.” (17) May this New Year be such a year.

II. The city of our festivals (Vs. 20,21)
Next please look at verses 20 and 21.
Vs. 20, 21
“The city of our festivals” (20) is “Zion”, (20) Jerusalem. In Jerusalem a lot of festivals are held to worship the Lord. Especially at the 3 great festivals: the Passover, the festival of weeks (another name is Pentecost), and the festival of Tabernacles if you were an adult male no matter where you are in the world, you must come to Jerusalem and worship. Therefore, Jerusalem was called “the city of our festivals.” (20) It was “a peaceful abode, a tent that will not be moved; its stakes will never be pulled up, nor any of its ropes broken.” (20) No matter how powerful the enemy, it will definitely never be able to completely destroy Jerusalem and ruin it. Today it seems like there is no place more dangerous than Jerusalem. In the news there is terrorism day after day or fighting with the Palestinians. It is a place that it wouldn’t be strange if it was destroyed. However, this city will definitely not be destroyed. That is because it will be “a peaceful abode”. (20)
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared that he is going to wipe Israel off the map. No matter how much he shouts this, Jerusalem, Israel will never be removed. People say that he goes all out to wipe Israel off the map because he himself was a Jew. His family for 500 years has continued to be of Jewish descent. It is said that those ancestors even date even further back to 2600 years ago. They were the Jews of the Babylon captivity which dates back to 593 B.C. who were set free. At that time they moved to Persia. Persia is present day Iran. Mahmoud’s parents were converted to Islam and thus Mahmoud became a Moslem too. Families who have experienced conversion it is said that generally they become critical of the doctrine that they believed in before they were converted. His intense anti-Israel, anti-Jewish behavior is to finally wash his hands of the Jewish faith. It is said that his thoughts of erasing the fact he was a Jew is at work in his behavior. However no matter how much he shouts, Israel, Jerusalem will not be wiped off. Just as it is “the city of our festivals”, (20) it is the place where the Lord God is worshiped so it definitely won’t fall. When the world ends Jesus Christ, “the king in his beauty”, will come down here and rule the world.
Please look at verse 21. Here it says, “There the LORD will be our Mighty One. It will be like a place of broad rivers and streams. No galley with oars will ride them, no mighty ship will sail them.” “The LORD will be our Mighty One” (21) is Jesus Christ. In the course of time when Jesus Christ comes down from heaven, He will also bring us Christians from heaven and we will rule the earth.
How mysterious it is that here it says, “It will be a place of broad rivers and streams.” (21) That is because there aren’t broad rivers and streams in Jerusalem.
Please open your Bibles to Zechariah 14:4.
Zechariah 14:4
This is what it will be like at the Lord’s second coming. The Lord “will stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem, and the Mount of Olives will be split in two from east to west, forming a great valley, with half of the mountain moving north and half moving south.” (Zechariah 14:4) This means that a huge diastrophism will occur. Then the result of the diastrophism is recorded in Zechariah 14:8. “On that day living water will flow out from Jerusalem, half to the eastern sea and half to the western sea.” “Living water will flow out from Jerusalem”! (Zechariah 14:8) Half will flow “to the eastern sea”, (Zechariah 14:8) the Dead Sea and “half to the western sea”, (Zechariah 14:8) the Mediterranean Sea. They will flow both “in summer and in winter.” (Zechariah 14:8) They are not trickling rivers or creeks. They are big rivers that flow “in summer and in winter.” (Zechariah 14:8) “No galley with oars…no mighty ship will sail them.” (21) These refer to enemy ships. The enemy will be dispersed so they won’t be able to sail on it. At the end of the world it will be like this.
What this means spiritually is recorded in John 7:37 to 39.
John 7:37-39
This “feast” (John 7:37) is the Feast of Tabernacles. “On the last and greatest day of the Feast, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, ‘If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him.’” (John 7:37&38) “Streams” (John 7:38) is written in the plural form. It will be overflowing into more than one stream. This is about the Holy Spirit. It is about the Spirit, the Holy Spirit “whom those who believed in him (Jesus) were later to receive.” (John 7:39) The people who believe in Jesus will have the Holy Spirit flowing from within them like a river. If you believe in Jesus, if you “see the king in his beauty” (17) from your heart too these streams will flow. The enemy’s ships won’t be able to sail on it. Such ships will be removed. They are “streams of living water”. (John 7:38) Your heart too will be overflowing with the Holy Spirit. This is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. You will have such an experience.
However, here it says, “Since Jesus had not yet been glorified”. (John 7:39) At this time “Jesus had not yet been glorified” (John 7:39) so the Holy Spirit had not been poured out yet. This glorification first of all refers to the cross and resurrection. Jesus was put on the cross and died and then 3 days later rose again and for 40 days he appeared to the disciples and preached about the Kingdom of God. Then he ascended into heaven. At this time “Jesus had not yet been glorified” (John 7:39) so the Holy Spirit had not been poured out yet. The Holy Spirit will be poured out when Jesus is glorified. Jesus has already ascended into heaven. Therefore, the moment that you believe in Jesus Christ then you receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Not only that, but whenever you glorify Jesus Christ, you are filled with the Holy Spirit. When you give your life to Jesus, you are filled with the Holy Spirit. When you humble yourself and leave things in God’s hands, you are filled with the Holy Spirit. When you realize that you have been living for yourself doing what you wanted to do and you make a decision to live for God’s glory, then you will be filled with the Holy Spirit. Your heart will be overflowing with the Holy Spirit. If you want to be filled with the Holy Spirit, you must decide to live glorifying the Lord. If you are looking only at yourself, then you can’t be filled with the Holy Spirit. When you desire to life for the Lord’s glory, then the Holy Spirit will be poured out upon you.
To do that it is necessary to respond to the Lord’s invitation. “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink.” (John 7:37) “If anyone is thirsty,” (John 7:37) he must come to Jesus and drink. Please decide to believe in Jesus Christ and to give your whole life to Jesus. At the beginning of this year the most proper response of faith is to pray a prayer of decision: Lord, I believe in you. I will follow you. I give my all to you. Then the Holy Spirit will be poured out upon you. Then everything will begin to change.
There are times when we are ashamed of ourselves, or we don’t feel any strength, or things aren’t going well. However, in each situation and thought if we look to Jesus and if we seek Jesus’ glory in prayer, the Holy Spirit will flow like a stream.

III. He will save us (Vs. 22-24)
The third point is that Jesus will save us. Please look at verses 22 to 24. Verse 22 says, “For the LORD is our judge,
the LORD is our lawgiver,
the LORD is our king;
it is he who will save us.”
What this means is the Lord judiciously, legislatively, and executively rules righteously. As a general rule democracy is divided into three branches. It is the principle of the separation of powers. Even the Japanese constitution prescribes three independent branches: the diet, the cabinet, and judicature which mutually check each other. The principle of the separation of power is that by keeping a balance prevents the abuse of authority, and protects the citizen’s rights and freedom. However, people cannot judge correctly. That is because people look at the outward appearance. “Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” (I Samuel 16:7) Only the Lord can judge correctly. In Japan sovereignty rest with the people who have various needs, but if you look at the diet and the cabinet to decide what is good is very difficult. To decide correctly how the country should be, even if at times that is not profitable for its citizens, and to persuade and obtain understanding and obtain cooperation is an impossible task. In the midst of that they can’t run the country. Then where is salvation? It is here in Jesus Christ. “It is he who will save us.” (22) It is not King Hezekiah. He who can save us is the real king who can’t be seen with eyes, but even today is alive and ruling all, Jesus Christ. “It is he who will save us.” (22)
Please look at verses 23 and 24.
Vs. 23 & 24
Here this tells us what the country that the Lord rules is like. “Your rigging hangs loose; the mast is not held secure, the sail is not spread.” (23) This is the army that Assyria has left. By God’s judgment Assyria received a devastating blow. It was completely destroyed. “Then an abundance of spoils will be divided and even the lame will carry off plunder.” (23) This is really the appearance of conquerors. People came and take the spoils and plunder. In this way God will sweep away the enemy. All evil will be destroyed.
“No one living in Zion will say, ‘I am ill’; and the sins of those who dwell there will be forgiven.” (24) “No one living in Zion will say, “I am ill’” (24) When “the king in his beauty” comes, everything will become normal. Now we are lame, have physical handicaps, are forced to live a life with many needs, have high cholesterol, or high blood pressure etc. However, in that day no one “will say, ‘I am ill’” (24) There will be no need for hospitals. Vitamins won’t be necessary. That’s because no one “will say, ‘I am ill’” (24) Also “the sins of those who dwell there will be forgiven.” (24) No one will struggle with guilt and sense of remorse. That is because all sin “will be forgiven.” (24) A world full of peace will come. Everyone will become spiritually and physically whole.

This will come by “the king in his beauty”, (17) Jesus Christ coming. Jesus will as king rule this country so it will be a beautiful country. That is in the Millennium on this earth. This is different than heaven. Heaven is a perfect country that will come after this. God planned before to have this at the end of mankind’s history a happy age extending over a thousand years. Then man’s history will end. In the Millennium those who were Christians before Christ’s second coming and also those who were not, everyone will receive an age of abundant grace. After that all the people of the entire world will be judged at what is called the final judgment. Creation will be renewed and the new earth and the new heaven will be welcomed in. Before that we will experience a time of hearty blessings. Jesus’ coming will bring this. That’s the reason that we can just hardly wait for his coming. When Jesus Christ, “the king in his beauty” (17) comes, everything will change. Therefore, let’s wait expectantly for the Lord and walk only praising the Lord.
Hymn number 427 “Only Jesus” in the Japanese hymnal was written by the founder of the Christian Missionary Alliance, A. B. Simpson. When he was 37 years old, he got very sick. As a result he had to be freed of all of his work as a pastor. For one year he was under medical treatment first in the hospital and later at home. His heart was very heavy. You see his physician told him that he wouldn’t last long.
For him his last source of strength was the Word of God, the Bible. While earnestly wrestling with the Word, he met a wonderful truth. He found that for him Jesus was all in all. Jesus is our Savior, Sanctifier, and Healer, Glorious Lord and coming king. Jesus is our all in all.
One Friday afternoon he went outside. Because of his physical sickness and weaknesses, he was slow walking, and he lost his breath, but he went inside the pine woods. Then he kneeled on the pine needle carpet, and prayed. When he sought the Lord’s face、suddenly the Holy Spirit came upon him. Then not only his spirit, but his body was completely changed.
From then on he did many works for the kingdom of God. Then he wrote the hymn, “Only Jesus”.
Christ is our all in all. “For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority.” (Col. 2:9,20) This year let’s wait expectantly for Christ, and may we walk this year with our eyes on Christ. “The Lord is our king; it is he who will save us.” (22)