イザヤ54:11-17 レジュメ

「義によって堅く立つ」                                                                                          No.87


ここでも主のしもべに対する回復の預言ととも に、主のしもべが受け継ぐ分がどのようものであのかが語られている。まず第一のことは、 主はご自身のしもベの城壁をすべて宝石にしてくださる。「苦しめられ、 もてあそばれて、慰められなかった女よ。見よ。わたしはあなたの石をアンチモニーでおおい、サファイヤであなたの基を定め、あなたの塔をルビーに、あなたの門を紅玉にし、あなたの境をすべての宝石にする。」(11~12)

これは、バビロンによって滅ぼされ、 捕囚の民として連れて行かれたイスラエルに対する回復の預言である。主は、彼らをバビロンから解放するというだけではなく、彼らの城壁を宝石のようにすると 約束さ れた。 まるで美しく着飾った花嫁のように、頭の上から足の先まできれいに着飾るようにしてくださる。それはまさに黙示録 21 章にある 天国そのものである。ヨハネは、 聖なる都、新しいエルサレムが、神のみもとを出て、天から 下ってくるのを見たが、それは夫のために飾られた花嫁のようであった。(黙示録 21: 2)その輝きは高価な宝石に似ており、透き 通った碧玉のようで、あっ た。( 同 21: 11) 天国はまさに宝石のように輝いていると こ ろである。 神の民は、この天の御国を相続するよう になる。もしかすると、今はしばらくの間苦しめられ、もてあそばれて、慰められていないように感じ る かもしれないが、それは一時のことである 。やがて神は必ずあなたを慰めてくださり御国を相続せてくださるのである 。


第二のことは、そこには豊かな平安がある。「あなたの子どもたちはみな、主の教えを受け、あなたの子どもたちには、豊かな平安がある。」(13)これもすらしい約束である。あなたの子どもたちはみな、主の教えを受け、豊かな平安を得るよう になる。今はそうではいかもしれない。今は真理がねじ曲げられ、主の教えが受けられていないかもしれない。進化論が絶対的な真理であるかのように教えられていて、テストに出るとその通り答えなければ不正解となる。このような教えからは決して平安を得ることはできない。しかし、あなたの子どもたちはみな、主の教えを受け、豊かな平安を得るようになる。それは自動的にもたらされるわけではない。それは主の教えを受けることによってもたらされるものである。なぜ子どもたちは親に反抗したり、わがままに、いつも身勝手なことをするのだろうか。なぜ子どもたちはいつもイライラしているのだろうか。それは、主の教えを受けていなからである。。主の教えを受けるなら、あなたの子どもたちにはみな、豊かな平安がある 。 やがてそのような時がやって来る。それもまた大きな慰めである 。



私たちは日々さまざまな恐れの中に生きている 。お金を失うのではないかと か、健康を失 ったらどうしよ う、 仕事や家庭を失 ったりはしないだろうか・・・・またこうした恐れのほかにも、いつ巨大地震が襲ってくる かどうかわからない、いつ大津波に襲われる か、いつ台風の被害に遭うか、といった驚異にさ ら されている。しかし、たとえこうした脅威の中にあっても 、 あなたは何も 恐れること はない。なぜなら、あなたは義によって堅く立っている からである 。あなたの罪は赦された。 あなたがイ エス・キリ ストを信じ たその瞬間にあなたのすべての罪は赦さ れ、神との正し い関係に入れられた。 それゆえ 、神がいつもあなたととも におら れる 。神があなたの味方であるなら 、だれがあなたに敵対することができよう か。だれもあなたをキリストにある神の愛から引き 離すこと はでき ない。 神があなたとと もにおら れるので、あなたはこれらすべての中にあっても 圧倒的な勝利者となることができる。それゆえにあなたは何も恐れることはない 。

あなたはこの神の義を受けておられるだろうか。もしあなたがこの義を受けたいと願うのなら、神の救いである イエス・キリスト を信じなければならない。あなたは自分の力でこの義を獲得することはできない。自分で自分を救うことはできない。あなたの身代わりと なって十字架で死んでくださり、三日目によみがえられた救い主イエス・キリストを信じることによってのみ、あなたは救われること ができる。このイ エスを信じて、あなたも 神が約束してくださったすべての祝福を受け継ぐ人になっていただきたい。こ の義はすべての人に用意されているのだから。

Isaiah54:1-10 “Enlarge the place of your tent”

Today let’s look at Isaiah 54.  Last time we looked at what could be said to be the climax of Isaiah.  That was that God’s chosen servant was a servant of suffering. It was a prophecy that “He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities.” (5) That was for us. By that God’s righteousness came to many people. That result is chapter 54. To be said in one word, it is “the promise of restoration. God’s people who were in the condition of being abandoned from God will be restored.  With huge expectations and joy they will return to their homeland. Then Israel will once again be established as a country. How will God restore Israel?

  1. Enlarge the place of your tent (vs. 1-3)

First of all please look at verses 1 to 3.  I will read verse 1.

he “barren woman“ (1) is Israel.  Also “you who were never in labor“ (1) is also Israel.  They were destroyed by Babylon and became like women who can’t bear children. To such an Israel the Lord says, “sing“ (1) and “burst into song, shout for joy“. (1) That is “because more are the children of the desolate woman than of her who has a husband.” (1) “The desolate woman“ (1)  is also Israel. They were destroyed by Babylon in 586B.C. and became a captive people. That was truly like a “desolate woman“. (1) However in the latter days they will not be so. They will become more “than of her who has a husband.” (1) They will bring birth to much more offspring than the ordinary women who had no problem in bearing children.

That is just like Hannah that appears in the Old Testament. She was a barren woman and couldn’t bear any children. Her husband, Elkanah, had another wife, Peninnah. She was blessed with children and had many children.  This was trying and painful for Hannah. It couldn’t be helped so while in agony she prayed at the Lord’s temple.   Then the Lord answered her prayers. A boy, Samuel, was born. That’s not all.  After that 7 sons and daughters were born.  She said, “She who was barren has borne seven children, but she who has had many sons pines away.” (I Samuel 2:5)

To be put in other words, it was an incredible recovery. A blessing will come that Israel had never thought of before. It will so great that the place that they are living in now will become cramped.  Therefore, what God says is written in verses 2 and 3.

Verses 2 & 3

Israel by Babylon had completely lost everything, but the Lord will restore them again. They “will spread out to the right and to the left.” (2) Their “descendants will dispossess nations and settle in their desolate cities.” (2) Therefore, “enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes.” (2)

Even today in the Middle East there are nomads called Bedouins. When their family gets bigger and their tents are cramped, they tie tents together and enlarge their place of living.  Like this, the descendants of Israel will increase and their place of living will be enlarged and widen. Israel who was in 70 A.D. destroyed by Rome and dispersed throughout the whole world according to the promise of God returned to Palestine and the country of the Republic of Israel was established. That was in May 1948.  After that many Jews have returned to Israel and it continued to increase to 3,750.000 people in 1980 and to 7,870,000 last year in 2013. It is just as the Bible promised. They will “spread out to the right and to the left” (2) and settle in “desolate cities.” (2) Therefore, “enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide,

That isn’t just a promise to the Jewish people.  This can also be said of those who have believed in Jesus Christ and have been saved, in other words of Christians, the spiritual Israelites. In the course of time God will explosively increase the amount of people who believe in Jesus Christ and are saved. Now it may be like the “barren woman… who never bore a child” (1), but in the course of time there will be more children “than of her who has a husband.” (1) Therefore, we must “enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, don’t hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes.” (2) It will certainly happen so we must prepare before then not after it happens.

This passage spurred William Carrey, the 18th century missionary to India who is called the father of missions, on to world missions.  About this passage he said, “Expect great things from God. Plan great things for God.” He said that God will enlarge it so expect great things from God.

Also the father of the Salvation Army, William Booth’s mother from the time he was still an infant always said to him as he was growing up, “The world is waiting for you.”  She brought him up saying, “you are going to grow and grow and grow up to be a vessel that will be used for God’s great work.” She had the assurance that William would be used in God’s great plan and daily challenged him by saying this.

We are also the same. We should expect great things from God. We should undertake great things for God’s glory. Not for our honor, but for God’s honor.  Let’s enlarge the place of our tent, stretch our “tent curtains wide, don’t hold back;” (2) Let’s lengthen our cords and strengthen our stakes. Then let’s receive the blessing of what God does.

  1. You will not suffer shame  (Vs. 4-6)

Next please look at verses 4 to 6. Verse 4 says, “Do not be afraid; you will not suffer shame. Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated.You will forget the shame of your youth and remember no more the reproach of your widowhood.

“The shame of your youth” (4) and “the reproach of your widowhood” (4) refers to the time when Israel was taken by Babylon.  They lost their language, lost their culture, and could not worship the God of Israel freely.  Of course, they lost the temple.  That was for them real shame, guilt, and an insult. However, now there is nothing to be afraid of. That is because they “will not suffer shame.” (4)

Please look at verse 5. “For your Maker is your husband-the LORD Almighty is his name- the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer;he is called the God of all the earth.”

Here God calls himself, “your husband”. (5) “Your Maker is your husband.” (5) In other words, God and Israel’s relationship is spoken figuratively as a relationship of a married couple.  “Your husband” (4) is “your Maker”. (4) His name is “the LORD Almighty.” (5) He is “the Holy One of Israel” (5) and “the God of all the earth.” (5) He is the husband of Israel.  If so, there is nothing that they need to fear. He will take full responsibility and will save them.

Then verse 6 says, “The LORD will call you back as if you were a wife deserted and distressed in spirit-a wife who married young, only to be rejected, says your God.”

The relationship between God and Israel from the beginning was the relationship of a married couple. It was based on a covenantal relationship of love and truth. Even so, Israel turned its back on her husband, God, and committed the sin of adultery.  They worshipped idols.  Therefore, God abandoned them temporarily. Therefore, they are here called, “a wife deserted and distressed in spirit.” (6) Their condition when they were taken by Babylon was truly like this.  However, God has not abandoned them. This verse begins with, “the Lord will call you back.” (6) God is looking at Israel who betrayed the marital relationship as “a wife who married young.” (6) No matter what God’s love doesn’t change. We are not truthful, but God is true. God is faithful to the end to the covenant that he made with us.

In the Bible the Church is Christ’s bride. The Groom, Christ, by his own blood redeemed her.  Therefore we have been joined with the Christ, the Groom. I am a man, but a bride. Like marriage we are joined together in a strong relationship. That means that the Groom, Christ, will no matter what never abandon us. To the end He will take care of us.

Only now, more than already being in an officially married relationship, it may be better said that we are in the condition of being engaged. That is because Christ hasn’t still returned. When Christ returns, we will officially become Christ’s bride.  Like this we will be with the Lord forever.  That is called in Revelations “the wedding of the lamb.” (Rev. 19:7) That is the time when we will really marry.

However, Jesus will never break off the engagement. That is because there is a guarantee. The guarantee is the Holy Spirit. God gave us his own Spirit as a guarantee that he will someday marry us.  Therefore, it will certainly happen. At that time we will be forever with the Lord. No matter what, he will not abandon us. This is really a great encouragement, isn’t it?

  1. Eternal kindness (Vs. 7-10)

Lastly let’s look at verses 7 to 10. First please look at verses 7 and 8. “For a brief moment I abandoned you, but with deep compassion I will bring you back.  In a surge of anger I hid my face from you for a moment, but with everlasting kindness [loving-kindness; loyalty; covenant love] I will have compassion on you, says the LORD your Redeemer.”

The Lord “for a brief moment…abandoned” (7) Israel.  More that abandoning,  it is better said that the Lord for a brief moment punished Israel. The Lord sent Israel to Babylon, but he didn’t give her a certificate of divorce and kick her out completely. It was for a mere 70 years.  To say 70 years, seems like a lot of years, but “with the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.” (II Peter 3:8) Therefore, that it was “for a brief moment”. (7) Normally it would not be strange for them to have been abandoned eternally, but even so God didn’t do that. “For a brief moment” (7) he abandoned them, “but with deep compassion” (7) he brought them back.

The origin of this word “compassion” is “internal organs“ so it means that the heart is moved to the point that the internal organs are shaken up.  It means to have deep sympathy. Even if Israel who one-sidedly betrayed God, who showed no compunction about turning their backs on God was abandoned “for a brief moment,” (7) God will “with deep compassion” (7) bring them back.  God’s compassion never runs out. It’s limitless. It is inexhaustible. It is an inestimable compassion and you too are also the object of this compassion.

Please look at verse 8. Here it says, “In a surge of anger I hid my face from you for a moment, but with everlasting kindness  I will have compassion on you, says the LORD your Redeemer.”

The Lord will “with everlasting kindness…will have compassion.” (8) The center of the marriage ceremony is the vows. “I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.” However, how much of this vow is being fulfilled? It’s been a while back, but it was said that one fourth of all couples that marry in Japan get divorced.  That’s one couple ever 2 minutes and eighteen seconds.  If either one of the partners break the vow, then at that point, the agreement is not being met. However, God no matter how much we betray him, doesn’t ever renounce the agreement. Until the very, very, very end God takes care of us. God’s loving kindness is everlasting.  It doesn’t matter whether we follow him or don’t follow him. God’s loving kindness is one sided.

It isn’t the “if” kind of conditional love. It doesn’t have conditions such as if you have money, if you have talent, if you do what I say, or if you can cook. It is “in spite of” love.  In other words it is love without conditions. That is the love that Jesus showed on the cross.

Romans 5:6-8 says, “At just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.  Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die.  But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

When we were still powerless,” (Romans 5:6) in other words, even though we were enemies with God, “still sinners”, (Romans 5:8) Christ willingly “died for us” (Romans 5:8) on the cross.  “Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. ” (Romans 5:7,8)  In other words, love is a hard thing, going to the point of giving your life. However, has our love really been true?


The writer Ayako Miura in her book, “There is a road” she said that she wondered if a bear came out when she was walking together with her husband, Mitsuyo             Miura, if she would leave her husband and flee or not. Ayako Miura was born and raised in Asahikawa. Therefore, from the time she was little she heard stories of bears as she grew up so she had the image of a bear being a very big enemy. Consequently, she thought if a bear came out, she would probably leave her husband and run like a rabbit.  Her husband is full of integrity.  When Ayako Miura was in the hospital for 12 years with spinal carries, he waited for 5 years for her while she was undergoing medical treatment, and then married the 2 year older Ayako. It was good that the sickness got better because if it hadn’t gotten better, he might have waited forever and ever. Therefore, she intends of course with thankful thoughts to love her husband. However, that is simply an intention, and when the time came she doesn’t know what she will do.  Even if she meets a bear she definitely won’t yell out, “Mitsuyo, I’ll let the bear eat me so hurry and flee!” She says that she is bound to push him towards the bear and quickly flee.

Emergencies may bring out such barbarity and cruelty, but man is human. However God’s love is different. God loved us so much that he gave his most important life. That is the love of Christ’s cross.

In Sept. of 1954 the Tōya Maru Ferry sank during typhoon 15 in the Tsugaru Strait between the Japanese islands of Hokkaidō and Honshū. It is said that 1,155 people aboard were killed in the accident. This incident was the biggest casualty in Japanese sea disaster history. When Toya Maru beached onto Nanae Beach, on the outskirts of Hakodate, there weren’t enough life jackets. Two missionaries, Dean Leeper and Alfred Russell Stone were riding on the Toya Maru.  Each of them gave their life jackets to Japanese youths. They said “Now in Japan you young people are necessary” then the 2 missionaries lost their lives in the foreign sea.  At that time Leeper was 33 years old and Stone was 52 years old.  Leeper had a wife and 4 children.

In the midst of a storm and the ship that you are riding in turns over, can you really do a sacrificial act of giving your life jacket to another person? It is a desperate time for you. No one can make you take the rouble to take off the life jacket that you have put on yourself. Even if you didn’t do it, no one will criticize. Everyone wants to live. It is a time when no one has time to think about others.

In such an emergency the two missionaries gave the life jackets that should have saved their lives to total strangers, youths of another country they had just met..

“Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13)

Christ to save you, me, and all the people in the world from sin was put on the cross and died in our place. It doesn’t matter what kind of person you or I are. He loves you with unconditional love. Please believe in the Savior and make eternal life yours.  If so, you too will receive encouragement. No matter what difficulties, what hopeless conditions there are, you won’t be depressed, and will be able to sing joyfully in the  hope that never changes.

Please look at verses 9 and 10. “To me this is like the days of Noah, when I swore that the waters of  Noah would never again cover the earth. So now I have sworn not to be angry with you. never to rebuke you again.

Though the mountains be shaken and the hills removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed, says the LORD, who has compassion on you.”

“This” (9) is that God will not be angry again or rebuke them again.”This is like the days of Noah.” (9) God promised to never send a flood to destroy the world again. Like this God is promising that he will not destroy Israel.  The sign of the covenant is the cross.  In Noah’s age it was the rainbow.  When the rainbow is in the sky, God looks at it, and remembers the eternal covenant between God and all flesh on the earth. Now the sign of the covenant is the cross.  When God looks at the cross, it is a sign of the covenant, and the promise that he will never judge all people. If you look at Jesus who was put on the cross and died in your place, from the time that you say that you believe in Jesus, God’s wrath will for sure not come upon you. Christ took everything upon himself, and received that punishment on the cross.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.  For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” (John 3:16,17)

Let’s read verse 10 together. “Though the mountains be shaken and the hills removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,says the LORD, who has compassion on you.”

“Though the mountains be shaken and the hills removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed.” (10) This love is called “Hesed” in Hebrew.  This is the mercy that God gives specially to his people.  This love has been given so we can love each other. Therefore, these are wonderful words. This is the love of God that is poured out on His people.  It is God’s mercy.  Also “nor my covenant of peace be removed.” (10) This “peace” is “shalom”. This is not just not having war and not having fighting, but a positive state of rightness and well-being. Such peace only comes from the Lord.

Is there anyone here that is concerned about problems of health or job or are carrying the load of problems at school? Is there anyone who thinks he is at the end of his rope and that God has abandoned him? Please be relieved. From the moment you believe in Jesus Christ you will enter into the covenant of the everlasting kindness of God. No matter what happens that promise will not be broken. “Though the mountains be shaken and the hills removed,” (10) you will definitely not be shaken. Therefore, even if before our eyes something that is unthinkable happens, even if you are suffering from something that you think that no one knows about happens, even if you are suffering so much that you forget about God, please remember that God’s “unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed.” (10)

イザヤ54:1-10 レジュメ

「あなたの天幕を広げよ」                  No.85












1.  頭と、ひげの疾患(29-37)

 まず29節から37節までをご覧ください。男あるいは女で、頭か、ひげに疾患があるときは、祭司はその幹部を調べます。もしそれが皮膚よりも深く見え、そこに細い黄色の毛があるなら、祭司は彼を汚れていると宣言します。これはかいせんで、頭またはひげのツァラアトです。「かいせん」とは、菌によって頭皮が犯される病で、辞書には黄癬(おうせん)という、とあります。黄色いかさぶたを形成する皮膚病ではないか、と考えられています。このような症状が見られる時には、祭司がそれを調べ、もしそれが皮膚よりも深く見えず、そこに黒い毛がないなら、祭司はそのかいせんの患部を七日間隔離します。これは他の症状が見られた時と同じですね。少し様子をみるわけです。 七日目になって祭司が患部を調べ、もしそのかいせんが広がらず、またそこに黄色い毛もなく、かいせんが皮膚よりも深く見えていないなら、その人は毛をそり落とします。ただし、そのかいせんをそり落としてはなりません。祭司はそのかいせんの患部をさらに七日間隔離して、七日目に祭司がまたそのかいせんを調べます。もしかいせんが皮膚に広がっておらず、それが皮膚よりも深く見えていないなら、祭司は彼をきよいと宣言します。彼は自分の衣服を洗います。彼はきよいのです。






 39節には「皮膚に出てきた湿疹」とありますが、これは、「尋常性白斑(じんじょうせいはくはん、:vitiligo vulgaris)」といって、皮膚色素をつくる部位の損失を不規則に引き起こす、慢性的な皮膚疾患のことではないかと考えられています。日本ではシロナマズとも呼ばれ、治りにくい皮膚病のひとつとされています。これは、ツァラアトとはことなる、単なる皮膚の変色であるから、問題ありません。きよい、と宣言されます。








 3.  衣服にツァラアトの患部が生じたとき(47-59)








イザヤ書54章1~10節 「あなたの天幕を広げよ」






これを他の言葉で言うなら、「とてつもない回復」というでしょう。かつてのイスラエルには考えられないほどの祝福がもたらされるのです。それは、今、住んでいるところが手狭(てぜま)になるほどです。そこで主はこう仰せられます。2節と3節ををご一緒に読みましょう。「2あなたの天幕の場所を広げ、あなたの住まいの幕を惜しみなく張り伸ばし、綱を長くし、鉄のくいを強固にせよ。3 あなたは右と左にふえ広がり、あなたの子孫は、国々を所有し、荒れ果てた町々を人の住む所とするからだ。」



















最後に7節から10節までをみて終わりたいと思います。まず7節と8節をご覧ください。「わたしはほんのしばらくの間、あなたを見捨てたが、大きなあわれみをもって、あなたを集める。 怒りがあふれて、ほんのしばらく、わたしの顔をあなたから隠したが、永遠に変わらぬ愛をもって、あなたをあわれむ」とあなたを贖う主は仰せられる。」






ローマ人への手紙5章6~8節にこうあります。 「 私たちがまだ弱かったとき、キリストは定められた時に、不敬虔な者のために死んでくださいました。 正しい人のためにでも死ぬ人はほとんどありません。情け深い人のためには、進んで死ぬ人があるいはいるでしょう。 しかし私たちがまだ罪人であったとき、キリストが私たちのために死んでくださったことにより、神は私たちに対するご自身の愛を明らかにしておられます。」



昭和29年9月に津軽海峡で洞爺丸事件が起こりました。これは青函連絡船洞爺丸が台風15号によって転覆し、死者・行方不明者あわせて1155人に及ぶという、日本海難史上最大の惨事となった事件です。この洞爺丸が、函館の七重浜(ななえはま)に転覆した時、救命具が足りませんでした。この時、この洞爺丸に乗っていた二人の宣教師ディーン・リーパーさんとアルフレッド・ラッセル・ストーンは、自分の救命具を、二人の日本人青年男女に、それぞれゆずったのです。 「今の日本に、若いあなたたちこそ必要なのだ」 と、宣教師は言ったそうです。この二人の宣教師は、異郷の海でその最期を遂げました。この時リーパーさん33歳、ストーンさん52歳でした。リーパーさんは奥様と四人の子供さんを遺して亡くなられたそうです。










Romans16:17-27 “The God of victory”

Up until now we have been studying the book of Romans.  Today is the end of Romans. I would like talk about “the God of victory”, today’s message title, from this passage. 

              If we compare our life of faith to the methods of car maintenance, notice that there are two types.  One is the maintenance type, and one is the repairing type. The maintenance type of person services the car before it breaks down or something happens so the car rarely breaks down, and has a steady car life. The repairing type of person is the kind who doesn’t react until something happens.  For example, until the snow falls, he doesn’t change the tires. Until the care breaks down he doesn’t service it. He’ll think about it when it breaks down, so at an important time, his car doesn’t move, and it’s broken down so he has a lot of troubles. What kind of type are you? Are you the type that before something happens you are always by prayer and the Word firmly armed?  Or are you like the type that until something happens, you don’t do anything?  At a short glance, even among people who are earnestly living a life of faith, in reality there are many cases of the repairing type. This type of people are praying for God to help them, but in reality they aren’t living by following the Word of God, but put their own thoughts first, so when something happens, they fall into a panic. When a problem occurs they call out to God, but when the problem is solved, they just stop praying. Since they are always repeating this pattern of faith everything is like a tornado.  However, the maintenance type is different.  Before temptation comes he prays, and he is armed in the Word so wherever he goes he can have victory by the power of God. He is not perfect, but basically he follows this pattern so in the midst of many trials he can have a life of thankfulness.  How can we have such a maintenance type of Christian life? Today I would like to talk about three aspects of this.


  1. 1.   The warning “to watch for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way.” (17) We must “be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil.” (19)
  2. 2.   Leave all in the hands of the God of victory.
  3. 3.   Live by the power of magnificent Gospel.



  1. I.            Being wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil (vs. 17-19)


First of all let’s look at verses 17 to 19.


Up to verse 16 Paul sent greetings to friends, and finished saying everything he had to say.  However, when you look at these greetings you can see that one more thought popped into Paul’s mind.  That is verse 17. That is in the Roman church there were some people that were spreading wrong teachings. In other words, a heretical flock had entered into the church.


              If we look at Galatians 1:6-8 we can see that Paul was in other areas very patient, but toward those who bent the Gospel, we can see that he took a very firm attitude.


Galatians 1:6-8


              Here Paul is calling this teaching “another gospel” (Galatians 1:6) Even though it is called “another gospel” that does not mean that there is a different gospel. It looks like the Gospel, but is a different teaching than the real Gospel.  When you listen well to what they are teaching it is a little different from what the Bible says, and there are people who plainly say things that deny the Gospel. Recently, someone said that they heard someone’s talk that in Japan there are 3 great shrines. One is Izumo Shrine which is God the father. Another is Hiyoshi shrine which is Jesus, the son of God, and the other is Kasuga Shrine which depicts the Holy Spirit and the person became confused. There are some people who advocate such things. Among those people who don’t know the Bible, when they hear such a story, they think that’s interesting, but it is clearly different than what the Bible says.  There are some people that          interpret the theory that Japanese Shinto was influenced by Judaism, but that is not the Gospel at all. Well, even if they don’t go that far as to denial the Gospel so plainly, and even if it’s like the contents of the Gospel, in reality there are cases when it is not the Gospel. Such a difference is a really small one, but in time it develops into a big difference so one needs to be careful. Paul is saying that if there are people that are preaching a different Gospel, then they should be “condemned”. (Galatians 1:8) Paul is this strict because of the Gospel being preached wrongly. Wrong teachings not only knock down one or two Christians, but the foundations of the entire church of God are shaken.  Therefore, the most fearful thing for the church is really not persecution from the outside, but heretical teaching within the church.  When there is persecution, it is amazing, but the church burns in enthusiasm. But when heretical teachings spread within the church, the church becomes sick and collapses. It is like a swarm of locusts that come at harvest time. Even though the farmers have worked on the crops for a whole year, the locust swarm comes at once and completely eats all of the harvest. In the same way the Word of God that was spread by sweat and tears is completely shaken, and God’s people are changed into servants of Satan.  That is what the Word that is bended and spread as heresies does.


              If we look at verse 18, their characteristics are recorded.


Verse 18


This type of person does not follow Jesus, “but their own appetites”. (18) They don’t follow the cross of Christ, but they are people who live following their own desires and own thinking. While they are saying this is the Gospel they are spreading a bent Gospel. Moreover, they use sleek and flattery words. It is difficult to distinguish whether it is a heresy or not. They are like Grimm’s fairy tale, “The wolf and the 7 kids”, where the wolf puts flour on his feet and then comes near the goat kids, so the kids carelessly open the door.


              The other day I heard this story from a Korean missionary that came to my house.  Recently in Korea there are a lot of these kinds of heretics. They look like sincere believers and enter the church. They study earnestly, help in the church, and even become officers in the church, but the moment they become an officer, they leave the church taking other believers with them. They use sleek and flattery words and deceive simple and honest people.


              In verse 17 Paul is advising to watch out for such people and to “keep away from them.” Paul definitely didn’t say, “fight with them” or “deal with them”, but advised “to watch out…keep away from them.” (17)This seems like such a passive way of dealing with them, but the Bible consistently teaches about heretics to “keep away from them.” (17) For example,


II John 1:10,11


Therefore, for us to stay away from people who teach heresies is wise. If not, people with wrong teaching will especially cleverly draw us into their side.  Often such people come to us.  They are out to get Christians.  Christians know the Bible somewhat so they think that to attack Christians is the quick way to find people to follow them. Also Christians are also nice so they think to flatly refuse to listen to their talking is bad.  Therefore, they listen to the heretics without thinking. However, such heretics are tools of Satan so they attack with exactly the same clever tricks as Satan.  While being in touch with each other the Christian begins to see how nice the other person is and all too soon the other person is setting the pace.  Towards such people, the best counter measure is to watch for them and to “keep away from them.”(17)


              Paul says in verse 19, “Everyone has heard about your obedience, so I am full of joy over you; but I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil.” It is dangerous to be just obedient. In order to stand firm in this world as believers we must “be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil.”(19) We must have wisdom to distinguish what is good and what is evil and also so that we don’t easily do wrong, we must carefully watch out for evil.




  1. II.          Leave all in the hands of the God of victory (vs. 20)


The second thing is to leave all in the hands of the God of victory.  Please look at verse 20.


In verses 17 to 19 Paul taught about what man should be careful about, but here he is stating that at the same time God’s help is necessary. Without God’s help, we cannot have victory over Satan. “The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.” (20) This expression is also in Genesis 3:15. This means that God’s                    victory over Satan who should be called the father of heresies will be fulfilled. Jesus by the cross and resurrection crushed the head of Satan, the enemy, and declared an absolute victory. However, in the end this will be completed at Jesus’ second coming. This will be “soon”.(20) Paul believed that the final victory of God would come “soon”.(20)


II Thess.1:8-10


Paul had hope in this.  Certainly the Lord will come.  That time is getting closer.  This is our real hope.  When we grasp onto this hope, we can rejoice in the Lord’s name, cry out to God, and praise Him. The contradictions and conflicts of this world cannot be solved by human resources and methods.  However, when our Lord Jesus comes again, then all absurdness and persecution by being righteously judged will become clear.  For Christians one of the most important things is to daily, keep awake and look forward to the coming of our Lord.  In our daily life if bad things happen or we are hurt, we don’t have to be discouraged or despaired, but can have faith and look forward to the fact that the Lord will righteously judge all things. This is a certain hope and the answer to our problems.  What is necessary is not working hard to solve the absurdities of this world, but to leave everything in the hands of the Lord who will victoriously “crush Satan under your feet.” (20)




  1. III.        Living by the Gospel (vs. 25-27)


The third point is to live by the Gospel.  Look at verses 25 to 27.  These are the last words by which Paul concludes this letter.


Verses 25 to 27


This is a benediction.  A benediction praises the glory of God. The benediction that closes the book of Romans has a lot of content, and is so long so the meaning isn’t so clear.  What Paul wanted to say is like what verse 27 says, “to the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ!” What “the only wise God” (27) is like is written in verse 25, He is “able to establish you”. How he is able to do so is by “the revelation of the mystery”.(25) In other words, it is “by my Gospel and the proclamation of Jesus Christ.” (25) Paul had assurance that the Gospel that was revealed to him and that he proclaimed was the real Gospel. It was by this Gospel that we are established. Therefore what Paul is saying is that by the Gospel that Paul is preaching, “to the only wise God” (27) “who is able to establish you” (25) “be glory forever through Jesus Christ!”(27)


The Gospel, indeed, is what establishes us in the faith.


Romans 1:16   


The Gospel is power. It isn’t just a notion.”It is the power of God for the salvation  of everyone who believes.” (Romans 1:16) For example, even if all around us is full of idols, and there are people who bend the Gospel, and even if there are people who are teaching things that look like the Gospel, but in reality is completely different, or if by that the church or society is in a condition of dried bones, the Gospel “is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.” (Romans 1:16) This is not an old story that has been passed down from 2000 years ago, but is alive now working and is the power that changes our souls and our lives.


Bounty is the name of a ship that in 1787 the English government that sent out with 100 people to Tahiti to pick up breadfruit plants, and transport them to the West Indies in hopes that they would grow there and become a cheap source of food for slaves.  When they arrived at the island it was like paradise and they became very excited .Especially the native girls were all very appealing.  However, gradually they began ignoring commands from their county. The relationships between the crew deteriorated. Especially, the relationship between the captain and his men became very tense.  The captain frequently punished and flogged his men and tensions arose. On April 5,1789, after five months in Tahiti, the Bounty set sail with its breadfruit cargo. On April 28th a mutiny broke out. Several of the crew men entered the captain’s cabin, awakened him, and pushed him on deck wearing only his nightshirt. The ship was taken bloodlessly and apparently without any struggle.  The mutineers ordered the captain into Bounty’s launch, and it was lowered into the sea. 


Immediately after setting sixteen men ashore in Tahiti in September 1789, nine mutineers, six Tahitian men, and 11 women, one with a baby, set sail in the Bounty hoping to elude the British Navy and avoid being caught.  The mutineers passed through the Fiji and Cook Islands, but feared that they would be found there.  Continuing their quest for a safe haven, on Jan. 15, 1790 they rediscovered the Pitcairn Island, which had been misplaced on the Royal Navy’s charts. They settled there enjoying the native women. As a result there was continuous fighting among the men. They made a still and began brewing an alcoholic beverage from a native plant.  The mutineers began drinking excessively, and the fighting increased. They killed each other and they made life miserable for the women. Finally there was only one mutineer remaining, John Adams. All the other Westerners had died and there were a lot of children of mixed blood to be raised.


However, 30 years later when an American ship passing by there landed on the island, they saw a surprising sight. There a sanctuary had been built and John Adams was the pastor.


John Adams had found a Bible in the Bounty.  When he started to read it, he was drawn to the Words. He repented and became a man of God. After that by the leading of the Holy Spirit, he taught the children of the island how to read, and he taught God’s Word the Bible.  The natives respected him, made him King, and obeyed him.  Then the island became a paradise.  That is the power of the Gospel, the power of one Bible.


Hebrews 4:12


“For the word of God is living and active.” (Hebrews 4:12)  By the Word of God, the Gospel, we are saved, changed, and are established in the faith. Also we are able to be victorious over all kinds of attacks by Satan.  Now, what God desires of us is for us to live by the Gospel


Romans8:35, 37


If we give our lives to God, and depend on the power of the resurrection, no matter what happens we won’t get lost. No matter what, we will never be devoured by it or destroyed by it. “We are more than conquerors.” (Romans 8:37) That is the message of the Gospel.


What do you desire in your life? Is it your thinking or your effort? That is important. However, there are times when only those things will break us.  Only by depending upon Jesus Christ who died on the cross and three day later rose again can we overcome all kinds of troubles.


In 1968 a scientist discovered a necklace made of seeds at an Indian grave that was thought to be 600 years old. The scientist took each seed and planted, and it sprouted and began to grow!  For 600 years the seed was in torpor (sleeping), but the seeds had life in it. The important thing is to plant the seeds.  If you plant the seeds of the Gospel in your heart, no matter how much you are sleeping, you too will sprout, grow, and bear the fruits of an abundant life. This seed has the amazing magnificent power of God in it. Now, plant this seed in your heart and also in the society that we live in.  If we do so, the omnipotent God will work, and perform a great work.

Romans16:1-16 “Great fellow workers”

Finally all we have left of Romans is chapter 16. Today let’s study about the great fellow workers from the first half of the chapter.

              When we read the Bible sometimes there are passages that are full of only names.  Matthew chapter 1 is like this.  It is all about whose child is whose child.  There are some people who decide to read the Bible, but in the first chapter they think it is boring and quit reading.  Luke chapter 3 is another enumeration of names.  Especially Chronicles is difficult to read.  I Chronicles from chapter 1 to 9 is nothing but names. This type of passage is even difficult for pastors to read.  Such records seem like just unessential passages that have just been added on.  It seems like they serve no purpose. Therefore, we tend to skip over them and go on to the next chapter.  However, this Romans 16 passage isn’t a meaningless record.  Here is a record of the great workers that worked with Paul and helped his ministry.


              Today let’s study 3 aspects of the great fellow worker’s ministry. Let’s look at


1.    the woman Phoebe who helped many people


2.    Priscilla and Aquilla who were faithful fellow workers


3.    the great fellow workers in Rome




I.               The woman Phoebe who helped many people (vs.1,2)


First let’s look at verses 1 and 2.


Paul at the end of this letter is sending greetings to many people in the Roman church. Here 28 people’s names appear.  Paul had never been to Rome, not even one time, so it is surprising that he knew so many people and had so any friends.  More than that what is surprising is that Paul gave personal regards.                            .


First the woman Phoebe is introduced.  She was from the area of Corinth from the Cenchrea church. She was a deaconess. The meaning of deacon is “servant”.  I don’t know if this is the same as present day deacons or church officers, but she took care of many people.  By this meaning, it could be said that she grandly fulfilled her duties as a deaconess.


In verse 2 it says, “I ask you to receive her in the Lord in a way worthy of the saints…“ so she probably took the letter that Paul had written in Corinth to Rome. Romans, that we are reading, was probably carried by Phoebe.  If we look now at the number of pages, these 16 chapters are a very thin book.  In that age everything was recorded on scrolls so it would have been enough to fill about 2 furoshikis (a huge traditional scarf used in Japan to carry loads). When we entrust a letter we to someone, we choose someone we can trust.  Paul trusted Phoebe deeply enough to leave his precious letter up to Phoebe to deliver. In an age where the human rights of women were very vague, to have been trusted that much could be said to be a revolutionary thing.


One other way Phoebe is introduced is as “a great help to many people, including me“. These words show that she was a financial supporter. The apostle Paul in the beginning while preaching the Gospel supported himself for his living by being a tentmaker. However, gradually as time went on, he became busy with the work of the Lord, and he couldn’t work for his living. At times like that Phoebe filled his financial needs. Not only Paul, but with the money that was given to her, she helped many workers that served the Lord. 


When Jesus and his disciples evangelized how much do you think it cost?  There is an economist who figured that if one meal was 300 yen per person, then one meal for everyone would be 3,900 yen. Then one month would be more than 300,000 yen. Therefore, one year would be 3,600,000 yen.  Jesus was the son of God. However, when he was preaching the Gospel of the kingdom on this earth he didn’t go without eating, he had to eat.  How were his meals paid for?  If we look at Luke 8:3 there were sponsors that backed him up.  They were “Mary (called Magdalene) from whom seven demons had come out; Joanna the wife of Cuza, the manager of Herod’s household; Susanna; and many others“. Many women paid for the expense of the work of Jesus and his disciples so the work of Jesus and his disciples was possible.

Phoebe was the same.  She financially supported Paul and many workers. Paul and the workers had this kind of support so Paul didn’t have any hindrances. Also they were able to concentrate on evangelism without worrying about anything.  Such contributions to the work by these women were huge. Today too by the dedication of people like these women the might works of God move forward.




II.             The faithful fellow workers, Priscilla and Aquila


Next, let’s look at verses 3 to 5. Here the beautiful work of the faithful fellow workers, the couple, Priscilla and Aquila are introduced.


In Acts 18:1-3 we can see that Paul already knew Priscilla and Aquila.  When he visited Corinth on his second missionary trip, they had already come there from Rome and Paul met them there. They also were tentmakers. They were such good friends that Paul lived in their house and worked together with them there. Then Priscilla is introduced as Aquila’s wife, but gradually they are introduced as not Aquila and Priscilla, but Priscilla and Aquila. Priscilla’s name is given before Aquila’s.   I don’t know why they were introduced that way, but I think it was perhaps because the wife Priscilla more than the husband, Aquila, had a better understanding of the Gospel that Paul explained or perhaps this shows that her work was assessed as better.  However, I think that even though her understanding of the Gospel was better, or that she was more zealous in the work, here it shows that it must be remembered that this work was as a couple.


Paul is saying about Pricilla and Aquila are people that “risked their lives for me.” (3)  Paul is saying that they went so far as to for the sake of Paul’s life to put their own life on the line. Priscilla and Aquila were such faithful fellow workers that Paul felt this way. This is how beautifully dedicated the couple was before God.  The presence of such a couple is such a huge consolation and encouragement to a pastor.


There is one more important thing about the couple, Priscilla and Aquila.  That is in verse 5. “Greet also the church that meets at their house.” Their house was the church. It was a house church. Church buildings like today were not built until much later, in the second century. At that time there were hardly any churches that had a building.  Therefore, like this, believer’s homes were used as churches.  They were all house churches.  If in open homes people met in the name of Jesus Christ, then that was a church.  The couple, Priscilla and Aquila, wherever they went they opened up their home and it was a place of worship.


This teaches us that we must open our homes.  It is a huge blessing for Christians to open their homes for worship and fellowship. This in itself is a splendid work of God.  Especially in Japanese churches which are so small that the ministry is almost like doing church planting it is said that the presence of such home churches are extremely important.  By Christian homes being opened like this and the seeds of the Gospel being planted there, lots of fruit is produced. While remembering this, let’s like the couple, Priscilla and Aquila, while opening our homes for the work of the Lord, let’s desire to want to contribute to the evangelism of the Gospel.




III.           The great fellow workers (vs. 5-16)


Next, let’s look at the last half of verse 5 to verse 16.  Here in addition to Phoebe and Priscilla and Aquila, people that served Paul are enumerated. While remembering those fellow workers who were engraved in his heart and he could never forget, he says to the Christians in the Roman church to “Greet” them.


First Paul says to greet Epenetus. This was the first person that believed in Christ in Asia.  This is one person that Paul could never forget.


The next person that appears is Mary.  Here it says, “Mary, who worked very hard for you.” (6) Phoebe too, Mary too, also Junias, Tryphena, Persis, Rufus’ mother, Julia,and Nereus’ sister were all women.  Such women while having great hardships supported Paul’s ministry.  In that age the human rights of women were so low that a Roman philosopher caused a debate over whether women were human or not.  In such an age that women supported Paul’s work meant that they had hardships, but even in the midst of that the women supported Paul.


And then if you look at verse 7 Anronicus and Junias appear “Who have been in prison with” Paul. They were also well known among the Apostles. Paul probably remembered the good and bad times they shared preaching the Gospel.  Moreover, Paul said, “They were in Christ before I was”(7) showing his respect towards those  who were in the faith longer than him.


Also in verse 10 Apelles is introduced. He was “tested and approved”. No matter where he was sent, he was o.k. and everyone approved of him. He was a splendid Christian, a real Christian.


In the Roman church there were many people like this.  We also know that  among them there were people that Paul had probably never even met one time.  Even those whom Paul had never even met one time, he considered them as fellow workers in Christ.  In other words, he didn’t think about what kind of a relationship he had with them, but in the Lord, in Christ, he understood them as fellow workers.


All people have people they blend with and people they don’t blend with.  Probably Paul was the same.  However, he didn’t put his thinking first, but persistently looked at them through Christ. When he looked in Christ, in the Lord, even a person he didn’t blend with, that person is also a fellow worker in Christ. He was conscious that in the Lord the person was a chosen believer. Therefore, he used such people, and worked together with such people.


Here many believer’s names are enumerated to teach us this.  In other words, God’s work is definitely not something that one person can do.  The Apostle Paul was so.  You may have an image of Paul being someone who lived completely for Christ, who could overcome anything, a super star, a hero that did everything that God wanted, etc.


However, looking at this passage we can see that the reason he was able to accomplish all that he did was because he had the help of such people.  Here at least 28 people’s names appear. If in the Roman church that he sent the letter to there was this many people that he needed to record, then within his lifetime there must have been so many fellow workers that he had a relationship with. The ministry of Paul was not by the power of he himself.  In the shadows he was supported by the help of many fellow workers. In a way it could be said they were with him working in a team ministry.  In this way when the Church works functioning as one team, many times more work can be accomplished than what one person could do by himself.


If we look at Acts 6:4, when a problem arose over the distribution of food to the widows in the Jerusalem church, the apostles asked the church to “choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom.  We will turn this responsibility over to them, and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word.” This does not mean that prayer and the Word of God is the only thing that is important, but that so the Apostles could give their strength to prayer and the Word of God, they gave all the rest of their jobs in the church to other people.  He used other people and worked together with other people.  This produced many times greater power.  In fact, by the church having everyone working together, not only did the number of disciples in the Jerusalem church greatly increase, but “a large number of priests became obedient to the faith.” (Acts 6:7)

Eccles. 4:6, 12


The strongest string is not a thick one, but “a cord of three strands” (Eccles. 4:12) If the Pastor together with the laymen evangelize as a cord, then they will be really strong, and have huge power.


Everyone doesn’t have to become a pastor.  Not everyone has to go to seminary and study.  However, we all need to become fellow workers that help their neighbors. As a layman you can grandly do the work of the Lord.  God is seeking this type of dedicated people.  He desires that so called laymen leaders will rise up.  It is only natural that the pastor serve the Lord faithfully, but when laymen leaders as fellow workers serve the Lord faithfully, the church will be abundantly blessed, and will move powerfully ahead.

Paul remembered such fellow workers individually and said “greet” them.  This “greet” was not just saying “hi!”  This is to recognize their hardships, and respect them from their hearts. To follow the Lord there are many hardships, but such rewards are also promised.  May we each accomplish the commission that God has given us, and be a great fellow worker used of the Lord.  May you be a person that won’t be forgotten because of the grace you have given and be carved in other’s hearts.  Rather, let’s pray that we will be a person whose name is not forgotten, but is engraved in the Lord’s heart.

Romans15:22-33 “Living for God’s commission”

Today I would like to talk about living for God’s commission.  We all have been commissioned by God.  We have been commissioned to preach the Gospel.   If we forget this commission, then we loose our purpose of living and lack a feeling of joy in living.  On the other hand, those who on fire for this commission, and respond by using  what they have been given to fulfill the commission, are overflowing with joy.

              Today I would like to talk about three things that we can learn from Paul who lived for God’s commission. 


1.              The church has been given a commission to preach the Gospel of Christ.


2.              In order to accomplish this commission, Christians must be united in love.


3.              However more than anything what is important for this is prayer.




I.               The commission of the church (vs. 22-24)


First please look at verses 22 to 24. 


Paul wanted to go to the Roman church many times, but he was never able to do so. That was because the circumstances of evangelism on the Mediterranean Coast at that time didn’t allow it.  Until then the churches that were established by the evangelism of Paul had various problems occur.  He had to deal with solving the problems.


II Cor. 11:28, 29


Paul had had troubles and struggles, pain and sorrows concerning the church that he couldn’t tell anyone about. He was so busy dealing with such issues, that he was never able to get to Rome. 


However, when things settled for the time being, the Gospel mission progressed a lot to the point that Paul could say, “But now that there is no place for me to work in these regions.” (23) Paul is writing this letter from Corinth so “these regions“ are the Mediterranean Coast, the area of Achaia, Macedonia, and Asia.  He had evangelized enough to say he had evangelized enough there so next he was going to leave for Rome planning to make it the base for the mission, and go as far West as Spain.


These words are really surprising:


1.          that he could say positively that “there is no place for me to work in these regions“. (23) It was because he had zealously preached the Gospel that he could say that.  Of course Paul could not have done that all by himself. We must not overlook              the fact that he was backed by the whole Gentile church of that time which was aware of the commission of world missions and worked together for its realization.  In this way, he was able to spread the Gospel to the whole area without leaving anyplace out.


2.           that he was going to leave for Spain and spread the Gospel there.  According to the maps of that time, that was the most Western area.  In other words, he is saying that he is going to ends of the earth to evangelize.  Even though this was the ends of the Roman Empire, Spain, when you think of the transportation system of that age, it would not be exaggerating to say that in the present day world this would be further than the whole world.  We respect him for his passion to go that far to spread the Gospel.


He held such a thought because he lived for the commission that God had given him.  Jesus’ words of Acts 1:8 captured his heart.


Acts 1:8


This was the command that Jesus gave his disciples before he ascended into heaven.  The Apostle Paul holding on tight to these words went to Jerusalem and spread the Gospel. Later he went to Asia and went around as far as Illyricum, present day Yugoslavia. He went that far to spread the Gospel. And that wasn’t the end.  Next he thought he would go to where the people of his day imagined was the ends of the earth, in other words, Spain.


Habakkuk 2:14


Paul gave his whole life so that the vision that the whole world would know the Lord’s glory would be realized. He lived for this vision and died for this vision. 


However, this commission is not just for Paul.  This commission has been given to the whole church. The commission of the church from the moment the church was born on this earth, has been to preach the Gospel to the whole earth.  Therefore, if we loose sight of the commission and do not fulfill this commission, then the church is a useless, and is looses it meaning for existence.


Recently it is said that a lot of people are suffering. This is the result of not knowing their purpose of living. They don’t know for what purpose they exist.  Those who have no purpose most live for themselves.  They are interested in themselves. Therefore, when things don’t go the way they want them to go, then they are troubled. However, there are more things that don’t go the way you want them to go.  In fact, most things are that way. Therefore, instead of living for ourselves, we need to live for the Lord who made us, loves us, and gave his life for us. The Lord wants us to think about what we need to do so we can live for Him.  We have been crucified with Christ and died with him. Now we live for God who loved us and gave his life for us. We need to do away with our self that tries to do this and that, and live by the will of God.  We shouldn’t live by our own thinking and feelings, but leave all to the will of God, and live by His leading. By this our reason for living is born.


As Christians who have been saved by God, it is necessary to live searching for what we can do. That’s because that’s the reason that we are living.  If we know God’s commission and live for it, God’s huge blessings will be overflowing.




II.           The unity of love (vs.25-29)


Please look at verses 25 to 29.


Paul who thought of going to Spain to evangelize had one thing that he had to do first. Before going West, he had to East one time.  He had to bring                the offerings from the Gentile churches to the Jerusalem church.  At that time the Jerusalem church was a gathering mainly of Jews that had become                  Christians. When they became Christians they were persecuted and there were many that lost their jobs so they were forced to have very difficult lives. On top of that the area was hit by a famine so the Christians in the Jerusalem church were very                    poverty stricken. Therefore Paul appealed to the Gentile churches who were comparatively rich to collect offerings. Then the Christians in Macedonia and Achaia joyfully answered Paul’s appeal.  That was because they felt a natural obligation that they should do so. They received a share of spiritual things from the Christians in Jerusalem so they thought it only reasonable that that they bring material goods and look after the Christians in Jerusalem. The principle of sharing our possessions is a principle that the Bible teaches.   


Galatians 6:6


This is the meaning of this verse.  There is a deep meaning to why Paul who was so on fire to evangelize in Spain would take the time to take the offerings from the Gentile churches to Jerusalem.  That was the importance of fellowship with the other Christians.  Paul believed that to bring the offerings to the poor Jerusalem brothers and sisters and support them was to partake in the grace of Christian fellowship. He says this in II Cor. chapters 8 and 9. Indeed, their offering was work of the ministry of supplying what was needed, and by doing that the church was able to remain unified.  As I mentioned earlier, Paul’s work of missions was not accomplished just by himself. He was certainly backed up by many prayers and the help of the bothers and sisters.  Certainly it was because of the unity of the brothers and sisters that the preaching of the Gospel moved forward.  For the evangelism of the Gospel the unity of love is always needed.


Therefore, please notice that the Apostle Paul’s evangelism wasn’t just striving to preach the Gospel, but he always kept a close relationship with the center, the Jerusalem church. When his first evangelical trip was over he returned and reported to the Antioch and Jerusalem churches. And while sharing everything that God had done through them, they praised the Lord.  The second evangelism trip they did the same.  When Paul finished the second evangelical trip also he went to the Jerusalem and Antioch churches and reported. Again when the third evangelical trip was finished in the same way, he returned to the Antioch and Jerusalem churches and reported.  Paul’s plan was to go towards Spain, the ends of the world, but at the same time to help out the brothers and sisters in the Jerusalem church.  That was to help the Jerusalem church that was suffering from a terrible famine, but by doing so to receive the blessings of fellowship and so that he would be sent out in prayer to evangelize.




III.        Please pray (vs. 30-33)


One other thing that is necessary for fulfilling the commission of preaching the Gospel is prayer.  In verses 30 to 32 Paul is earnestly asking the Christians in the Roman Church for something.  That is to pray for him.  He asks them to pray that he would “be rescued from the unbelievers in Judea” (31) and that his “service in Jerusalem may be acceptable to the saints there” (31) and that as a result he would be able to go to Rome with joy and meet together with them. That was because Paul himself believed in the power of prayer, and lived by prayer. Therefore, Paul asked, “ join me in my struggle by praying to God for me.” (30)


Ephesians 6:12


To win this struggle, we must pray. That is because the struggle with Satan isn’t a battle that we can win by human knowledge or strength.  Without God’s help we definitely can’t win. Therefore, we must pray.  Prayer means that we don’t have confidence in our strength, but depend upon God.  Then when we pray, God hears our prayers, and works. The power of God that works through prayer is really strong.


Before in the age of Moses, Israel when the Amalekites came and attacked the Israelites at Rephidim, Joshua and the men fought the enemy at the bottom of the hill and Moses put his hands up and prayed at the top of the hill.  When Moses held up his hands and prayed the Israelites were winning, “but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning.” (Exodus 17:11) Therefore, in order for Israel to win, Moses had to keep his hands up and pray. His hands grew tired and kept lowering so Aaron held up one hand and Hur held up the other. Because of this Joshua was able to have victory over the Amalekites.  God who answered Moses’ prayer had fought with the Amalekites. If we pray to God, God will work and bring victory.  If we pray to God, we can fulfill this difficult commission of preaching the Gospel.


Here Paul says, “Join me in my struggle by praying to God for me.” (30) This is a difficult thing to say. If anything, pastors try not so show their weaknesses. However, here Paul says, “Join me in my struggle by praying to God for me.” (30) He is asking for prayer.  This may have been because he was humble, but more than that it was because he fully aware that it was a spiritual battle.  He recognized the situation he was in and what was needed to fulfill the job. More than anything else he knew well that prayer is essential. He felt that as a pastor, and as a spiritual leader he was the most sought out by Satan and without prayer, he could not be victorious.


Satan is out to get the pastor. He knows that if he can knock down the pastor then the sheep will be driven asunder.  I think the pastor is under more daily temptation than anyone else. Therefore, we must pray for the pastor that he does not fall into Satan’s schemes.  Please pray for me.  Also let’s pray for God’s blessings on each one of us.  Then let’s pray that the church will fulfill completely the commission we have been given and answer God’s expectations.

Lastly I would like to share a story with you.  There were 2 wood cutters. One wood cutter worked earnestly 8 hours straight without even stopping for 1 minute.  The other wood cutter worked 8 hours, each hour working for 50min. and then taking a 10 minute break. Which wood cutter do you think cut the most trees?  The wood cutter who took the breaks.  The wood cutter who had worked earnestly all day with no breaks thought that was strange and asked the other wood cutter why he was able to cut so many trees.  The other wood cutter replied that when he took his breaks he sharpened his saw. This is an important answer. This is something that we can say of Christians too.  In our lives running hard is important, but we need time to sharpen the saw.  For Christians the sharpening the saw time is daily prayer. It is coming before the Lord in worship.  It is meeting together weekly in prayer.  No matter how busy we are, this time is important.  For soldiers of Christ who are demolishing the works of Satan, prayer is an essential spiritual armor. Let’s engrave in our mind that by  arming ourselves strongly we can do a huge work, not neglect prayer, and with a burning passion let’s fulfill the commission of preaching.

Romans15:14-21 “The surpassing grace”

We are finally nearing the end of the book of Romans.  In this final part Paul is explaining once more the reason why he wrote this letter. The reason we touched on in chapter 1 verses 8-15., but here the contents are explained a little more fully              and so that the plan will be fulfilled, he requested the people in the Roman Church to support him in prayer. The plan was that the Gospel would be preached to the Gentiles.  Paul as a person, who had received grace from the Lord, was appointed as an apostle to the Gentiles and served the Lord fervently.  By the help of the Holy Spirit, he continued the work of preaching from Jerusalem to Illyricum. As a result he had fulfilled the duty he had to Eastern half of the Roman world. Next he wanted to go to Spain to preach the Gospel to the rest of the Western half of the Roman world.  He told the Roman church about such an evangelistic plan, and he wanted them to pray for that. For Paul the greatest joy was preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  The surpassing grace was that God was using him for that.

              The same is true of us too. We were saved for the purpose that through us God’s work of salvation will be preached to other people, and they will be led to the salvation of Christ.  We are to live a life of being like a mirror reflecting God’s glory.  We were saved for the purpose.  If that is the case, like Paul we want to live preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ as a surpassing joy.


              Today let’s learn three things from Paul’s evangelical spirit.


1.              Paul’s commission that he was given was to be a priest of God, so that the Gentiles might become an offering acceptable to God, sanctified by the Holy Spirit.


2.              The power to accomplish the commission is the power of Christ’s signs and miracles, by the power of the Holy Spirit.


3.              Paul answered this commission by preaching the Gospel where the Gospel had never been preached which is a spirit of a church planter. Such a passion bore beautiful fruit.




I.               Fulfilling the duties of a priest (vs. 14-17)


First please look at verses 14 to 17.  Here it tells us that Paul’s commission that he was given was to preach the Gospel to the Gentiles.


Here Paul is saying in verse 14, “”I myself am convinced, my brothers, that you yourselves are full of goodness, complete in knowledge and competent to instruct one another. “ As Paul says what he is going to say to the Romans, he doesn’t have a blaming attitude or tone of voice, but begins by recognizing them. The most important thing for a person to become stronger is for that person to be recognized.  When a person is recognized he splendidly accomplishes everything, and exhibits a spirit of loyalty                               and a sacrificial heart that goes as far as sacrificing his life. Paul used this principle and began recognizing them.  I think that is because Paul wanted them to understand what he is saying.  His desire was that the Gospel would be preached.  In verse 16 he says, “to be a minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles with the priestly duty of proclaiming the gospel of God, so that the Gentiles might become an offering acceptable to God, sanctified by the Holy Spirit.“ The grace that Paul received was being a priest of God and preaching the Good news to the Gentiles.  This was so that they “might become an offering acceptable to God, sanctified by the Holy Spirit. “ (16)


We tend to think that grace is to receive some kind of material blessings, or that where ever you are going that doors will open, but the surpassing grace is to preach by your own lips the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Of all the things that we experience in this life the most wonderful grace is to preach the Gospel of Christ.  There is no greater grace than to be used by God for this commission. 


I Timothy 1:12-16


Paul is thankful to Jesus Christ because Christ considered Paul faithful, appointing Paul to his service. Before he disgraced God, and persecuted the Christians, and lived as an enemy of God.  He was the sinner of sinners. He was by the mercy of God forgiven of his sins, and made a preacher of Christ’s Gospel.  This was a grace deeper than any words can express.  Paul with great emotion makes this confession.


It is a blessing to be used. When we are used by God, we must be thankful. More than being thankful for the many gifts that we are given, it is important that we have joy in the fact that we use what God has given us for God’s glory.


That is because we have been called for this.  Please look at verse 16.  Here it says, “with the priestly duty of proclaiming the gospel of God“. This tells us that the status of a Christian is that of a “priest”. 


I Peter 2:9


Here it says, “a royal priesthood”. (I Peter 2:9) God is calling us “a royal priesthood”. (I Peter 2:9) The most important duty of a priest is to offer the sacrifices.  The sacrifice to be offered is the Gentiles. If we apply this to ourselves it would be the people that are not saved yet, non Christians. When we worship to bring non Christians and to make them God’s people is to offer sacrifices.  To evangelize many souls and bring them before Jesus Christ is the supreme sacrifice, the thing that pleases God the most.  If you think about your family, it is easy to understand I think.  The family is the happiest when a new baby is born.  The church is the same. When a new life is born in the church and that person shares the same faith and the same vision, the church is overflowing in joy. Without this something is missing in the church.  No matter how often you meet together and even if you party together, there is no real joy.  A priest in this way brings non Christians, makes them the people of God, and offers sacrifices.  As a priest of God, we are each called to testify that Jesus Christ is the Savior. This is not just the pastor.  The pastor too, the laymen too, all Christians are to do so.  All Christians are priests of God, and must fulfill this duty.


When Satan attempts to overthrow the church, the first he aims at is getting only a few people to run around. Only some believers evangelize and he gets them to think that all they have to do is enthusiastically grind their faith.  Then he makes those people exhausted, discouraged, and depressed. He makes them think that no matter what they do it won’t do any good; that evangelism in Japan is too difficult. However, this is all wrong.  Evangelism isn’t a special work, but all Christians have been given this duty.  If a soldier fights all by himself, he won’t win the war. A war is an all-out war. By all who have believed in Jesus Christ as their Savior fighting together are we able to turn away Satan.  For the church what is important is not how many people are meeting in the church, but how many people are set on evangelism and are being sent out for that purpose.  And we are all God’s priests sent out for that purpose. This was for Paul the thing that he was the most interested in, and it was grace.


What are you interested in? Are you interested in preaching the Gospel? We don’t all live the same life as Paul.  However, our God is the same God that Paul believed in and led Paul and gave Paul purpose and vision in his life.  If so, we should have the same interest. We should not be unrelated to fulfilling our duties as God’s priest.




II.             By the power of the Holy Spirit (vs. 18-19)


Next let’s look at verses 18 and 19.


Here it tells us how Paul was able to accomplish the evangelism of the Gentiles. “what Christ has accomplished through me in leading the Gentiles to obey God by what I have said and done-by the power of sign sand miracles through the power of the Spirit.” (18, 19) As a result he began from Jerusalem he was able to go “all the way around to Illyricum” (19) fully proclaiming the Gospel of Christ. Illyricum was a Roman province north of Macedonia which is now present-day Albania and Yugoslavia.  It was 1,500 kilometers away from Jerusalem the way the bird flies.  He began from Jerusalem and went to such a place fully proclaiming the Gospel of Christ. If we look at verse 23, we see, “But now that there is no more place for me to work in these regions”. Therefore, he made plans to go to Spain. At that time Spain was on the Western frontier. In an age where transportation was not developed, it’s amazing that the Gospel was preached that much! Where did that power come from?  This was the power of Christ. Christ accomplished this by the words and deeds, and by “signs and miracles through the power of the Spirit”. (19) It was not by the power of Paul.  Christ used Paul to accomplish his own works.


Acts 1:8


“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you” (Acts 1:8) and you will be able to be the Lord’s powerful witness. Wherever you go, he will give signs and miracles. Where the Gospel is preached, such works occur. 


In Acts 13 it is recorded that when Paul and Barnabas were sent out from the Antioch church and crossed over to Cyprus, there was a confrontation with a sorcerer named Elymas. When the proconsul, Sergius Paulus was listening to Paul talk about the Word of God Elymas “opposed them and tried to turn the proconsul from the faith.” (Acts 13:8) Then Paul full of the Spirit looked straight at Elymas saying, “You are a child of the devil and an enemy of everything that is right! You are full of all kinds of deceit and trickery.  Will you never stop perverting the right ways of the Lord? …You are going to be blind, and for a time you will be unable to see the light of the sun.” (Acts 13:10, 11)  The proconsul who was surprised by this event was amazed and was amazed at the Lord’s powerful teaching so he entered the faith.


At Lystra there was a man who was lame from birth sitting there listening to Paul’s talk. Paul “saw that he had faith to be healed” (Acts 14:9) and said to him, “Stand up on your feet!” (Acts 14:10) and the man jumped up and started walking. The amazed crowds thought that Paul and Barnabas were the gods, Zeus and Hermes and “wanted to offer sacrifices to them”. (Acts 14:13) Paul and Barnabas rushed out and told them to stop doing such a stupid thing. Paul pleaded with them saying, “We are only men, human like you.  We are bringing you good news, telling you to turn from these worthless things to the living God, who made heaven and earth.” (Acts 14:15) and some people entered the faith.


On the second missionary trip in Philippi when Paul casted out the demon from the slave girl, her master who had lost all hope of making money brought charges against Paul and Silas and they were put in prison. Even so when Paul and Silas were praying and singing praises in the prison a miracle happened.  There was a huge earthquake and the foundations of the prison were shaken, and all the doors of the prison flew open. The Jailor who saw this thought that the prisoners had escaped. If a prisoner escaped. the life of the guard was demanded. Therefore, he started to kill himself when Paul shouted, “Don’t harm yourself! We are all here!” (Acts 16:28) The jailor rushed to where Paul and Silas were, bowed down trembling and asked, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” (Acts 16:30)  They answered, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved-you and your household.” (Acts 16:31) The jailor’s whole family was saved.


In the course of time the boat that Paul was in going to Rome in was shipwrecked, but miraculously they were saved. When they arrived on the Island of Malta, “Paul gathered a pile of brushwood and, as he put it on the fire, a viper, driven out by the heat, fastened itself on his hand.” (Acts 28:3) Then “Paul shook the snake off into the fire and suffered no ill effects.” (Acts 28:5)


If we look at the Book of Acts, there are lots of such miracles.  It is just like what Jesus said in Mark 16:17-18.


Mark 16:17-18


It is in places where evangelism is taking place that such powerful acts occur.  That is because evangelism is the work of Holy Spirit.  This was the power of Paul’s evangelism.




III.           The spirit of church planters.


Last let’s finish by looking at the motivational power of the Gentile evangelism.  Let’s look at verses 20 to 21.


“To preach the gospel where Christ was not known” (20) was in the Gentile world, but this is one and the same with world evangelism.  Also “so that I would not be building on someone else’s foundation” (20) and “Those who were not told about him will see, and those who have not heard will understand” (21) refers to church planting.  Paul was burning with a vision for world evangelism and church planting. In an age where transportation was undeveloped I am impressed with the huge vision that he had. More amazing is that he actually tried to accomplish it.  His spirit of church planting came from seeing things from God’s viewpoint, thinking about what was the will of God, and trying to live by that.  It is not a matter of whether he could do it or not. It depended upon what the will of God is. Then if that was the will of God, a passion sprung up that no matter what he needed to accomplish it.


I Timothy 2:4


The will of God is for “all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth”. (I Timothy 2:4). Also God desires that those who still haven’t heard the Gospel will hear it, and that they will come to know God. Now what God desires of us is that we look at things from God’s eyes and then that we do it.


After the war many missionaries with sweat, tears, and sacrifices spread the Gospel in Japan.  When Japan was destroyed by the war, and feeling empty psychologically, many missionaries came to Japan and eagerly spread the Gospel.


The missionary F.B. Soley was a pioneer. He came to Japan in 1948.  He stood on the corner of Tokyo which had been burnt down and in English preached the Gospel. While playing the accordion he sang and preached using a translator. 


When his work of preaching was finished in Tokyo, he moved next to Wakayama and eagerly started tent evangelism. When questioned why he picked Wakayama, he answered that when he checked into it the two places with the fewest Christians were Tomiyama prefecture and Wakayama prefecture.  Missionaries from Canada were going to go to Tomiyama prefecture so he decided to go Wakayama prefecture.  What a spirit!  After the war evangelism in Japan was done by such missionaries who were overflowing with a spirit of church planting that proclaimed the Gospel


Now the present day has changed. However, no matter how much the age changes, there is a changeless principle.  That is the spirit of a church planter. That is a passion to spread the Gospel in a place that the Gospel has not been proclaimed in before. If you look at the situation in Japan it can not be said that it will certainly be easy.  However, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. The Lord, Christ, is with us. Being supported by the power of the Lord let’s accomplish the commission given to us. This passion for saved souls will be the motivational power so we will be able to overcome all difficulties, so that from the center of the world, Rome to the ends of the earth, the Gospel will be proclaimed.

Romans 15:7-13 “The God of Hope”

Paul who devoted a lengthy percentage of the letter to the Romans to talking about the unity of Christians finally talks about his conclusion.  That is to be careful not to have your eyes on the wrong things.  Look at God.  Depend upon God.  That is because God is the God of hope.  Look at verse 13.

              Human endeavor or policies can’t bring about unity in the church.  God gives the unity.  Therefore, we must not have our eyes on the differences in each other, but must look to God and depend upon God.


              Today let’s look at 3 points about the God of hope


  1. 1.   Accept one another just as Christ accepted you.
  2. 2.   God accepted us so that God would be glorified. God being glorified is what is important.
  3. 3.   Therefore, let’s depend upon the God of hope.



  1. I.            Just as Christ accepted you (vs. 7)


First let’s look at verse 7.


“Then” (7) refers to all that Paul said about the unity of Christians which takes up a lengthy percentage of the letter to the Romans. The way Jesus accepted us is to be the model for all Christians, the key to all solutions.  Here it tells us “Accept one another, then just as Christ accepted you.” (7) In chapter 14 we learned how Christ accepted us. In chapter 15 Christ appears as dying in our place.  Christ died for those whose faith was thought to be weak. Not only that, but he also died for those whose faith was thought to be strong.  In other words, Christ died on the cross in exchange for the sins of all people. He loved us so much as to give away his life.  How can we judge someone that Jesus loved so much that he died for him! 


Until I believed in Jesus I really didn’t know how great the cross of Christ was.  However, I believed, was saved, and gradually, I was able to realize the greatness.  God’s love is so huge! He loved us when we didn’t deserve it. He continues to love us, forgive us, and accept us even now. This huge love is the foundation of our fellowship.  If we judge a person that God loves this much then we are the person that is the big problem.  In the church we are apt to judge people who are different from ourselves, but this is the result of the left over sin that we still have left in our hearts how. We must not forget this reality.


We are all sinners. We are flesh and blood humans put together having faults, defects, and weaknesses. We definitely aren’t saints. There is no one that is perfect.  Therefore, it is inevitable there are things about other Christians that you don’t like, or that you can’t accept, and it is difficult to like them.  However, Christ accepted us so much! That it so that we will love each other and accept each other.  The problem is that it is hard to stand in the love of the cross.


John 13:34


This is the will of God.  This is only possible to do by standing in the love of our Lord who said, “As I have loved you” (John 13:34)  In other words, whether we have accepted the love of Jesus’ cross will determine whether an attitude of loving each other will appear or not. “As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” (John 13:34) This is the key to unity in the church.




  1. II.          God being glorified is what is important (vs. 8-12)


In verses 8 to 12 Paul is talking about the necessity of Christian unity from another angle. That is to glorify God.


Here it tells us how Christ accepted us.  First look at verse 8 and it says, “Christ has become a servant of the Jews.” Christ was born as a Jew and was born into the Jewish community because this was promised in the Old Testament. That Christ would be born as a Jew was the fulfillment of the promises made to them.


However, Jesus didn’t just accept the Jews, but also the Gentiles.  Verse 9 says, “So that the Gentiles may glorify God for his mercy.”  Christ died on the cross not only for the Jews, but so that all people will know the truth and be saved. It is so that the Jews and the Gentiles “with one mind and one voice…may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (6) To demonstrate this Paul quotes in verses 9 to 12 four Old Testament passages.


  1. 1.   Vs. 9                             Psalms 18:49       This is a prophecy of David that the name of Lord would be praised among the Gentiles. The name of the Lord will be praised among the Gentiles too.
  2. 2.   Vs. 10                            Deut. 32:43         Both the Gentiles and the Jews will rejoice.
  3. 3.   Vs. 11                            Psalms 117:1       This too is a prophecy that the Gentiles will praise God.
  4. 4.   Vs. 12                            Isaiah 11:10        This too is a prophecy that the Gentiles will praise God. “The Root of Jesse” refers to the Messiah, but this Messiah was for the Gentiles. He was the hope of the Gentiles and would come for the purpose of saving the Gentiles.  This was prophesized long, long ago. Even the Gentiles who didn’t know the real living God up until now, will “sing praises to him.” (11)  

In other words, both the Jews and the Gentiles were accepted by Christ so that “with one mind and one voice” (6) they might “glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (6)


              I think some of you may have noticed this about this passage, but up until now Paul has been talking on the theme of those of strong faith and those of weak faith accepting each other, but here he is not talking on the level of weak and strong people, but has moved his theme to the unity of the Jews and Greeks. For the Jews and Greeks to be unified was unthinkable.  They had a relationship like water and oil that can’t be unified.  However, by Christ being put on the cross, he “has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility” (Ephesians 2:14) and peace has been realized.


Ephesians 2:14-18


              This means it is not impossible to become one in Christ.  In other words, what is important is to seek to keep our eyes on and worship God. This is everything.


              It is o.k. to have different thinking about little things. However, what is important is to keep our eyes on the most important things.  If we really keep our eyes on the most important things, then the little things won’t matter to us anymore. The important thing is to keep our eyes on and worship God. If we live seeking this then the trivial different points that occur among people will not concern us at all and we can accept each other.




  1. III.        Keep you eyes on the God of hope (vs. 13)


Therefore, the third point is to keep your eyes on God.  Don’t let the differences between you and others or your emotions flourish, but keep your eyes on God.  That is because God is the God of hope.  When your eyes are looking in that direction, for the first time you are able to accept the other person.  Please look at verse 13.


Here Paul is calling God “the God of hope”. (13)  In verse 5 he said “the God who gives endurance and encouragement”. The God of endurance and encouragement can give us hope. The God of the Bible that we believe in is more than anything “the God of hope”. (13) “The God of hope” (13) is the God that can give us hope. Man all live with some kind of hope.  If you have no hope, you are not able to live. Even if you are alive, you will be a living corpse.


During the second World War, the German Nazis sent the Jews to the concentration camps where they were killed and died.  Among them there were a few people who survived. Almost without exception those who survived had some clear hope like that God was going to save them, or that they were going to see their family again. Hope gives us strength to live.


However, there are all sorts of hopes like the hope to become a millionaire or the hope to be famous, or a hope for an easier life. .Such a kind of longing or desires or ambitions can temporarily give us satisfaction, but it won’t continue. Therefore, such hope ends in despair. However, the hope that God gives definitely never ends in despair.  That’s because God is “the God of hope” (13), the source of hope. There is a real God who made everything out of nothing who is the source of “hope”. When we depend on him, “hope does not disappoint us”. (5:5)


Also when we look at Romans 5, we can see that God’s love is poured into our hearts so “hope does not disappoint us”. (5:5)


Romans 5:5-10


God didn’t for the righteous man or a good man, but when we were “still powerless” (5:6), “ungodly” (5:6) “still sinners” (5:8), moreover “enemies” (5:10) God loved us. “God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (5:8) “For if, when we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!” (5:10) 


Moreover, the absolute evidence that our “hope does not disappoint us” (5:5) is the fact of Christ’s resurrection.  Christ rose from the dead confirms that the hope of Christ can’t be locked up by anything and also that hope is eternal.  Therefore, those who hope in Christ, their “hope does not disappoint ” (5:5) them.


God gives this hope.  And Paul prays that “the God of hope” (13) will fill the Roman church’s members “with all joy and peace” (13) so that they might “overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (13)  It was not by their effort that they will have hope, joy and peace, but by faith, and by the Holy Spirit. After all it is “the God of hope” (13) who gives us such things and we must depend upon God.  Problems that cause us to lose hope arise in the church and we fall into despair. By depending on “the God of hope” (13) we are given joy and peace and we “overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit”. (13)


This is not just in the church.  In our life over and over again things happen that cause us to fall into despair, but at such times “the God of hope” (13) by the power of the Holy Spirit, continues to give us hope.  The problem is where are eyes are looking.  If our eyes look at such problems we will fall into despair, but if we look at God, we are given hope.


When David was hated by King Saul, his life was on the stake, and he wandered 10 years in the wilderness of Judea. H“rest in God alone” (Psalms 62:1)e confessed in Psalms62:1-8 about where hope and salvation came from when he was in the midst of life’s trials.


Psalms 62:1-8


David in the midst of the trials in the wilderness, he found “rest in God alone” (Psalms 62:1). To find “rest in God alone” (Psalms 62:1) is to put complete trust in God, and do away with all human power, and earnestly turn out hearts toward the Lord, and seek salvation only from the Lord.  The word used for “rest” (13) actually means “silence”.  To be silent means Don’t murmur or complain. Don’t do evil. A person that depends upon God is content with doing just that so he can be silent.  David in the midst of an attack by Saul’s army confessed in verse 6 of Psalm 62, God “alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.” When many thoughts floated to the surface, like the flow of the river, he was able to just rest and move with the flow. He poured out his heart to God.  To rest in God isn’t to put a lid on your emotions. It is to give to God all the anxieties, anger, and sadness that rise up.  By pouring our hearts out before the Lord like this causes the storms of emotions to calm.  By looking at the realities of life we lose heart. If we aren’t quiet before the Lord, we worry about what others are thinking and become a slave of men.  Then we lose peace.  Therefore, in the background of what we are seeing, we must be looking at God. “He alone is my rock, and my salvation; he is my fortress” (Psalm 62:6) “my refuge” (Psalm 62:7) By looking to him, and depending upon him we will be given the perfect answer.


Where are you looking? What are you depending on?  Just as David found “rest in God alone” (Psalms 62:1) and depended upon the Lord, let’s trust in the Lord. That is so that “The God of hope” (13) will by the power of the Holy Spirit pour out hope upon you.